Posts Tagged ‘Jer’
November 23, 2017 5:46 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0161_001_FireflyTally might not be able to join us in person this year at Desert Bus for Hope but that doesn’t mean her presence isn’t felt.

We get to have a chat with Jer and Tally on stream today and to celebrate that we have this Firefly Dicebag and Cushion Cover.The cushion cover (actual cushion not included) is 14″x14″ and the drawstring bag stands 7″ tall. To celebrate the freedom of space we’re giving this away as a donation drive.

As an added bonus, to FILL this dice bag will be Jeremy’s HEAVILY used GenCon exclusive dice. Jeremy is also adding in his PERSONAL copy of Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle, a DnD 5th edition book that actually predates 5th Edition RELEASING.

Any donations of $8.25 or multples thereof until 6PM PST will enter you for a chance to win this lot!

November 15, 2015 6:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Jeremy “J. Michael Petter” Petter

Jeremy Petter

Driving since: 2008
Points: 10
Crashes: 4


Theme Song: Fade Away by Oasis

First Crush: Ashley Judd in that TNG episode, ‘The Game’

Why “J. Michael Petter”?
I used J. Michael Petter in the earliest LRR videos because I thought it sounded pretentious and because it evoked J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5 and writer of a bunch of awesome things.

How he feels about driving for Desert Bus 9:

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:

  • Working on iOS apps at a cool consultancy called Metalab
  • TAing at the Lighthouse Labs developer bootcamp in Vancouver
  • Trying to find a video game to fill the hole left by Destiny
  • Scheming schemes involving Dungeons and/or Dragons
  • Playing with magical cards
  • Tinkering with various app side-projects
  • Baking
November 15, 2014 10:00 am
Posted by: Heather


Jeremy Petter

Driving: Saturday, Nov 15 10am – 10pm

Driving since: 2008

Points: 10

Crashes: 3

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:

Running Quality Assurance at Metalab and Flow, streaming, dungeon mastering Temple of the Lava Bearsor buried in a book.

Special Skills:

I am bad at everything, but I will try almost anything. I have sung and improvised songs, rapped, improved, played video games with my feet, dressed up like a sparkly vampire and created horrible games for our donors and my cohorts. I also designed the Desert Bus app (everyone drink).

He’s a total geek for:

D&D (and roleplaying games in general), Magic cards, video games (especially retro console games), John Bellairs novels, and ducks.

Claim to Fame:

Yes, I am one of the guys on episode 5 of the A Life Well Wasted podcast. How many people can say that they got to be on the best podcast ever? Sounds like a rhetorical question, but it’s probably around 20.

Biggest fear about driving for DB8:

That Rosco will end up like Samantha at the end of Her. He’s getting pretty smart—it could happen :O!

If he was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable he would want to be:

A Jalapeno – so I can be super hot

Favourite Cheese:

Stilton, because who doesn’t like the blues

Doesn’t want you to know he listens to:

Anything by Hoodie Allen

His “moves like Jagger” are more like:


To prepare for driving the bus he is:

Preparing myself to spend hours making almost zero progress by grinding in Destiny.

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?

A duck in front of a comet

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November 13, 2014 5:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Here are your drivers for Desert Bus 8!

You’ll notice that some shifts are shared. Both drivers will be present for the entirety of the shift. There are also 4 shorter shifts on Sunday to give some of our crew who have other Desert Bus work to complete during the run an opportunity to drive.

Click on each driver’s name to learn a little more about them.

Driver(s) Start Time End Time
James Friday, Nov. 14, 10:00am Friday, Nov. 14, 10:00pm
Beej Friday, Nov. 14, 10:00pm Saturday, Nov. 15, 10:00am
Jer Saturday, Nov. 15, 10:00am Saturday, Nov. 15, 10:00pm
Ian & Johnny Saturday, Nov. 15, 10:00pm Sunday, Nov. 16, 10:00am
Kara Sunday, Nov. 16, 10:00am Sunday, Nov. 16, 1:00pm
Ashley Sunday, Nov. 16, 1:00pm Sunday, Nov. 16, 4:00pm
Liz Sunday, Nov. 16, 4:00pm Sunday, Nov. 16, 7:00pm
Ash Sunday, Nov. 16, 7:00pm Sunday, Nov. 16, 10:00pm
Alex Sunday, Nov. 16, 10:00pm Monday, Nov. 17, 10:00am
Kathleen Monday, Nov. 17, 10:00am Monday, Nov. 17, 10:00pm
Ashton Monday, Nov. 17, 10:00pm Tuesday, Nov. 18, 10:00am
Tally Tuesday, Nov. 18, 10:00am Tuesday, Nov. 18, 10:00pm
Matt & Cam Tuesday, Nov. 18, 10:00pm Wednesday, Nov. 19, 10:00am
Kate Watt Wednesday, Nov. 19, 10:00am Wednesday, Nov. 19, 10:00pm
Graham Wednesday, Nov. 19, 10:00pm Thursday, Nov. 20, 10:00am
Paul Thursday, Nov. 20, 10:00am THE END