November 15, 2021, 3:11 am
Posted by: Matthews


A giant thank you to one of our generous prize sponsors, Roxley Games Laboratory!

Roxley Games specializes in games that are innovative, well-developed, and highly-polished. At Roxley, they pour their heart and soul into every game they have the opportunity to work on. Some board games you might have played recently that they’ve published include Dice Throne, Santorini, Brass: Lancashire, and Gorilla Marketing.

Thank you Roxley Game Laboratory for your support of this year’s Desert Bus for Hope!


November 15, 2021, 1:39 am
Posted by: Matthews


As you explore the Zone, a voice bellows from the shadows. “You… why are you here?” It’s not about how you face your fears, it’s how you survive them.

Chernobylite is a science-fiction survival horror experience, mixing free exploration with RPG elements, where the choices you make matter. Every day brings new threats, be it low supplies, an unexpected military patrol, or the supernatural creatures that lurk in the shadows. Find resources, build your team of companions, and you might survive to reveal the area’s secrets.

This lot features a collectors edition of Chernobylite, including a copy of the game and additional loot, including an artbook, t-shirt, gas mask, and more. This is an exclusive edition of the game that is no longer available!

Sign up for or log in to your Donor Account, then donate $7.86 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this giveaway until 3:45am PST.

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November 15, 2021, 12:25 am
Posted by: Matthews

We at Zeta Shift have been hard at work trying to figure out who, indeed, is that Animorphs. Sometimes it’s a squid. Sometimes a bee. Sometimes a horrific nightmare of a pre-teen turning into a mouse. But for this Animorphs, rather than Marco, Cassie, or Jake, it is ZETA. Your art challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to create art of a member of Zeta shift ‘shifting’ into their Animorph form. Does Carrie turn into a cat? Is Beej a secret tardigrade? Is Heather a hummingbird? It’s all up to you!

This art contest will run until 5am PST. Please submit your entry in the form of .jpg, .gif, or .png to [email protected], with the subject line “Animorph Crossing. Please include which name you would like to be referred to on screen if you win!!!

But what do you win, you ask? You will win a Desert Bus 2021 t-shirt in the size of your choosing by Fangamer, as well as this year’s shiny gold DBloon!!


November 15, 2021, 12:17 am
Posted by: Soraya

Our journey through the stars continues, even though today we were beset by an Invasion of the Q. As if the Chat Continuum weren’t enough lovable chaos! The crew has begun to act… oddly.

Ian somersaults onto the screen from the right side, then takes a seat on the couch. Andrew is wearing a Q costume: flowing black and red robes with a hat shaped like a mortarboard.

Opening Credits!

Despite these irregularities, we were able to raise the Grand Nagus on Comms to introduce our new silent auctions.

In true Starfleet fashion, we chose to maintain our neutrality in the Kindness War.

We had a very artistically fulfilling evening, beginning with Lt. Cori reciting her favorite poem!

The crew also rejoiced when we received a new Holodeck program from The Garages, which we immediately activated to view their performance. The Chat Continuum expressed their approval of this performance by helping The Garages hit #1 on Bandcamp!

We’re positively spoiled for good music on this ship. Max played their fiddle for us again – and broke the mic again. Their power is over 9000!

Ensign Ben also provided us with a broad artistic review of Thwomps over Time. It was a most edifying lecture.

We also found out where our lost crewmate, the King of Spades, has gone through an art contest! It seems he’s been spotted all over the galaxy, so we assembled a document of notable sightings.

And then this happened.

Ian stands holding a box with his face on it, and an open mouth. The Ianhole. A purplish ball of sticky slime flies from off-screen and adheres to Ianhole's left ear.

We made slimes and then threw them at things. Like Ian’s face! For the record, the crew of the USS Tucson is 99.9% certain that no changelings were harmed in the yeeting of these slimes.

We’ll see where our adventures take us tomorrow!

November 14, 2021, 11:12 pm
Posted by: Soraya

We hoped this art contest would reveal the King of Spades’ location so we could track him down and find him but… at this rate, we think he’s having so much fun that we’ll just leave him alone. He’ll come back when he’s ready. If he’s ready?

Anyway, here are the results of tonight’s Night Watch Art Contest!

Winner: Briar

In a reference to a classic painting of Napoleon on his horse, the King of spades is riding a horse. His human face has been replaced by the card. The horse has a human hand for a face, as well as hands for all four of its hooves. It's standing on a barren landscape in front of a smooth white humanoid face that is featureless except for the relaxed mouth.

Well, we’re horrified now. Thanks Briar and we hope you enjoy the shirt you won at the cost of our collective sense of safety!

Honorable Mentions

The Honorable Mentions are plentiful (and even include a song), since you all are so clever and talented! Thanks to everyone who sent an entry in for this contest. We loved all your King of Spades art and all the forms it took!


November 14, 2021, 9:41 pm
Posted by: Soraya

Do you want your deck to be MORE METAL!? Would your deck not last three seconds in a mosh pit!? THEN YOU NEED THIS PRIZE!!!!

A highly decorated card stands in front of a pitch black box. The card is labeled "Anguished Unmaking" and features elaborate golden wings decorated with four human skulls.

The Unfathomable Crushing Brutality of Basic Lands and Party Hard, Shred Harder sets feature the MOST METAL basic lands of ALL TIME and also five classic cards with BRUTAL ART! Tell your opponent that you mean business and that they are in for some PAIN!!

Donate $6.66 or multiples thereof by 11:00pm PST! YEAHHH!!

November 14, 2021, 9:21 pm
Posted by: Soraya

Get in on this silent auction action before 2:00am PST to take home one of these bee-yoo-tifully crafted prizes!

Paper Mario Blanket

A crocheted blanket that shows Paper Mario about to hit a question mark block. Mario is trailing a rainbow behind him as he moved, and the green grass and blue sky around him are broken into triangular bits, like folded paper.

This beautiful blanket measures 1.3m x 1.7m (4.2′ x 5.6′), just the right size for a queen bed, and it’s made from acrylic yarn that you can machine wash cold. You might think paper shouldn’t go through the washer, but Mario is resilient! Just be careful not to turn this blanket sideways because you might lose sight of it and never be able to figure out where it went.

Current Bid: $3,210.00


Warhammer 40k Desert Bus Combat Patrol

A collection of 14 Primaris minis, painted in Desert Bus colors, standing in front of a red transport bus with the Desert Bus logo on its side.

In a grim and distant future, the Desert Bus has taken on shall-we-say a more aggressive look, but rest assured that this tough-looking crew is still about having fun and helping the children. These hand-painted minis feature Desert Bus shift emblems and a transport with the DB logo.

Current Bid: $1,725.00

November 14, 2021, 8:08 pm
Posted by: Soraya

The Garages are joining us on Night Watch right now for a musical interlude!

They’ve also got a veritable treasure trove of Desert Bus merch, including a rad shirt/poster design by roux arlen (@RATWEDNESDAY), and a cassette tape (the classics!) which will include all the tracks from this year’s show as well as last year’s show. All of the proceeds from these sales will be donated to Child’s Play!

A bold, colorful poster shows a bus cresting a hill in the middle of the desert. A blue dragon grabs for the bus with its forepaw, snarling. The text reads "The Garages vs Desert Bus"

Tune in now to enjoy the show, maybe grab a band shirt, and don’t forget to tip your bus driver.

November 14, 2021, 7:27 pm
Posted by: Soraya

Last night, the USS Tucson lost a crew member. Well, maybe “misplaced” more than lost. We wouldn’t want to be misleading. The point is, we don’t know where he is or what he’s doing. But maybe you do? Hence tonight’s art contest: show us what the King of Spades has been up to!

A classic King of Spades card: a man with shoulder length hair, short curly beard, and oiled moustache holds a sword and wears a red cloak embroidered with spade symbols.

He looked like this when we last saw him, but he may have adopted a new identity by now.

How it Started | How it’s Going – A King of Spades Story

Once you’ve finished your piece of art, please email them to us at [email protected] and have the subject line be King of Spades. Make sure we RECEIVE the email by 10pm PST!

In the body of the email also make sure to include your Desert Bus For Hope username, your chat name, or whatever else you’d like the be called out loud on stream. Thanks in advance for letting us see what the King’s been doing!

November 14, 2021, 6:32 pm
Posted by: Soraya

We’d like to take a moment to thank one of our returning Prize Sponsors for this year’s Desert Bus for Hope: Heroic Replicas!

Heroic Replicas logo: a quartered heraldry shield. The emblems on each quarter, clockwise from top left: a sword hilt, a magic staff, a ray gun, and a horned helmet.

Heroic Replicas specializes in accurate replicas of fantasy, sci-fi, action and adventure props and accessories. They have a number of projects on the go that they’ve always wanted to do. They make realistic props from the movies, shows, comics, and video games that made them into the people they are today.

In addition to commissions, they have an online store where you can buy high quality trinkets and DIY kits, such as Charon’s Obol from Hades, or a Mermaid’s Pendant from Stardew Valley, or a Winged Strawberry Decal from Celeste. Or… reminder, you can get all three in a special Desert Bus bundle, currently on sale in the Heroic Replicas store!

Thank you Heroic Replicas for your continued support of Desert Bus for Hope!