We now have DB2021 merch available for our fans in the EU and UK!!!
Desert Bus for Hope will be offering its 2021 Merch Collection for sale to customers exclusively in the UK and EU, starting on May 2nd 2022 at 15:00 UTC, at store.desertbus.org
And now, a word from our Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why is the Desert Bus for Hope 2021 Merch Collection being offered again?
A: During DBfH 2021, shipping to the UK and EU was disabled for all products on the LoadingReadyRun Store, which includes merch for Desert Bus for Hope. So UK and EU customers could not purchase anything from the store due to the changes in the VAT collection laws. We have, however, found a solution for our fans in the UK and EU.
Because of the VAT laws in UK and EU countries, retailers normally have to collect and remit VAT at point-of-purchase (usually along with customs fees, duties, and other fees involved in shipping). However, a retailer can instead choose to ship a product without collecting VAT (and duties, etc.) and the country’s customs agency will hold the package, assess the taxes/fees, and collect them directly from the customer before releasing the package. This will likely also include a holding fee from the post office for managing the duty. This process is called shipping “Delivery Duty Unpaid” and we will be shipping all packages to the UK and EU as DDU.
Q: I live in the UK or EU. How much will I be paying for shipping/taxes/duties/customs fees/etc.?
A: All packages are shipped to the UK and EU Delivery Duty Unpaid (DDU), so we do not have any estimates on what you will be paying. Unfortunately, we’re not able to calculate that for you.
Q: Why is the Desert Bus Merch collection open ONLY to UK and EU customers?
A: We held a percentage of merch items back from the initial sale, so that UK and EU fans would have a chance to purchase merch at a later date. Since they weren’t able to purchase anything during the run itself, it’s only fair to give them their own Exclusive Merch Window.
Q: If you have merch left over, what will happen to it?
A: We like to sell as much merch as possible, so we will make it available at a later date TBD to all customers worldwide (or at least the ones our fulfillment company can legally ship to).
Q: What merch does this include?
A: This includes the pin, poster, playmat, DBloon, and water bottle offered during the 2021 run, plus the USS Tucson playmat and poster. This also includes other miscellaneous Desert Bus merchandise from previous years that we still have in stock.
Q: Does this include the 2021 T-shirts?
A: Unfortunately, no. The T-shirts are produced and sold independently by Fangamer and are not offered through the LoadingReadyRun Store.
Q: Can I bundle this up with other LoadingReadyRun merchandise?
A: It’s all from the same store, so yes, you can. Bundle away!
Q: How long will this merch be on sale for?
A: That’s a very good question, and one I (Andrew) really should have asked Beej before posting this in the middle of the night. I can now confirm that sales will open for one week!
Thank you all for your patience while we got this figured out!! We’re so glad we can offer our UK and EU fans the merch they have been craving for so long!!