November 15, 2016, 11:07 pm
Posted by: Tim

0296_001_KaladeshSet4Hey, like playing Magic: the Gathering? We know many of you do, so for those looking to add some new cards to your collection or just want some sweet M:tG swag, we’ve got this collection of items from the latest Kaladesh release. This collection includes a playmat, booster box, and the newly-created Kaladesh bundle. This makes this collection great for new players and experienced players alike!

Donate $5.55 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this donation drive until 12am PST.

November 15, 2016, 10:19 pm
Posted by: Tim

156_001_AstroHeadsetLook super stylish while rocking out with this wonderful set of Astro A38 Wireless Headphones! Donated by Penny Arcade, this set comes with three sets of custom tags that you can use to customize your headset to match your style.

Donate $8.30 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this giveaway! We’ll run this donation drive until 11pm PST.

November 15, 2016, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Jordan

James Portnow will be calling in at 12:00am PST on Wednesday, November 16th.


James Portnow is an active member of the indie games community, a lecturer on on game design and game culture, and writer of hit web series Extra Credits. The over 300-episode video series takes a deep dive look at games: how they are made, what they mean, and how we can make them better.

Have a question for James? Leave it in the comments below.
November 15, 2016, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Alex Steacy & Ian Horner

Driving: Tuesday, Nov 15 10pm – Wednesday, Nov 16 10am

Alex Steacy

Driving since: 2012
Points: 5
Crashes: 0

Alex is composed of a lightweight magnesium chassis driven by linear actuators and is protected by 22mm of chobham armor. At least he would be if that design wasn’t scrapped in favour of tin and rubber bands.

It’s Desert Bus’ 10th year:

His first memory of Desert Bus:
Trying to play along from Toronto during Desert Bus 2. We didn’t score a point.

Favourite DB gif:


Ian Horner

Driving since: 2013
Points: 4
Crashes: 4

In 2010 Ian stepped onto the Desert Bus and found himself trapped in the bus, driven by an unknown force to change history for the better. Ian continues driving, striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping each time that his next shift will be the drive home.

It’s Desert Bus’ 10th year:

His first memory of Desert Bus:
Remixing a version of “Re: Your Brains” from source material and Graham performing as Billy Mays.

Favourite DB gif:

November 15, 2016, 9:58 pm
Posted by: Jordan
Kara and Kate’s shift saw us firing off two art challenges. The first one was to make a Lineart Superhero, and we had a few amazing entries!

The real surprise came though when the SECOND art challenge was announced. For this one we wanted our younger artists to take a shot at colouring in these beautiful line arts!












Kris Straub called in fresh from Desert Kris 11. He took a break from his neverending Sandstorm in order to answer some questions from all you and give us some fresh dance moves.



















We also had a lovely in-person visit from founder of Penny Arcade AND Child’s Play Charity, Jerry Holkins. Despite worrying us thinking he had gone to the wrong “Canadian City starting with a V” he made it safe and sound and spent the afternoon with chat. We took the man to the store for the first time, and found out he had quite the singing voice!

Now this might look like an “ordinary” dance party…well ordinary for us at any rate. Graham asked us to go put on some silly costumes and prepare for a “high energy” dance party (as if we do anything else?!) However we were surprised when we finished and Graham got on the mic, and by proxy, officiated a proposal. Ken and Heather, we hope that our silly dancing made a great moment for you, there were several damp eyes behind the scenes here at Desert Bus!



November 15, 2016, 8:37 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0275_001_KaladeshSet1We are running our final Donation Drive of the shift! This Kaladesh pack of fun  includes a booster box of Kaladesh, a Kaladesh Bundle, and a playmat featuring the Noxious Gearhulk.

Any donations of $9.19 or multiples thereof until 9:45 will enter you for a chance to win!

November 15, 2016, 8:06 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0259_001_SOIEscapeArtFresh from the halls of Markov Manor on the plane of Innistrad, this beautiful painting of Declaration in Stone comes in a gorgeous frame and uhhh….Oh right this is one of a kind from the escape room at Grand Prix Bologna.

Not only is the painting gorgeous, but it actually folds OPEN to reveal a full sized print of Declaration of Stone in Italian.


This live auction is happening any minute so get those bid hats ready and your donor accounts linked!

November 15, 2016, 7:27 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0163_001_HobbesWe all need a best friend, and for one young boy in a comic strip, this was his.

Hobbes, of the beloved comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, has made his appearance in the Lunar Module Mk.3 for a brief stay before going to a new home.

Any donations of $8.85 or multiples thereof will enter YOU for a chance to win Hobbes and bring him back home!


November 15, 2016, 6:24 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0200_001_LimitedEdPAlotWe have a fresh new Donation Drive coming your way and boy is it spicy! Including Polygon 2015, the DSB LE pin, and even the 2015 New Year pin, this Pinny Arcade lot is full of EXTREMELY hard to obtain Pins that were printed in limited quantities.

All you have to do for a chance to win is Donate $6.07 or multiples thereof until 7:00 PM PST for your chance to win.

November 15, 2016, 5:55 pm
Posted by: Jordan

We had so many wonderful entries from our younger viewers that it was hard to pick just one to receive their very own Fangamer Desert Bus 10 T-Shirt (that they might have to grow into).

Lexi (8) JayaBallard

Congratulations to our winner, Lexi!

We are excited to share all of our great entries below the break!
