November 14, 2021, 2:13 am
Posted by: Matthews


Welcome to the Chickobo Shift Parade! Each Desert Bus for Hope shift now has a chocobo chick representative! Orange for Dawn Guard, red for Alpha Flight, blue for Night Watch, purple for Zeta Shift, and chaotic rainbow for the inevitable Omega Shift. Each chick also comes with their own shift banner attached to stands via magnets. You know what that means? You also get epic ‘fridge magnets!

Each chocobo chick is lovingly constructed with acrylic yarn, polyfil, wired poseable feet, and semi-precious stone eyes (jade, obsidian, tiger’s eye and amethyst). The banners are constructed of felt with embroidered detailing, and reasonably powerful magnets sewn between felt layers. Stands are made of wood, clay, and iron wire for the magnets to easily stick to, with tiny green trees to mark their front side and dark green velvet underneath to assure no furniture will be harmed in the display of your magnificent parade.

Sign up for or log in to your Donor Account, then donate $5.55 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this giveaway until 4am PST.

November 14, 2021, 12:37 am
Posted by: Matthews


Donated by our friends at Wizards of the Coast, is this Midnight Hunt Premium Foil Full Set The nights on Innistrad grow longer and longer, and the humans fear that the sun may one day never rise. They turn to a desperate ritual to try and return balance to Innistrad, but all around them the creatures that hunt them in the dark close in. This full set of Innistrad: Midnight Hunt includes one copy of every card in the main set in premium foil. (Does not include alt-art or borderless versions.)

Sign up for or log in to your Donor Account, then donate $7.13 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this giveaway until 2:00am PST.

November 14, 2021, 12:20 am
Posted by: Soraya

This time, on Night Watch…

Ian, an inflatable t-rex (with Andrew inside), and Graham all dance. Ian and Graham are wearing their red Star Trek uniforms. The T-Rex flails wildly as it appears to deflate.

Our discussion of the merits of root beer somehow led us to crime.

We enjoyed our visit from Tabitha Sheehan (via the Telepresence Robot), who joined in our Star Trek poker game.

Max fiddled. Then fiddled again later in the evening, this time so hard they broke the micMax fiddles in their red Star Trek uniform in front of the Desert Bus for Hope logo.

We also played “What animal are you” for every Desert Bus Shift.

Finally, as we all say: Ajony.

November 13, 2021, 10:58 pm
Posted by: Soraya

You seem like a nice sort, so we’re gonna let you in on a little secret: there’s some great prizes available right now in the Silent Auction, but they’ll be gone in just three hours. Quick!

Portal Mittens

Two gray mittens outlined in orange and blue. One has an orange portal with a black human shape emerging from it, and the other has a blue portal with the same human shape stepping inside. The bottoms of the mittens are ringed by gray and pink companion cubes.

If you put a pair of portals on your hands and then stuck one of your hands into one of the portals, what exactly would happen? Would your hand come back out of… itself?

You can investigate first-hand if you bring home these Portal Mittens and you’re willing to put your body on the line. For science. And the children? For the science children.

Current Bid: $1,200

Desert Bus Shift Banner Biscornu Set

Four roughly pentagon-shaped biscornu lie side-by-side, displaying the logos (left-to-right) of Dawnguard, Alpha Shift, Night Watch, and Zeta Shift.

These pincushions are so cute that you’ll hate to put any pins in them. Luckily, they also make great decorations and conversation starters! The only thing they can’t do is be hackey sacks: we’ve been specifically warned.

Current Bid: $1,100.11

November 13, 2021, 10:19 pm
Posted by: Soraya

If you’re gonna stay up late with Night Watch (and we’re glad you are!), then how about getting into some vampire action?

A box of "Vampire: The Masquerade Vendetta" stands on its side next to a felt black bag with gold tokens spilling out of it. Arrayed to the right-hand side there's a collection of play-mats and cards.

Sink your teeth into Vampire: The Masquerade – Vendetta and strive to become the next (vampire) ruler of Chicago.

Donate $7.73 or multiples thereof by 11:30pm PT to win your crown!

November 13, 2021, 9:30 pm
Posted by: Soraya

We’d like to take a moment to thank one of our Prize Sponsors for this year’s Desert Bus for Hope: Nix of Nothing!

Logo: Nix of Nothing by M. Lee Lunsford. The logo is on a black background, with the words "Nix" and "Nothing" outlined in blue. A skull sits in the center of the word "Nothing." All the other text is white.

This weekly webcomic is the latest adventure tale from M. Lee Lunsford, whom you may also recognize as the creator of the annual Desert Bus poster. Demigod Nix was supposed to enjoy a life of freedom from divine expectations, but all that changed when an unknown divine force targeted them. Now they must journey to see if they can find peace once again.

Thank you Nix of Nothing and M. Lee Lunsford for your support of Desert Bus for Hope!

November 13, 2021, 9:20 pm
Posted by: Soraya

We must be driving through an empty canyon, because we swear that there’s an echo when we shout. Listen, see if you can hear it:

Humble Bundle Bundle undle, undle, undle…

Logo: "Humble Choice" in a swooping, casual font. On a black background, the word "Humble" is in white while "Choice" is orange.

Oh gosh. Maybe we should have kept our voices down, because here comes an avalanche – of games! This year’s Humble Bundle (undle undle undle) contains wonderful games such as Carto, Unpacking, The Wild at Heart, and Dodgeball Academia. If we get out of this canyon safely, it could be yours!

Donate $5.14 or multiples thereof by 10pm PT to catch this landslide of goodness!

November 13, 2021, 8:02 pm
Posted by: Soraya

You got your D&D in my Magic! You got your Magic in my D&D!

A box of Magic: the Gathering booster cards with a Dungeons & Dragons crossover theme. The box art features a Beholder (giant eyeball with tiny eyeball stalks on its head) casting magic at a party of adventurers.

We’re giving away a Magic booster set featuring the wonderful world of D&D, with 30 set booster packs that each have 12 magic cards, 1 art card, and 1 token card. If you’re lucky enough to win this set, you’re probably lucky enough to get some real winners in the set, don’t you think?

Donate $8.89 or multiples thereof by 8:45pm PST for a chance to win!

November 13, 2021, 7:36 pm
Posted by: Soraya

We’ve been driving this bus for a day now to raise money for the children, so we’re happy to welcome a special guest from Child’s Play: Tabitha Sheehan!

A tele-presence

Tabitha (she/her they/them) has been the Community and Program Coordinator for Child’s Play for three years, which means she manages Amazon wishlists for the hospitals and collaborates with streamers like ourselves – among many other talents! Welcome to the USS Tucson, Tabby!


November 13, 2021, 6:42 pm
Posted by: Soraya

We’d like to take a moment to thank one of our returning Prize Sponsors for this year’s Desert Bus for Hope: The Garages!

Logo for The Garages: the frame of a house with a silhouette of the Seattle Space Needle behind it. There are two lightning bolts firing off the text "The Garages", and a circle outline connecting every element.

The Garages are an anarcho-syndicalist Blaseball band from the fictional location of Seattle, and have created Desert Bus themed songs as well as merch in the past. Though they’re mostly known for making songs about being gay, fighting gods, and all other things Blaseball.

In addition to donating prizes to this year’s event, we’ll also be seeing them live on Desert Bus starting 8PM PT on November 14th.

Thank you Garages for your support of Desert Bus for Hope!