November 15, 2015, 7:30 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Camera Traders

Based in Victoria BC, Camera Traders is the source of all things camera related. Camera Traders was able to provide a lot of the necessary equipment that makes this whole crazy thing work. With their support Desert Bus is able to provide the visuals that you have come to expect. Thank you Camera Traders for your sponsorship this year.


November 15, 2015, 7:07 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Alpha_Flight_cast_picture_(John_Byrne_era)We have Jer’s first art challenge of his shift! Pictured to the left here is Alpha Flight, the Canadian Superhero team for Marvel Comics. In stark contrast to how often Canada is depicted as morally ambiguous in the Marvel ‘verse, Alpha Flight has been a force for good for the Great White North.

Jer would like to have the members of the Alpha Flight crew of Desert Bus appears as Alpha Flight Marvel members.

Jer, Tally, Johnny, Liz, Max, Fred ‘Not Bob’ Graham, Serge, Ash, Mike, Jordan, Kelly, Kate, Sarah, John, Cori, Ashley, Jess. These are all of your Desert Bus crew to use as members in the art.

0050_01_CthulhuBag_001The prize for this challenge will be the amazing Cthulu Dice Bag that has already been pre-sweetened with a Laser Printed Goat Octopus and a glass Desert Bus Air Freshener keychain. This challenge will run until 10:00 PM PST. Please send entries to [email protected] with the subject line “Alpha Flight”. Please include what name you’d like to be used if you are selected as a winner. 

November 15, 2015, 6:45 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0258_01_CookieofMonthSo if you’ve taken a look at the Silent Auctions page recently you might have noticed the Cookie Brigade lot has already crested over $1000.00. That is a lot of demand for these delicious little treats.

Well we’re gonna make it a little sweeter for everyone.

We are Sweetening this Pig of a Silent Auction at a couple of specific totals. If this auction reaches $1200, the Cookie Brigade will send a DOUBLE batch of cookies one month. If this auction reaches $1500, the Cookie Brigade will also add BACON to one batch of cookies! That’s right, we’re gonna glaze this pig with….MORE PIG! 

A quick reminder, this lot is available to U.S. Bidders only. Unfortunately the logistics of shipping cookies every month from different bakers is too much for international shipping.

November 15, 2015, 6:14 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0120_01_WyrmwoodLBset_001This, is truly a match made in heaven for any fans of Temple of the Lava Bears or Tabletop Gaming in general. Wyrmwood Gaming has sent us a lot with a full suite of their products in Flame Box Elder wood (how fitting). This includes a Dice Tray, Deck Box, Dice Vault, Dice Tower, and a Tabletop Dice Tray. The Wyrmwood Gaming Lava Bears Set is being offered as the first Donation Drive of Jer’s shift.

Now if that wasn’t enough to have you reaching for your wallets all of these boxes are customized with the logo of Temple of the Lava Bears! Custom orders for this type of wood and design work typically retail for about $1200.00. This Donation Drive will last until 7:20 PM PST and any donations of $15.16 or multiples thereof will net you a chance to win.

November 15, 2015, 6:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Jeremy “J. Michael Petter” Petter

Jeremy Petter

Driving since: 2008
Points: 10
Crashes: 4


Theme Song: Fade Away by Oasis

First Crush: Ashley Judd in that TNG episode, ‘The Game’

Why “J. Michael Petter”?
I used J. Michael Petter in the earliest LRR videos because I thought it sounded pretentious and because it evoked J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5 and writer of a bunch of awesome things.

How he feels about driving for Desert Bus 9:

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:

  • Working on iOS apps at a cool consultancy called Metalab
  • TAing at the Lighthouse Labs developer bootcamp in Vancouver
  • Trying to find a video game to fill the hole left by Destiny
  • Scheming schemes involving Dungeons and/or Dragons
  • Playing with magical cards
  • Tinkering with various app side-projects
  • Baking
November 15, 2015, 5:03 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0088_01_FroggerScarfWe showed it off a little bit before but now is your time to donate for your chance to get this awesome Frogger the Musical scarf. Cheat your way across Frogger the Musical’s lyrics with this warm and very handy scarf.


We are running this as a Donation Drive of $8.29 until the end of the Paul and Storm Call-in. There is no time to waste if you want a warm cheat code to crossing traffic!

November 15, 2015, 4:59 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0129_01_SDCCPlaneswalkers Closed

Hey look at this innocuous box? What could this possibly be? Is that…is that a planeswalker symbol I see there? I guess this could be some Magic: The Gathering.

0129_02_SDCCPlaneswalkers Open

Oh that’s right, it’s the SDCC Exclusive Planeswalker Set. Oh, and they are double sided, for that extra value.

We are gonna run this Donation Drive until the end of Kate’s Shift, 5:55 PM PST. Donations of $12.13 or multiples thereof will get you a shot at these amazing and highly exclusive Planeswalkers.

November 15, 2015, 3:49 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0148_01_DB9TshirtWe’ve got another Donation Drive headed your way! Look as good as the Desert Bus crew when you sport this giveaway. It’s one of our Official Desert Bus 9 T-Shirts from Fangamer!. For the next hour until 4:45 PM PST you can donate $9.99 or multiples thereof for your chance to win an official DB9 T-Shirt.


November 15, 2015, 3:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Paul and Storm

Paul and Storm will be calling at 5pm PST on Sunday, November 15th.

Paul and Storm (Paul Sabourin and Greg “Storm” DiCostanzo) are known internationally and across the Internet for their original comedy music (often with a “nerd-ish” bent). In addition to their own live performances, they are co-founders of the geek-oriented variety show w00tstock, along with Wil Wheaton and Adam Savage, and co-produce JoCo Cruise. The duo’s original webseries musical, “LearningTown“, debuted on YouTube’s Geek & Sundry channel in January 2013. Also in 2013, their song “Another Irish Drinking Song” was featured in the hit movie Despicable Me 2, and in July had their guitar smashed on stage by George R. R. Martin (and deserved it). Their fifth full-length CD, Ball Pit, came out in 2014, and was the central item of the duo’s wildly successful Kickstarter campaign.

Have a question for Paul and Storm? Leave it in the comments below!

November 15, 2015, 2:30 pm
Posted by: Kelly


When not on camera or in the Lunar Module the on-site crew at Desert Bus needs to sleep (really, coffee only does so much!) and for many of the volunteers homebase for the week is at Ocean Island Inn in Victoria.

They have many different types and styles of rooms all at very affordable prices, an in-house cafe and live entertainment. Thank you Ocean Island Inn for continuing to provide our out-of-town Desert Bus volunteers a place to get some rest!