Posts Tagged ‘Alpha Flight’
November 18, 2016 12:04 pm
Posted by: Mike




We gave away a Dawn Guard Mystery Box this morning, and now we’ve got an Alpha Flight Mystery Box up for grabs!!


Before 12:45pm Pacific, make a donation of $6.13 or any multiple thereof to be entered to win

What’s in the box? For sure it will be a cornucopia of DBX doodads and collectibles!! It WILL contain the Alpha Flight banner!! But beyond that we really don’t know!!! The only one who will is the Donation Drive winner!

November 15, 2015 10:41 pm
Posted by: Tim

During Jer’s shift, we challenged the community to create their artistic renderings of the Alpha Flight team as superheroes, inspired by the Canadian superhero group Alpha Flight. Here’s the winning illustration, submitted by BeachGnome:

whyTHISalphaflight BeachGnome

Check out the rest of the entries after the jump.


November 15, 2015 7:07 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Alpha_Flight_cast_picture_(John_Byrne_era)We have Jer’s first art challenge of his shift! Pictured to the left here is Alpha Flight, the Canadian Superhero team for Marvel Comics. In stark contrast to how often Canada is depicted as morally ambiguous in the Marvel ‘verse, Alpha Flight has been a force for good for the Great White North.

Jer would like to have the members of the Alpha Flight crew of Desert Bus appears as Alpha Flight Marvel members.

Jer, Tally, Johnny, Liz, Max, Fred ‘Not Bob’ Graham, Serge, Ash, Mike, Jordan, Kelly, Kate, Sarah, John, Cori, Ashley, Jess. These are all of your Desert Bus crew to use as members in the art.

0050_01_CthulhuBag_001The prize for this challenge will be the amazing Cthulu Dice Bag that has already been pre-sweetened with a Laser Printed Goat Octopus and a glass Desert Bus Air Freshener keychain. This challenge will run until 10:00 PM PST. Please send entries to [email protected] with the subject line “Alpha Flight”. Please include what name you’d like to be used if you are selected as a winner.