November 13, 2016, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Cameron Lauder

Driving: Sunday, Nov 13 10pm – Monday, Nov 14 10am

Driving since: 2012
Points: 4
Crashes: 0Cameron is a way of assembling matter for a little while. Among the ideas that compose him is a concept of the future, into which he navigates a moment at a time, remembering it as he goes.It’s Desert Bus’ 10th year:

Her first memory of Desert Bus:
Cameron stepped into the room. He saw his friends being chased by an event, staying one step ahead of it with creativity, sincerity, and abandon. This, he thought, is the thing I never knew I needed.

Favourite DB gif:

November 13, 2016, 9:55 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Ho boy was there a lot going on this shift. Between Live Auctions, Call-Ins and Giveaways the action never slowed down!

We started off with the live auction for the First signed copy of the Desert Bus 9 Photobook done by our very own Andrew Ferguson. Don’t fret though, we still have a Giveaway for this book up for grabs later in the run!

We restarted the Bus King Pageant for this year, and our winner spun into action to take the crown from Matt.







Matt used his art challenge in order to get the audience vision of a cover of Marvel’s Civil War….for Desert Bus! Our winner absolutely CRUSHED it.











Tally took bold new steps in her art challenge, using some drawings of the crew that she made, viewers had to make an animation! The difference is that we ALSO had a children’s competition using the same drawings to make a puppet show! Here’s a link to the relevant blog posts for the winners!











Jimmy Wong called in and it was such a great call! Answering some questions from the viewers Jimmy regaled us with his tales of being beaten at the Pre-Pre-Releases by Loading Ready Run.

He also gave us a lickability test on the new Commander 2016 set of Magic: The Gathering.









Tally debuted an A.B.C.’s of Desert Bus children’s book by reading it to the assembled crew of Desert Bus. The hardcover versions are ONLY available through Desert Bus prizes, but you can get your own softcover version right here!

November 13, 2016, 9:22 pm
Posted by: Jordan


These are the words of House Targaryen, however you won’t need to donate all of…that. All 13,800 rings of HAND CHAINED mail can be yours! Any donations of $12.03 or multiples there of until 10 PM PST will gain you an entry to get this amazing wall hanging.

Feed the dragon, with donations!

November 13, 2016, 8:53 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0140_001_AnniversaryLot1We’ve had so much Desert Bus history on this shift, let’s keep the ball rolling!

This Desert Bus Anniversary lot is packed with historical items from our last ten years. It can be yours with donations of $7.10 or multiples thereof until 9:15 PM PST.


November 13, 2016, 8:41 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Tally had a very interesting concept for an art challenge, which we have already gone into detail earlier in the blog. Her animation challenge had some really great entries, and we’re going to highlight the winners for you here!

First up we have our winners for the children’s competition: Phoebe Mae and Edith Louise!

PhoebeMae EdithLouise

For our adult winner we have: Todd B!


Thank you to everyone who entered!

November 13, 2016, 8:01 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0095_001_DBAlphabet2We had a reading of the book live from Tally earlier but here is your chance to get your hands on the EXTREMELY limited hardcover of the ABC Desert Bus Alphabet Book. The team of Matt and Tally is running this donation drive right now!

Any donations of $10.26 or multiples thereof until 8:30 PM PST will enter you for a chance to win. 


November 13, 2016, 7:37 pm
Posted by: Jordan


Feast your eyes on this Bundle of Kaladesh Goodies! Included are a full Booster Box of Kaladesh, a Bundle pack of Kaladesh, and a playmat featuring the Combustion Gearhulk.

For your chance to get your hand on these wonderful goodies, all you have to do is Donate $10.80 or multiples thereof until 7:20 PM PST!

Good luck Inventors!

November 13, 2016, 7:00 pm
Posted by: Jordan

kensteacypublishingIt wouldn’t be a Desert Bus for Hope without a visit from Ken “Value Added” Steacy!

For those of you new to Desert Bus, Ken Steacy has been supporting us since the beginning. He is a Shuster Award winning member of the Canadian Comic Book Creator’s Hall of Fame, who is perhaps best known for his work on NOW comics Astro Boy and Comico’s Jonny Quest.

Every Desert Bus Ken has visited us with a veritable treasure trove of unique items for us to auction and giveaway. This year he is providing 10 Live Auctions, 10 Silent Auctions, and 10 Giveaway prizes!

We are very thankful for Ken’s continued support of Desert Bus for Hope.

Join us in welcoming Ken back to Desert Bus for Hope tomorrow, Monday, Nov. 14 at 6:00 PM PST as when Ken drops by to live auction off his prizes!

November 13, 2016, 6:33 pm
Posted by: Jordan

We had a couple of regular Stan Lee’s in chat for Matt’s art challenge. You all submitted some great covers to illustrate what Desert Bus: Civil War would look like. In the end however, just as in Civil War, only one side (or in this case chat member) can win the Marvel Comics Lot.


Congratulations to the winner BeachGnome!

We have our runner ups of TacitusVigil, Littler Lady Hosk, and Josh & Kaitlyn S.

Check the rest below the break!


November 13, 2016, 5:43 pm
Posted by: Kara

0095_001_DBAlphabet2A is for Apple…

No… that doesn’t seem right…

This remarkable picture book takes readers through the alphabet Desert-Bus style, from Axle to Donate and Tree and Unstoppable and more! Enjoy an original ABCs rhyme accompanied by 28 beautifully illustrated pages by extraordinary artists from the Desert Bus community. You will never see another alphabet book quite like this one! It is available for purchase in this softcover form only during Desert Bus 10, so get yours now before the bus stops and the book is unavailable forever!

Text by Tally Heilke
Art by: Ken Steacy, Maki Naro, Susanne Iles, Monan Arts, Ash Vickers, Eric Tortora Pato, Eric Johnson, Alex Steacy, Helen Cowart, Featherweight, Kathryn Lancashire, Rayna Sassano, Tally Heilke, Rose Nightshade, Kimberly Swanner, Nick Trujillo, Schala Kitty, Leelee Scaldaferri, Tina Bongorno, Joe Vick, Susanne Iles, Tara Heilke, Merav Ulyansky, E. E. Nix, Simonbeed, Jo Tyler, Michael Lunsford

This book is available for pre-order from the LoadingReadyRun store.