November 13, 2016, 9:55 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Ho boy was there a lot going on this shift. Between Live Auctions, Call-Ins and Giveaways the action never slowed down!

We started off with the live auction for the First signed copy of the Desert Bus 9 Photobook done by our very own Andrew Ferguson. Don’t fret though, we still have a Giveaway for this book up for grabs later in the run!

We restarted the Bus King Pageant for this year, and our winner spun into action to take the crown from Matt.







Matt used his art challenge in order to get the audience vision of a cover of Marvel’s Civil War….for Desert Bus! Our winner absolutely CRUSHED it.











Tally took bold new steps in her art challenge, using some drawings of the crew that she made, viewers had to make an animation! The difference is that we ALSO had a children’s competition using the same drawings to make a puppet show! Here’s a link to the relevant blog posts for the winners!











Jimmy Wong called in and it was such a great call! Answering some questions from the viewers Jimmy regaled us with his tales of being beaten at the Pre-Pre-Releases by Loading Ready Run.

He also gave us a lickability test on the new Commander 2016 set of Magic: The Gathering.









Tally debuted an A.B.C.’s of Desert Bus children’s book by reading it to the assembled crew of Desert Bus. The hardcover versions are ONLY available through Desert Bus prizes, but you can get your own softcover version right here!


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