November 18, 2013, 6:31 pm
Posted by: Alanna Bullock

If you are spending any time on our chat (and you should be! Go! Now!) then you have no doubt seen some of the gifs you amazing people have made.

Capturing some of the best moments in DB007 we have snatched these from chat as we can but a huge thank you has to go out to “Leonard Nimoy’s Head” for e-mailing us at [email protected] a giant collection.

For your viewing pleasure may I present Your Gifs of the day!

Yeah… These are the things we do for you. If we have featured a gif of yours please claim it in the comments! Also, if you capture a particularly embarrassing moment please feel free to email it to us ([email protected]) so we can re-live it over and over and over and over…

For the Children!

November 18, 2013, 5:20 pm
Posted by: Alanna Bullock

Good Evening!

We thought that it was about time that we remind all of you about the amazing auctions that are closing in the not so distant future.

Auctions closing within the next hour:

Ladies’ Super Mario Brothers Scarf


Custom Animal Crossing Paper Cut art



Ravnica guild bracelets


Check out even more great auctions after the break :)



November 18, 2013, 4:43 pm
Posted by: Mike

GoT Desert Bus


It’s been an exciting day, and there’s still lots more to come this evening.

Alexandra Craven was the winner in our two-headed packing tape hero art contest and won a copy of Plants vs. Zombies Risk.

Wrap Star by AlexandraCraven


Brent Stewart’s fantastic Targaryen House banner was auctioned off. Badgersprite won with a bid of $1,356.27!



We gave away a Magic: The Gathering From the Vault: Dragons foil card set.




Stephen “Stepto” Toulouse dropped by via Skype to read an excerpt from his new NaNoWriMo effort, and helped us auction off a manuscript copy as well as the right to choose the protagonist’s name!




At some point we hit “sequential money,” for lack of a better term. If you’re confused, look at the image below and I think the meaning will become clear.



We got a sneak peek at the official Desert Bus for Hope 7 poster, by Supernormal Step creator Michael Lunsford.



And the team members of the fairer sex took over the studio for a special Womens’ Hour (it was more like an hour and a half due to popular demand).




November 18, 2013, 3:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Desert Bus for Hope is excited to welcome Bobak Ferdowsi, Systems Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He will be calling in today, Monday, November 18 at 5pm PST.

Bobak Ferdowsi was born in Philadelphia and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. When he was eleven he moved to Tokyo with his parents and attended the American School in Japan. After his graduation in 1997 he attended the University of Washington where he majored in his childhood dream of aerospace engineering.

In 2001 Bobak enrolled at MIT and later joined the Lean Aerospace Initiative. In late 2003, Bobak joined the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and began work on the Mars Science Laboratory and Cassini-Huygens missions, the latter of which he acted as Science Planner.

Despite his impressive body of work it was his hairstyle that won him mainstream attention. During the landing of the Curiosity on Mars Bobak was seated prominently in frame and the media took notice of his unique Mohawk haircut. Bobak soon became a symbol of the landing. His hair even received a nod from President Barack Obama, who said, “”it does seem NASA has come a long way from the white shirts, dark-rimmed glasses, and pocket protectors. You guys are a little cooler than you used to be.” Bobak has used his newfound meme status to aid campaign for a greater number of visas for skilled immigrants in the fields of math, science, and engineering.

If you have questions for Bobak, please put them in the comments below.

November 18, 2013, 2:39 pm
Posted by: Mike

The ladies of Desert Bus have taken over the studio. Absolutely no boys allowed!

What might they get up to? Have a look at the gallery below for some of their hi-jinks so far.


Now’s the time to get in the chat and ask our lovely ladies any questions you’ve ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask, or just hop on the video feed to see what they have to say.

For the curious, the menfolk have retreated upstairs where they are chewing the fat and stuffing themselves at the buffet table.


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November 18, 2013, 1:30 pm
Posted by: Mike

Here’s a scoop for the afternoon crew: a preview of the in-progress official Desert Bus 7 poster! Michael Lunsford of Supernormal Step, as in years past, provides the incredible art.

Feast your eyes, and see how many people and moments of this years’ busing you recognize!


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November 18, 2013, 12:33 pm
Posted by: Mike

Do you fancy a chance at winning a limited edition From the Vault: Dragons Magic: The Gathering foil card set, featuring 15 legendary dragons in beautiful chromatic foil? Well then make a donation of $5.23, or a (positive integer) multiple thereof in the next 27 minutes for a chance to win!


November 18, 2013, 11:59 am
Posted by: Mike


It’s time for another art contest, people, and this is going to be a good one. Kathleen has issued a challenge to create a portrait of her D&D alterego Pel.

There is a lot of stuff to know about Pel, so I made some notes based on Kathleen’s descriptions. Feel free to use as many or as few as the notes as you like, because there’s a lot here.

This contest is open until Kathleen’s shift ends at 10 this evening — that’s about 10 hours from now, so she is expecting qualityAs always, send your entries to [email protected].

The winner will receive a fantastical D&D adventure pack, including a hardcover copy of the Murder in Baldur’s Gate setting book, a Murder in Baldur’s Gate adventure booklet, and a folding tetraptych DM screen.


  • Male Elf, Wizard, level 5
  • Favors fire attacks
  • Alignment is chaotic something
  • Comes from a noble background


Personality and Characteristics

  • Self-absorbed
  • Egotistical
  • Self-styled ladies’ man
  • Pyromaniac (obsessed with setting fires)
  • Stubborn
  • Cowardly
  • Has a bad sense of timing
  • Fussy
  • Headstrong
  • Snarky
  • Obsessed with mushrooms


Items and Garb

  • Cloak of Resistance
  • Elven Chain Mail
  • Uses Staff implement
  • Crystal Ball
  • Magic scrolls
  • Ring of Shooting Stars
  • Scrying Orb
  • Socketed golden skull



  • Poops on enemy food supplies
  • Helps himself to party treasure



  • Is followed everywhere by an entourage of Goblin servants, who revere him as a semi-divine figure and loyally obey his every command. This often means carrying unconscious party members
  • Has a cursed Scrying Orb that seemed to give him the power to spy on anyone he pleased, but was actually giving fake visions. It also caused him to act erratically, including an obsession with mushrooms
  • Experimented with transmuting organic matter into Earth Elementals, beginning with a ham sandwich


November 18, 2013, 11:16 am
Posted by: Mike

We have heaps of excellent auctions going on right now and coming up soon! Check it out!

Live Auctions

This cool House Targaryen Banner goes under the hammer at 2:00pm.



Then an auction for an autographed My Gimpy Life season 2 script will be auctioned at 4:30pm.




Silent Auctions

November 18, 2013, 9:25 am
Posted by: Mike

Thanks to everyone who contributed art for our packing tape hero contest. We had loads of great entries, but the prize, a copy of Plants vs. Zombies Risk, went to Alexandra Craven, for this masterpiece:

Wrap Star by AlexandraCraven


Way to go Alexandra, enjoy Plants vs. Zombies Risk! See the rest of the cool entries in our gallery below the cut.
