November 16, 2014, 4:48 pm
Posted by: Mike

It brought the house down last year, so we’re bringing it out again!

It’s The Newlywed Game!

With Kate back in the emcee’s seat, we’ve got six couples this year, putting their love on the line to see how well they really know each other!

Sounds simple, but if last year is any indicator it’s less fuzzy-wuzzy love-in and more unlicensed carnival knife-throwing act. In other words: get ready for 30 minutes of very carefully-chosen words and hair-raising near-catastrophes as we recreate our own little version of the Cuban Missile Crisis!

Our courageous contestants are:

  • James & Ashely
  • Graham & Kathleen
  • Beej & Heather
  • Ian & Cori
  • JerTally, and
  • Ashton & Kara

The show starts at 5pm local time!

November 16, 2014, 4:00 pm
Posted by: Heather

lizLiz “Dammit Liz” Smith

Driving: Sunday, Nov 16 4pm – 7pm

Driving since: 2014
Points: 0
Crashes: 1

When not at Desert Bus, she can be found:
Being Dammit Liz!
I like to produce geeky events and attend way too many conventions. I enjoy video games that are not Desert Bus. Am I fully enjoying my new position as Event Design Manager at Wizards of the the Coast!

Special Skills:
I have a super secret special sexy dance.

She’s a total geek for:
Star Wars for sure!
Assassin’s Creed
Marvel anything

Claim to Fame:
My super secret sexy dance…I guess.

Biggest fear about Driving for DB8:
I have crashed the bus MULTIPLE times and I haven’t even been an “official” driver. I REALLY hope I don’t crash it this time…oh god…
Editor’s Note: Our official record of official records only credits her with 1 crash thusfar. Has she been cheating on us with another Desert Bus? Where are all these crashes coming from?

If she was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable she would want to be:
Editor’s Note: No response. Does Dammit Liz have something against healthy living?

Favourite Cheese:
Tillamook Sharp Cheddar

Doesn’t want you to know she listens to:
Spice Girls

Her “moves like Jagger” are more like:
Octopus Mating Dance

To prepare for driving the bus she is:
I am playing A LOT of Borderlands Prequel… to get used to being in front of the TV for hours at a time.
I am taking the bus everywhere I go, not just because my car broke, but to really get into the mindset of the ‘bus’, you know?

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?
gin & tonic (plus lime)- is that bad? That sounds bad.

November 16, 2014, 4:00 pm
Posted by: Heather

moviebobMovieBob will be calling into Desert Bus at 6pm 7:15pm PST on Sunday, November 16th.

Writer, film reviewer and host of Escape to the Movies, The Big Picture, and MovieBob: Intermission on The Escapist. He has a love for early 80’s and 90’s video games and ripping apart bad movies. A focus of his is to give analysis of gaming culture and the industry in a style that is similar to a college-lit-class style know as “close reading”, also using overlaid imagery to support his points.

Along with his work on the Escapist, Bob also hosts The Adventures of Game OverThinker, a comedic series that combines video game news and commentary. Blurring the lines between reality and video games, OverThinker is a story driven analysis of gaming culture. This series led to the creation of Overbytes on ScrewAttack, with more of a focus on culture and tropes.

Bob has also written a book titled “Super Mario Bros. 3: Brick-by-Brick“, in which he deconstructs the game in the form of a “novelized Let’s Play” while analyzing the cultural significance and history of the Mario Bros. franchise.

He is also very active on his blog and twitter.

Have a question for MovieBob? Leave them in the comments below!


November 16, 2014, 3:57 pm
Posted by: Mike

It’s another donation drive!

Get in before 4pm Victoria Time with a donation multiple of $10.23 for a chance at this magnificent Paper Mario Set!


Straight from the colorful world of Paper Mario come five real life sprite figures! Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Princess Peach, and Bowser are recreated from vibrant precision cut cardstock in all their 2D glory. The characters match their in-game scale, ranging from an adorable palm-sized Mario to an impressive nearly one foot tall Bowser. True to the series’ stylized graphics, all the characters feature the same pose on both sides so they can easily be flipped to face either direction. In addition to the figures themselves, you also receive custom-made easy-to-assemble display stands so you can show them off with pride. And all of it comes in a box decorated with hand-drawn Paper Mario themed marker illustrations.

November 16, 2014, 3:08 pm
Posted by: Mike

Calling all media and movie fans!

MovieBob’s call-in has been rescheduled to 7:15pm (local time) tonight, so make sure to tune in!

For those who don’t know, Bob “MovieBob” Chipman is a media critic, author, and gamer whose work appears on a number of sites including The Escapist and Screw Attack. Make sure you’re on the stream tonight at 7:15pm as we pick MovieBob’s brain about all things pop culture!

November 16, 2014, 2:06 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Good afternoon everyone! Let me fill you in on what you might have missed this morning on Desert Bus for Hope!


Ian and Johnny did a very Strip Search art challenge judging where the lesser entries were thrown to the ground and THEY ATE THE WINNERS!!! Poor Desert Bus-Tan, being forced to be in a 4koma and then EATEN!

Ride it straight into the moon

Johnny was on the warpath with art challenges and put forth the call for our photoshop wizards to put him into places he really should remember being in. Cultist Rat took the victory with his great shop of Dr. Strangelove. Riding it seemed very in spirit of this GIF,



where Johnny doesn’t remember any of this happening from last years Desert Bus!



For some truly bizarre reason James required all of our belts. We were then belted together and forced to dance as one, it was…a thing?



We had to say goodbye to Jamie from Child’s Play so she gave the chat a galaxy hug! It was so cuuuuuuuuuute!



Jordan was challenged to do a monologue from Monty Python. It wouldn’t be Desert Bus without making things silly so it became a dialogue!



Continuing the trend from last year for people to get poked in uncomfortable places (Kathleen poking Cam right in the brain) LeeLee decided to make sure that James’ eye was still squishy.


November 16, 2014, 1:00 pm
Posted by: Heather

ashleyAshley Turner

Driving: Sunday, Nov 16 1pm – 4pm

Driving since: 2014
Points: 0
Crashes: 0

When not at Desert Bus, she can be found:
As a key member of the Ministry of Justice (though, she’s lobbying to have it renamed the Ministry of Avengers) Ashley is instrumental in the seizure of objects of unlawful activity.
No lie, she is personally in possession of the 5th and 6th yet unseen Infinity Stones from the MCU. Don’t even worry about it.

Special Skills:
I know every word to Baby got Back and know for a fact I can duet very well with someone singing along in an Afrikaans accent.

She’s a total geek for:
I like Iron Man. I like watching Iron Man, I like talking about Iron Man, I like playing with Iron Man, I like reading about Iron Man, I like dreaming about Iron Man, I LOVE to talk to Iron Man.
I like Iron Man.
Iron Man, Iron Man, Iron Man.

Claim to Fame:
I successfully won “Bros Clubbing Bros” at my own wedding.
Editor’s Note: She may have, in fact, won this FOREVER. Besides birthing a club soda or viewing one in a casket, I’m not sure this can ever be bested.

Biggest fear about Driving for DB8:
No, seriously guys. I’m terrified I’m going to crash the bus. I’ve put in MAYBE 30 minutes in the past 7 years.

If she was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable she would want to be:
Asparagus, cause then I’d have the chance to come back and make someones pee smell bad.

Favourite Cheese:

Doesn’t want you to know she listens to:
90’s Boy Bands

Her “moves like Jagger” are more like:
A fish out of water

To prepare for driving the bus she is:
Getting advise from the one person who’s driven the bus more than anyone in the world. Lucky for me I know where he sleeps.

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?

Tags: ,
November 16, 2014, 12:50 pm
Posted by: Jordan


For Kara’s last giveaway we have an offer of TWO DOZEN CUSTOM SUGAR COOKIESThese can be delivered ANYWHERE and can be yours for donations of $4.44 or multiples thereof for the next 10 minutes (until the end of Kara’s shift) GET HYPED!

November 16, 2014, 12:28 pm
Posted by: Jordan

The SDCC Planeswalkers giveaway has concluded with the winner being user Metalspoon! This donation drive was nuts….no seriously you guys, you raised $8747.85 FOR THE CHILDREN!!!!! 


A huge thanks once again to The Lady Planeswalkers Society for donating such an amazing item to us for charity, go show them some love!

November 16, 2014, 11:07 am
Posted by: Jordan


So now we have both a donation drive goal and timeframe! Donate $20.11 or multiples thereof for your chance to win these amazing and super rare planes walkers! You have the next hour in which to do this! HOP TO IT!