November 19, 2015, 11:30 pm
Posted by: Jordan

League of Geeks

We are very happy to welcome League of Geeks as a sponsor for the run this year! Formed in 2011 by Ty Carey, Blake Mizzi, Trent Kusters and Jacek Tuschewski; League of Geeks is an independent game development collective focused on creating highly engaging user-experiences. After running an extremely successful crowdfunding campaign and beta period, their debut title Armello was released on PC/Mac/PS4 this past September. A role playing strategy board game, Armello is an exciting new take on digital board games. Blending the best elements of board games with the technology and convenience of their electronic counterparts, Armello has wowed players across the world. We thank League of Geeks for their amazing generosity.

November 19, 2015, 9:58 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0097_01_VideoGameGames_001Well let’s all come down a bit after that Mikey Neumann excitement. We’ve got a Donation Drive headed your way.

The Video Game games lot, donated by our very own Brendan Baker, includes all of the games in the Boss Monster series. Boss Monster is a deck building card game that revels in the art style of 8 bit and 16 bit titles.

Any donations of $8.88 or multiples thereof until 10:30 PM PST will get you an entry for this drive.

November 19, 2015, 9:08 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Mikey is auctioning off a remote controlled CL4P-TP signed by the ENTIRE Borderlands development team.


Tune in right now for your chance to bid on this amazingly exclusive item.

November 19, 2015, 8:34 pm
Posted by: Jordan

So as some of you might have noticed, Tally’s hair got a little shorter. What wasn’t immediately obvious to folks unless they were watching live is that Tally had a great deal of support from Lady_Hosk in the chat.

If Tally reached 35K she would allow Lord_Hosk to cut her hair. If Tally reached 40k she would allow James to cut her hair. If Tally reached 50k she would allow her three young daughters, The Hosklings, to cut her hair.

Tally reached 50K


So without further ado: The Hosteling Haircut

November 19, 2015, 8:21 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0119_01_SpectrumSeriesHeadsetThat awkward time where you are deep in the throes of a Halo match, bullets flying and grenades exploding, when all of a sudden your significant other turns your console off because it’s far to loud in the house.

Fix that with this Steelseries Spectrum Headset that can be yours for this Donation Drive we have going on. Any donations of $7.10 or multiples thereof until 8:50 PM PST will gain you entry for a chance to win this headset.

November 19, 2015, 7:41 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Krogcore, Krogstep, Krogrock, whatever you want to call it is your decision, but what we’re looking for is audio remixes of the “Krog videos“. What that means is we want to see audio from any of the Krog videos and remix them into musical tracks. 0060_01_Angler Fish_01

Doesn’t matter what video, doesn’t matter what style. We just need what you think remixed music of the LRR Cavemen would sound like. We are going to run this challenge until Midnight PST. The winner will receive this Anglerfish Plush and remember the fear we all experienced in Desert Bus 8.

Please send all entries to [email protected] with the subject line Krogmix. Please include a link to a Youtube/Soundcloud link. Please also include a public name you’d like to be used if you are selected.

November 19, 2015, 7:30 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Cookie Brigade

We are very pleased to welcome back the Cookie Brigade as a sponsor for Desert Bus this year! A fixture seen at every Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), the Cookie Brigade is an unstoppable force for good among the hungry teeming masses. Beginning life in 2007 as attendees passing out cookies to hungry PAX line-goers, the Brigade has grown to become a worldwide network of bakers. Since 2007 the Brigade has raised over $215,000 in donations for Child’s Play from their baking endeavors.

We thank the Cookie Brigade for their continued delicious support!

November 19, 2015, 6:44 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0138_01_MtGOStandard is expensive right now in Magic: The Gathering. What would you say to an extremely easy way to build quite literally, whatever standard deck you want. This MTGO Lot includes Four copies of every card currently in Standard Format. That is Khans of Tarkir, Fate Reforged, Dragons of Tarkir, Magic Origins and Battle for Zendikar.

This intangible yet unbelievable giveaway will be offered as a Donation Drive. Any donations of $11.71 or multiples thereof until 7:30 PM PST will get you an entry for this amazing offering from Wizards of the Coast.

November 19, 2015, 6:01 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Mikey-NeumannI mean, not really. It’s Mikey, this shouldn’t be a surprise by now.


Mikey Neumann is being is usual amazing self and is going to run a secret surprise live auction tonight at 9:00 PM PST tonight. The only thing we know about it is that Mikey said, Borderlands fans should pay attention.

We’ll know more later tonight!

November 19, 2015, 6:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Graham “Gramm” Stark

Graham Stark

Driving since: 2010
Points: 3
Crashes: 4


Theme Song: Still More Fighting from Final Fantasy VII

First Crush: Diana. Friggin. Rigg.

Why “Gramm”?
I was playing my first JRPG (I’m guessing FF7 or Breath of Fire 3) and I wanted to name the character after me, but “Graham” sounded too normal.

How he feels about driving for Desert Bus 9:

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:
Making funny things at LoadingReadyRun and/or reclaiming the northlands, as is my birthright.