November 20, 2015, 6:35 pm
Posted by: Jordan

This, is where I would have a photo for inspiration for an art challenge. However the photo is what you NEED TO CREATE.

Paul would like his character, Oknarok from his Pathfinder game, to be immortalized in art by all of you. The reason for this is twofold, Paul wants a a portrait of his character aaaaaand wants the free hero point he’ll receive.

Oknarok is a Hobgoblin Pirate, on a crew of Hobgoblin Pirates, where he is the captain of the ship. He is a musket master who carries around a musket that deals massive damage, and is equipped with a buckler on one arm. Of course, he has a fancy pirate hat as well.

Hornswoggling Hobgoblins is the name of the campaign, that link leads you to all the information I have not supplied here.

This challenge will run until 10:00 PM PST, please submit entries to [email protected] with the subject line Oknarok. Please include a public name to be used if you are selected as a winner. 

Your prize for this will be The Desert Bus lot! This lot contains a massive list of Desert Bus themed items from our Crafters and Volunteers! Check out the page for a full rundown of what is contained within.

November 20, 2015, 6:20 pm
Posted by: Jordan

15modernmasters2We are starting off Paul’s shift with a bang. We are running a Donation Drive right away for a Full Booster Box of Modern Masters 2015, that’s right, a full 24 Packs of this extremely valuable set.

Any donations of $5.12 or multiples thereof until 7:00 PM PST will net you an entry into this lot.

November 20, 2015, 6:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Paul “Sparky” Saunders

Paul Saunders

Driving since: 2007
Points: 5
Crashes: 4

Patronus: Sloth

Theme Song: Little Bit of Soul by Music Explosion

First Crush: Carol Cleveland

Why “Sparky”?
“I don’t know, you just look like a sparky”

How he feels about driving for Desert Bus 9:

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:
Sleeping, coding or making silly videos for LoadingReadyRun. Occasionally all three at the same time.

November 20, 2015, 5:14 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0271_01_SteamLotValveWant to stream your PC library to anywhere in your house? Maybe the couch looks more comfortable to you than your desk? Well do we have the donation drive for you!

This Valve Steam Lot contains a Steam Controller and a Steam Link, allowing you to stream your Steam library to anywhere in your home. No more being trapped at the computer desk with this lot. In addition both boxes are signed by the team at Valve!

This item is being done as a Donation Drive where donations of $10.80 or multiples thereof until 6:00 PM will enter you to win these signed items.

November 20, 2015, 4:27 pm
Posted by: Jordan

penn-teller-on-broadwayWe have a surprise auction lot from Penn & Teller! This is the rundown of what this auction is going to contain for you.

– Two nights in a suite at the Rio All-Suite Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
– Limousine transport to and from airport.

– Dinner with Penn and Emily Jillette.

– VIP seats at the Penn & Teller show.

You will then hang out with Penn in the Monkey Room after the show.

This auction will begin at 8:30 PM PST.

November 20, 2015, 4:23 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0175_03_The Desert Buster 9000.frontRemember when you were a kid pretending to have a laser fighting off aliens?

Guess what, you don’t need to pretend anymore…fully at least. This beautiful Desert Buster 9000 Ray-Gun can be yours with our ongoing Donation Drive! Any donations of $9.36 or multiples thereof until 5:00 PM PST will gain you an entry for this space-age laser prop.

November 20, 2015, 3:59 pm
Posted by: Jordan

jamie_ranger_adventure_02 MarigCongratulations to our winner, Marig! Jamie loves how you captured the home life of Jamie and Ranger, with added adventuring cred.

We had some truly amazing entries that made the decision process very difficult for us here at the DB Art Institute.

We’ll have our Honourable Mentions below along with all of our entries.

November 20, 2015, 3:28 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0148_01_DB9TshirtWe have another Donation Drive up on the block. Jamie is giving away her shift’s Desert Bus for Hope 9 T-Shirt from Fangamer.

As you’ve no doubt heard these shirts are sold out and only available for pre-order. So you can go and order this shirt, but it won’t ship until January.

Or you can win one and have it shipped straight from Desert Bus to you.

Any donations of $7.00 or multiples thereof until 4:00 PM PST will get you an entry for your very own T-Shirt.

November 20, 2015, 12:21 pm
Posted by: Mike


$8.21 (and multiples) until 1:00pm

I don’t know what’s in it but I’m sure it’s kind of amazing!


November 20, 2015, 12:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Phil PlaitPhil Plait will be calling into Desert Bus at 2:00pm PST on Friday, November 20th.

Phil Plait, PhD, is an American astronomer and the brains behind the science blog “Bad Astronomy” and author of Bad Astronomy and Death from the Skies. He has been a part of the Hubble Space Telescope team, engaged in public outreach for NASA, and appeared in several documentaries including Phil Plait’s Bad Universe on Discovery. He has also in the last year joined the Youtube channel Crash Course where he hosts the astronomy unit.

Have a question for Phil? Leave it in the comments below!