Posts Tagged ‘Oknarok’
November 20, 2015 11:31 pm
Posted by: Tim

During Paul’s shift, we challenged the community to create artwork of Paul’s Pathfinder character, Oknarok. Here’s the winning submission, from Xeno_Striker:

1 Oknarok Xeno_Striker

And, here’s some of our honorable mentions…

Check out the rest of the community’s submissions after the jump.


November 20, 2015 6:35 pm
Posted by: Jordan

This, is where I would have a photo for inspiration for an art challenge. However the photo is what you NEED TO CREATE.

Paul would like his character, Oknarok from his Pathfinder game, to be immortalized in art by all of you. The reason for this is twofold, Paul wants a a portrait of his character aaaaaand wants the free hero point he’ll receive.

Oknarok is a Hobgoblin Pirate, on a crew of Hobgoblin Pirates, where he is the captain of the ship. He is a musket master who carries around a musket that deals massive damage, and is equipped with a buckler on one arm. Of course, he has a fancy pirate hat as well.

Hornswoggling Hobgoblins is the name of the campaign, that link leads you to all the information I have not supplied here.

This challenge will run until 10:00 PM PST, please submit entries to [email protected] with the subject line Oknarok. Please include a public name to be used if you are selected as a winner. 

Your prize for this will be The Desert Bus lot! This lot contains a massive list of Desert Bus themed items from our Crafters and Volunteers! Check out the page for a full rundown of what is contained within.