November 15, 2016, 12:10 am
Posted by: Jordan

LegacyWe welcome back Legacy Books Press as a sponsor for Desert Bus 10.

Legacy Books Press is a Kingston, Ontario based publisher that specializes in historical non-fiction and the Classics. They are dedicated to exploring the interesting corners of both modern and ancient history that tend to get overlooked.

Thank you Legacy Books Press for your continued support of Desert Bus for Hope.

November 15, 2016, 12:09 am
Posted by: Tim


Jamie and Ashton have thrown down their first creative challenge for their shift! They want to know what we, as a Desert Bus community team, aspire to or want to accomplish. Or, in short, our Squad Goals. In this art challenge, send us your best artistic interpretation of Desert Bus Squad Goals.

Send your submissions to [email protected] with the subject line “Squad Goals.” Please submit entries as a PNG or JPG and make sure to include the screen name you’d like us to use for your submission on air should your submission win. Up for grabs is this hand-crafted Desert Bus calligraphy with the eternal words “For the Children!” We’ll accept submissions until 4:00am PST.

November 14, 2016, 10:24 pm
Posted by: Tim

0192_001_LegacyBooksOur first donation drive on Ashton & Jamie’s shift this evening is this bundle of non-fiction books from Legacy Books Press, each signed by the author. Read them! Learn something new! Add them to your shelf and bring some style and sophistication to your study! (Studies are still a thing, right?)

Donate $6.23 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this lot. We’ll run this donation drive until 11pm PST.

November 14, 2016, 10:01 pm
Posted by: Jordan

wizardsWe are happy to welcome back Wizards of the Coast as a sponsor for Desert Bus for Hope again this year.

Founded in 1990, Wizards of the Coast has been a powerhouse of the gaming world with their flagship franchises of Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons. With countless numbers of players across the globe, the reach of the games of Wizards of the Coast seems to never stop.

This year, in celebration of DBX, Wizards went above and beyond with their prize sponsorship. Determined not to be outdone, they provided us with the more prize lots than ever before and we are incredibly grateful for their generosity, support, and friendship.

November 14, 2016, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Ashton Cummings & Jamie Dillion

Driving: Monday, Nov 14 10pm – Tuesday, Nov 15 10am

Ashton Cummings

Driving since: 2012
Points: 4
Crashes: 1

Birthed from a series of tubes and forged in the crucible of chat rooms and comment sections, he left behind the School of Internet Wizardry to fortify the Desert Bus and embolden its allies.

It’s Desert Bus’ 10th year:

His first memory of Desert Bus:
Bringing a vegetable platter to many sleep-deprived people at Desert Bus 1.

Favourite DB gif:


Jamie Dillion

Driving since: 2015
Points: 0
Crashes: 2

Hi! I’m Jamie Dillion; I’m a consultant and streamer, in my second year of driving the Desert Bus! I love video games, naps, and snacks. I’m a bit clumsy and a crybaby sometimes… but, I’m actually an agent of love and justice, Pretty Guardian Sailor Jam! In the name of the Moon, I’ll stay up all night driving a bus; dancing, singing, goofing, and raising money for the kids!

It’s Desert Bus’ 10th year:

Her first memory of Desert Bus:
Chaos, singing, hats, and being warned not to have brick feet on the stairs or I’ll get a shame ticket. I don’t have a very good memory.

Favourite DB gif:

November 14, 2016, 9:59 pm
Posted by: Jordan


Over the course of the Ash/Ashley shift we had two really awesome art challenges. First off Ashley challenged the chat for the continuing adventures of Buster and Jade and boy did you all deliver! Afterwards Ash wanted to see a potential movie poster for the Desert Bus Blockbuster, Ash Cubed! Taking our three Ash’s (Ash, Ashley, Ashton), the chat created some true AAA material.










Using a very similar donation style to the Bus King pageant, we had a giveaway that involved someone getting Goth-inspired makeup. Tally won that vote by a massive margin over the other contestants. I think Jer’s face though says it all:










The entirety of the evening however, was dedicated to the man we all know and love.











Ken Steacy brought the value late into the evening. From Spider-Man to Harry Potter, his veritable treasure trove of goodies kept the auction beacon spinning long into Night Watch. Entering in his usual extravagant fashion, Ken not only kept the donations coming but kept chat entertained with his stories for every single item. It is always a treat having Ken join us here at Desert Bus and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


November 14, 2016, 8:21 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0234_001_TempusFugitivelotWe have a little bit of time on this one so I thought I’d give you the lowdown!

Ken is running this Tempest Fugitive lot as a giveaway for the next 45 minutes until 9:00 PM PST. Any donations of $7.27 or multiples thereof will get you a chance to win this amazing lot.

A few more details on what this will include: You’re going to get the softcover anthology of the series (which includes all the books), a DC die-cut card, and a MASSIVE poster.

November 14, 2016, 6:09 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Ken_SteacyYou know this man if you’ve ever seen Desert Bus before. This is Ken “Value Added” Steacy who is known for dropping INSANE auctions and giveaways every year.

These prizes are going to go a mile a minute so keep track of everything over on our Twitter account!

Enjoy the madness of Ken Steacy in our Ken Steacy Power Hour(s)!


November 14, 2016, 5:45 pm
Posted by: Jordan



Congratulations to Rose Nightshade! Check out the rest of our entries beneath the break.


November 14, 2016, 4:24 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0095_001_DBAlphabet2We have an exciting live auction headed your way in just under 10 minutes! This is the LAST hardcover version of the beautifully illustrated children’s book from Tally!

Featuring illustrated pages from 28 amazing artists, several of whom are in the Lunar Module right now, this children’s book will delight fans of all ages!

Get your auction hats ready, we’re counting down the minutes!