November 14, 2014, 5:49 pm
Posted by: Mike

Hey gang, it’s time for a DONATION DRIVE! For those who don’t know how this works, it goes like this: until 6:05pm (Victoria time), anyone who donates $6.78, or exact multiples thereof, is automatically entered into a draw to win a Penny Arcade First Party clothing item of your choosing! Each multiple is a contest entry, so $6.78 gets you one entry, $13.56 (which is 2 x $6.78) gets you two entries, $67.80 (=10 x $6.78) gets you 10 entries, and so on!

Good luck!

November 14, 2014, 4:08 pm
Posted by: Mike

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Jordan has blogged you through the ribbon cutting on DB8, and now it’s my turn! My name is Mike — though some of you may know me as IQ 2000 — and I’ll be taking the reins through the Prime Time shift until some time this evening!

So let’s get things underway with a new contest!! James was just telling us about his new website, (it’s SFW, we promise!) The site features, well, an animated gif of James caber-tossing a trombone to the the infectiously silky melody of Epic Sax Solo. Where do you come in? Well, we’d like you to make a Trombone Tosser gif!

Using the subject line “Trombone Tosser,” send in an animated gif of James tossing a trombone to [email protected]. It need only be two frames (a head bobble, for example, certainly wouldn’t go amiss) but you can go for more if you like. Deadline is 6pm Pacific time — about two hours from now. Our winning entry will receive a lovely crocheted pig as reward! You may wish to check out for some helpful image resources!

Screen Shot 2014-11-14 at 4.05.36 PM



November 14, 2014, 3:15 pm
Posted by: Jordan

It’s been a crazy morning here at Desert Bus For Hope and we’ve barely even begun! Here are some of the things that you might have missed in all the insanity:



product_desertbus8_main_1024x1024Our Desert Bus shirts are now available over at Fangamer!


We gave away a sheet of Magic!


We had an awesome first giveaway where we did a Donation Drive for an UNCUT sheet of Magic 2015 Rares and Mythic Rares IN FOIL!!!!! We raised $10,851.36 with the final winner being our longtime moderator Anubis169.


The meme lived on

It seems that we just can’t leave our favourite desiccant alone. Our very own Tally Heilke made us a certain…item.


We did another donation drive soon afterwards with this lovely pillow going to David Barrett, raising us a total of $3357.75!!

We had our first live auction!

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We had an awesome back and forth auction for this Lovely Minecraft Painting from Nicole Gustafsson. Chat users Omega_Lairon and Deathofrat threw down bid after bid until Deathofrat squeaked in with a victorious bid of $1919.19!!!


With that I will leave you in the capable hands of your next blogger Mike as he takes you through the afternoon into the evening here on Desert Bus for Hope!


November 14, 2014, 2:48 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Without further delay, I am happy to present to you the first iteration of the DESERT BUS FOR HOPE 8 POSTER!!!! Available now in the LoadingReadyRun Store! This item is a PREORDER that will ship after the run is over because, well it needs to be finished first!

This poster will be updated over the course of the run by the lovely Michael Lunsford


November 14, 2014, 2:18 pm
Posted by: Jordan

You guys, you guys, you guys don’t wanna miss this!

The amazing folks over at Penny Arcade have donated an unbelievable lot of Pinny Arcade pins for us to auction off TONIGHT. We have got ALL THREE 10 year Anniversary pins AND the insanely rare DLC pin. These pins are not available to purchase anymore and unless you have the best pin-trading day ever, this is YOUR opportunity to get all of them in one fell swoop!

Tune in tonight at 8:00 PM PST as we auction these bad boys off.

November 14, 2014, 1:51 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Our first live auction has concluded with a victory by chat user Deathofrat for $1919.19. It was a tense back and forth between Omega_Lairon dropping the bids and Deathofrat squeaking ahead!

We had a slightly slow start but when our very own Fugi dropped his weight into the ring the chaos was unleashed. Throw in a couple of wonderful pig sweeteners, (one of them being a very appropriate Minecraft diamond stitch), and the bids climbed high to push us into almost $20,000.00 raised on James’ shift in only 4 hours!

November 14, 2014, 1:05 pm
Posted by: Jordan

The delightfully moisture absorbing pillow has successfully been won by David Barrett! The giveaway raised a whopping $3357.75 in a mere 25 minutes! Stay tuned as we fire up our very first live auction starting any minute now!

November 14, 2014, 12:53 pm
Posted by: Jordan

It’s that time again everybody, WE HAVE OUR FIRST LIVE AUCTION SOON! Check out this amazing Minecraft painting!


This beautiful  10×16 painting done by the talented Nicole Gustafson is our very first live auction happening in just under TEN MINUTES at 1PM PST. If you want to have a chance to win this beautiful Minecraft Painting of the various biomes of the world, hop into the twitch chat and get ready to bid!

November 14, 2014, 12:32 pm
Posted by: Jordan

We know how much you all love Silica Gel! So our own Tally Heilke made a pack of desiccant for your face!


This lovely pillow is being done as a Donation Drive for the next 25 minutes until 12:55. Any donations of $5.55 or multiples thereof will enter you for a chance to win this lovely non-edible pillow!

November 14, 2014, 12:19 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Congratulations to our long-time devoted moderator Anubis169 for winning the Foil Uncut M15 Rare and Mythic Rare sheet!!! The total raised by this giveaway was $10851.36!!! You guys are amazing, we’ve had a great start to the run this year and we don’t see it slowing down anytime soon!giphy