November 15, 2014, 1:42 pm
Posted by: Jordan

We’re making these giveaways RAIN at Desert Bus this year! While running an art challenge Jer has decided to ALSO do a donation drive for this awesome print of a Nemesis T(iny)-Type! Now pay attention here, this is a fun one. You can donate ANY AMOUNT between $2.00-$12.00 or multiples thereof in the next 20 minutes!!! Jer will roll 2d6 and pick the winner from the increment rolled! 0005_01_prize

November 15, 2014, 1:34 pm
Posted by: Heather


We are currently in the middle of hosting the “Card Kingdom Sponsored This Hour” hour!

Ever thought about how awesome Magic: The Gathering is? Then we recommend checking out Card Kingdom! They are an MTG and tabletop gaming shop located in Seattle, WA. Don’t live in Seattle? Don’t worry because you can find all their awesome inventory of tabletop games, apparel, cards, and paraphernalia on

The folks who run Card Kingdom have also been known to sponsor LoadingReadyRun MTG drafts. So if you like live-stream LRR features (kind of like Desert Bus Driver Cam, but with Magic), you may thank Card Kingdom for supporting that, too.

Card Kingdom has been a long time sponsor of Desert Bus for Hope, and we’re thankful to have them along for the ride. Thank you Card Kingdom!

November 15, 2014, 1:12 pm
Posted by: Jordan


The light boxes have closed for a grand total of $10,355.40  That is INSANE! Congratulations to Visible for winning the amazing Portal light boxes. I am actually stunned with how much everyone donated for these boxes, the children appreciate it!

November 15, 2014, 12:12 pm
Posted by: Jordan

The cake may be a lie but this next giveaway is absolutely the truth. For the next hour until 1PM PST you can donate $9.90 or multiples thereof for your chance to win these amazing Portal light boxes! Featuring the lovingly crafted “75” light box detailing Wheatley’s ultimate death trap. You will also get the amusingly fictional “99 Problems” light box (seeing this actually broke me…) GET TO IT!
0074_01_prize 0074_05_prize



November 15, 2014, 12:02 pm
Posted by: Jordan

It came from the darkest reaches of space and landed right on our auction block, that’s right…PHIL PLAIT’S SHOELACES!!!! But seriously also a freaking meteorite!!!


Chat user Omega_Lairon once again brought the SMACKDOWN on a live auction and quite fittingly SPACE BID himself up to an Atari! That is to say the winning bid was $2600.00!!!!!!!!!



November 15, 2014, 11:05 am
Posted by: Jordan

We raised a whopping $2850.18 with our D20 Donation Drive! With so many of you rolling the dice it fell to someone to roll the natural 20 on initiative, and that lucky person was Ailurus!!!! Congratulations and enjoy many good rolls in your future!

November 15, 2014, 11:02 am
Posted by: Jordan

We’ve got a ridiculously amazing auction happening at 11pm during our call in with the Bad Astronomer himself, Phil Plait. You guys are going to want to tune in for this crazy space themed lot.


We’ve got a signed copy of Phil’s Book “Death from the Skies!”, A TARDIS USB hub, a Scirens wristband and a bunch of other amazing things. Not in the picture you are also going to get your own pair of Eclipse glasses!!!! Stare at the sun all you want (please don’t actually).

Oh….and one more thing.


A FREAKING METEORITE!!!!! That’s right, you can have an actual meteorite that fell in Russia in 1947! GET IN ON THIS EVERYONE!!!!!



November 15, 2014, 10:15 am
Posted by: Jordan

We’re starting Jer’s shift off with a bang, or rather a series of bangs as we roll the die on this donation drive.  0068_02_prize

This giant Wooden D20 is a full 7 inches in diameter (~18 cm) and is donated to us by Wes Flanagan and can be yours to win for only $7.09 or multiples thereof until 10:45 AM PST!!!!

November 15, 2014, 10:00 am
Posted by: Heather


Jeremy Petter

Driving: Saturday, Nov 15 10am – 10pm

Driving since: 2008

Points: 10

Crashes: 3

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:

Running Quality Assurance at Metalab and Flow, streaming, dungeon mastering Temple of the Lava Bearsor buried in a book.

Special Skills:

I am bad at everything, but I will try almost anything. I have sung and improvised songs, rapped, improved, played video games with my feet, dressed up like a sparkly vampire and created horrible games for our donors and my cohorts. I also designed the Desert Bus app (everyone drink).

He’s a total geek for:

D&D (and roleplaying games in general), Magic cards, video games (especially retro console games), John Bellairs novels, and ducks.

Claim to Fame:

Yes, I am one of the guys on episode 5 of the A Life Well Wasted podcast. How many people can say that they got to be on the best podcast ever? Sounds like a rhetorical question, but it’s probably around 20.

Biggest fear about driving for DB8:

That Rosco will end up like Samantha at the end of Her. He’s getting pretty smart—it could happen :O!

If he was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable he would want to be:

A Jalapeno – so I can be super hot

Favourite Cheese:

Stilton, because who doesn’t like the blues

Doesn’t want you to know he listens to:

Anything by Hoodie Allen

His “moves like Jagger” are more like:


To prepare for driving the bus he is:

Preparing myself to spend hours making almost zero progress by grinding in Destiny.

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?

A duck in front of a comet

Tags: ,
November 15, 2014, 9:40 am
Posted by: Jordan

We have concluded our Ogre Prize Pack giveaway with a staggering $3609.90 raised by the donation drive! The winner was Miracleknight, congratulations!

I feel though that we must have a brief moment of silence…for any chance of a positive point/crash ratio. In the duration of the donation drive we had, THREE CRASHES.


This is the moment Beej decided to go mad with power…wish us luck everyone!