November 14, 2019, 3:36 am
Posted by: Matthews

Roll for initiative! Here’s hoping you got a nat 20 to win this Roll20 Starfinder Pack in our current Donation Drive!

Play Starfinder with your friends, wherever they may be in the galaxy! (Disclaimer: is starfinderonly currently available on Earth.) This pack includes access to the Starfinder Core Rulebook, the Starfinder Alien Archive 1, and Against the Aeon Throne – Adventure Path 1 on You will also receive a 1-year Roll20 Pro Account which includes 3Gb of custom asset upload storage, powerful dynamic lighting and line of sight features, and Table on Tablet support. Digital product only.

Donate $5.19 (or positive multiples thereof) until 4:30am PST for a chance to win!

November 14, 2019, 2:10 am
Posted by: Matthews

WAAAAAGH!!! Alright ‘umies, we have a new Donation Drive running. This time, it’s an ork trukk themed after everyone’s favorite annual charity drive!

An ork trukk set on a base made to look like torn up asphalt over sand. The trukk is posed to look like it’s careening out of control, much like how desert bus often feels. The front of the bus orkzfeatures the iconic air freshener tree, and the sides have the four shift banners. The orks and grots are wearing shirts in each of the four shift colours as well. The trukk is fully legal to play in 40k, the only difference is the base.

Donate $6.97 (or multiples thereof) until 3:00am for a chance to win!

November 14, 2019, 12:33 am
Posted by: Matthews

We kick off the evening of Zeta fun-times with a Donation Drive for an excellent bundle from the game studio, Samurai Punk!

This eclectic bundle of goodies from videogame studio Samurai Punk has something for everyone! For the person with a Playstation 4 and Playstation VR there are copies of Screencheat samurai punkand The American Dream. For the person who only wants to interact with the world through a plush gun, there is a plushie of Gunnie, the adorable mascot of The American Dream. For the person with two hands and wants to do the same as above, there is a second Gunnie! For the person with seven lapels there is a collection of seven Samurai Punk Pinny Arcade pins. Along with all of this you get a collection of t-shirts and a hoodie for you and all of your friends (provided you and your friends are sizes S-XL and there are only five of you).

Donate $7.52 (or multiples thereof) until 1:40am PST for a chance to win this prize bundle!

November 14, 2019, 12:06 am
Posted by: Nina

As we bus our way ever closer towards the Dawn of the Final Day, reminisce about the events of our most recent Night Watch.

Night Time Pet Time!

Ian completed a Desert Bus first:

Graham brought a problem:

Behold, the Rosewatta Stone, with Ben Wheeler:

The Dump Truck brought not only treasure, but dragons!

The Siciliham:


Windows 7 parties disturb us all:

We hit a $20,000 shift total, and over $595,000 donated overall!



Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DB2019 happenings around the web…

November 13, 2019, 11:32 pm
Posted by: Nina

In all of tonight’s excitement, it’s easy to forget that we still have open silent auctions! Check them out below:


For the discerning adventurer or arch-villain, we have this feisty young Needle Felted Owlbear Cub. Perfect for your home, office, or volcanic doom fortress, this deceptively cute cub/chick is sitting at $1475.


Get ready to be everyone’s favorite person on public transportation with The Desert Mandolin, ideally suited to serenading your fellow travelers on an eight-hour bus ride. Made from birch and walnut with brass accents, this pine-shaped delight is currently going for $2420.69.

These auctions will close at 12:00AM PST!

November 13, 2019, 11:00 pm
Posted by: Nina

We here at Desert Bus would like to thank a returning prize sponsor this year: Legacy Books Press!

Legacy Books Press is a publisher based in Kingston, Ontario, specializing in non-fiction about history and Classics. They are dedicated to exploring those interesting corners of history (both modern and ancient) that tend to be overlooked, but still shaped the world as we know it today.

Thank you, Legacy Books Press, for your continued support of Desert Bus for Hope!

November 13, 2019, 10:28 pm
Posted by: Nina

All war is hell, but somehow it got even worse once the zombies showed up.


Featuring a brand new zombie unit, fight a war on multiple fronts, where every soldier that dies is fodder for the growing zombie horde.

Donate $6.06, or multiples thereof ($12.12, $18.18, etc.) until 11:30PM PST to be in with a chance of winning!

November 13, 2019, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Nina

We here at Desert Bus would like to thank a new prize sponsor for this year: SpecialKolin!

SpecialKolin is a Florida-based photographer (and our photographer for this year’s Desert Bus!). He picked up his first “real” camera in 2007, has been in the photography business for the past decade, and can’t see himself doing anything else. His primary specialty is photojournalistic wedding and event photography, but he also enjoys automotive and commercial photography.

Thank you, SpecialKolin, for your support of Desert Bus For Hope!

November 13, 2019, 9:00 pm
Posted by: Nina

We here at Desert Bus would like to thank a new organizing sponsor for this year: tiltyhouse!

tiltyhouse media is responsible for such high-quality entertainment titles as Late Night Dub Fight, GreedWatch2018, and GhostWatch2017, and is definitely not run by any crooks or plants.

Thank you, tiltyhouse, for your support of Desert Bus For Hope!

November 13, 2019, 8:19 pm
Posted by: Nina

Start playing Dungeons & Dragons with your friends, wherever they may be in the world!


This pack includes access to the D&D Player’s Handbook, D&D Monster Manual, and the D&D Essentials Kit: Deluxe Edition on You will also receive a 1-year Roll20 Pro Account, which includes 3GB of custom asset upload storage, powerful dynamic lighting and line of sight features, and Table on Tablet support.

Note: this product is digital only.

Donate $9.22, or multiples thereof ($18.44, $27.66, etc.) until 9:22PM PST to be in with a chance of winning!