November 5, 2020, 9:32 am
Posted by: Andrew
Alright folks, I hope you’re all looking forward to this year because
the official Desert Bus For Hope 2020 t-shirt is NOW ON SALE!


Make the death-defying drive from Tucson to Vegas with a shirt that ships from Tucson to wherever you are (including, but not limited to, Vegas). Supplies are limited, so get your order in soon!

Thank you so much once again to the wonderful folks at Fangamer for this incredible design, and as always, all the profits from each sale of our official t-shirt will be donated to benefit Child’s Play!

July 22, 2020, 12:10 pm
Posted by: Tim

Desert Bus For Hope 2020 starts on November 13th at 10:00am PST.

Hello Desert Bus riders! We’re happy to announce the start date and time for Desert Bus For Hope 2020. Mark your calendars for Friday, November 13th, 2020 at 10:00am PST.

As the global response to COVID-19 adapts, we don’t know with certainty what this year’s event is going to be like, at least right now. We’re keeping tabs on the evolving situation and planning how we’ll run this year’s event with everyone’s safety first and foremost, keeping in line with provincial and federal health guidelines.

But, if one thing is for certain, in some form big or small, together or together apart, the bus will ride on. We are eternally grateful for the generosity and positive energy of our community, which makes this all possible.

We’re excited to share with you all that we have in store for this year’s event over the next few months! If you want to keep up to date on the latest Desert Bus happenings, you can check out the latest news posts here at, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

P.S.: In case you missed it…

May 11, 2020, 1:29 pm
Posted by: Andrew

The Desert Bus for Hope 2020 Craft-Along Submission Form is Live!

Hey folks! While the Craft-Along hasn’t changed much for 2020, things for Desert Bus overall may be a little different this year; There’s a lot of uncertainty at the moment, especially when it comes to live events.

Here in BC, we’re still only in the early stages of determining what everyday life will look like for the summer. The Desert Bus team will be staying up-to-date on the latest information & be taking that into account as we go forward with planning this year’s event. We expect things to remain up in the air for a while now, but we wanted to address this early, to let folks know that we’re staying on top of it & we’re committed to giving this event our all.

We’re working hard on making sure we can run a Desert Bus with everyone’s health & safety in mind as well as all the fun, improv, and chaos you’ve come to expect. We don’t yet know what it’ll look like yet in terms of size & scope, or if in-person events will be permitted by November, but we can commit to this: In some form or another, Desert Bus For Hope 2020 is happening. So, with that in mind, we ask you this:

Do you paint? Sew? Crochet? Use found objects to create adorable sculptures of creatures and characters from your favourite games? Any number of other things that one can consider crafty? Are you interested in being a part of this year’s Desert Bus? Well I have good news for you, because it’s that time again!

As of today, May 11th, submissions for the Desert Bus 2020 Craft-Along are now officially open. We’re inviting crafters of any background to consider crafting & donating a wonderful prize to help Desert Bus For Hope raise money for Child’s Play this year. Crafters will have until May 25th to get their proposals in, so that we can review what folks are interested in doing & get back to you soon with enough time to complete your crafts. One last thing: Because we get so many incredible applications, submissions are limited to one item per crafter. We appreciate the enthusiasm, but we’d like everyone to have a chance.

We’re hoping to have all submissions reviewed & provide our wonderful crafters with a response by June 1st. Once that’s sorted, accepted crafters can start crafting those masterpieces! The deadline for receipt of finished crafts this year will be September 30th, which means they must be IN OUR HANDS on September 30thThe earlier you can get your item in, the easier you make things for our prize team!

If you’re new to the Craft-Along, and have a great idea for a craft, the process is simple: just click here to get to the Craft-Along submissions page and fill out the form!  We will need contact information, a description of the proposed craft, and a few other pieces of info.

Our Desert Bus For Hope Craft-Along community is full of incredibly kind and gifted people who give so much of themselves, and for that we continue to be eternally grateful. It’s folks like you who make Desert Bus what it is, a positive gathering of people from across the world to help kids be kids.

The entire Desert Bus team thanks you, and we can’t wait to see all the incredible work you put together!


November 18, 2019, 7:59 pm
Posted by: Nina

We here at Desert Bus would like to thank one of our returning prize sponsors for this year: M. Lee Lunsford!

Speak of the Devil is an urban fantasy detective mystery comic set in the fictional city of Eidolon. The city is filled with various people, known as Balisks, Salir, Whisps, Fae, and Humans. We follow Sunday Blackburne, an investigator for hire who gets caught up in the conspiracies of this corporate run world, and fights against it from the underground.

M. Lee Lunsford, or just ‘M’ for short, is the artist and writer of Speak of the Devil. They have worked as a character designer, concept artist, and illustrator. Their previous comic Supernormal Step ran for 9 years, and can still be read at

We thank M. Lee Lunsford for their continued support of Desert Bus for Hope!

November 15, 2019, 1:04 am
Posted by: Matthews

Thank you!

Photo credit to Kolin Toney

Photo credit to Kolin Toney

Thanks to your unabashed generosity in donating and spreading the word, we raised a record-breaking $864,415.01 and bussed for 162 hours!

All of that is thanks to you! You all donated to the cause, tuned in to watch our shenanigans, posted about us on social media, wrote articles, and told your friends. You are the reason we can do this year after year. You amaze us every single year, and we cannot thank you enough.

While it may be another year until we start back up, that doesn’t mean we’re leaving you! For ongoing news during the year, check the blog here at, or follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. You can also relive the greatest moments from this year’s run at YouTube and And, if you’re so inclined, you can donate to Child’s Play Charity year-round at their website.


We’ll see you all next year…

November 14, 2019, 10:02 pm
Posted by: Nina

reactor assembling GIF

Did you know that Desert Bus for Hope is a lot of work? Like, a LOT of work? Our organizers and volunteers put in an incredible amount of effort both during the run and in the year leading up to it to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

the muppets dancing GIF

After the run is over we host an after-party to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication. This auction is your chance to be a part of that as the Official Sponsor of The Desert Bus for Hope 2019 After-Party. You will receive a certificate honouring you as the Official Sponsor, and we will make James always refer to the after-party as “The Desert Bus for Hope 2019 After-Party, Sponsored by (Your Name)” every time he talks about it. He does not know this clause has been included.

There is still an hour left to bid on this, as it closes at 11:00PM PST! Our volunteers and organizers thank you for all your support! <3

November 14, 2019, 9:23 pm
Posted by: Nina

LoadingReadyRun, purveyors of Fine Internet Content™, have offered up a custom prize pack of their finest wares for your consideration!


The winner of this lot will receive: The LRR V2.0 Hoodie in the size of their choice; a t-shirt of the winner’s choice; a playmat of the winner’s choice; AND a Pinny Arcade pin of the winner’s choice!


Donate $5.00, or multiples thereof ($10.00, $15.00, etc.) until 10:30PM PST to be in with a chance of winning!

November 14, 2019, 8:57 pm
Posted by: Nina


clapping applause GIF


Schitts Creek Love GIF by CBC







November 14, 2019, 8:40 pm
Posted by: Nina

As we drive into Omega, let’s say a fond farewell to the final Night Watch of 2019 with these treasured memories!

Erika SLAYED Yakko’s Countries of the World:

We had to:

Ian drove his bus down the Desert road:

The Dump Truck giveth, finally:

How many hats can we fit on the driver?

Well, that’s all from us here at Night Watch, folks! Catch you next time, on Desert Bus!

Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DB2019 happenings around the web…

November 14, 2019, 8:32 pm
Posted by: Nina

no way wow GIF




To everyone who has donated and supported us in whatever way they were able, THANK YOU!