November 16, 2014, 11:41 pm
Posted by: Mia

Alex has declared an art challenge! The prize is this gorgeous Just Jund ‘Em cross stitch by Kate Thompson. This is a truly impressive piece of art that any Jund fan will be happy to display in their Magic parlour.


So you want this Just Jund ‘Em Cross Stitch! What do?

Alex wants to see your illustrations of any of the Jund staple cards or characters from the Jund Shard of Alara in MtG. As long as they’re black, red, or green, they’re up for your artistic interpretations! Jund staple cards include (but are not limited to) things like Lightning Bolt, Dark Confidant, and Bloodbraid Elf; so get on Gatherer and start sketching away!

darkconfidant bloodbraid

But don’t jump into MS Paint just yet! You’ve got lots of time; this art challenge will be open until 1:30am, about two hours from now, so go for quality over quantity and impress our Steacy overlord.


November 16, 2014, 11:22 pm
Posted by: Mike

If you’re just joining us, you missed quite a shift!

We auctioned off the exquisite Blue Spirit Mask for a tidy sum of $8,000 to madtheorist!

We played the Newlywed Game… and Graham & Kathleen were the winners*! Way to go you two lovebirds! (*Title disputed)

<3 <3 <3 <3

We had a birthday celebration for Ashton!

Then we played a diabolical game of bluffing and deceit, as six DB volunteers attempted to convince the viewers that they had the free passes to PAX! Look at those biceps! Someone’s been working out!

November 16, 2014, 11:03 pm
Posted by: Mike

Heads up, it’s auction time again!

But you already knew that, didn’t you?

Some people are blessed with the gift — strange mental powers which allow them to see places others cannot. One such individual is Raz, from beloved title Psychonauts! In less than 5 minutes, we will be auctioning off this amazing 8″ hand-crafted and -painted Raz figurine!

Make sure you’re in the chat so you can bid on this very cool item because you sure won’t find it anywhere else!

November 16, 2014, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Heather

alex_lgAlex Steacy

Driving: Sunday, Nov 16 10pm – Monday, Nov 17 10am

Driving since: 2012
Points: 3
Crashes: 0

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:
Furiously scribbling stuff on my tumblr and screwing around on twitter.

Special Skills:

  • Treasure trove of peculiar information
  • Minimal sense of shame
  • High tolerance for psychological torture

He’s a total geek for:

  • Animation
  • Comics
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R
  • Robots
  • Airsoft

Claim to Fame:
I met Boba Fett one time

Biggest fear about Driving for DB8:
Errant lego bricks

If he was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable he would want to be:
Bananas are healthy, hilarious, and radioactive.

Favourite Cheese:

Doesn’t want you to know he listens to:

His “moves like Jagger” are more like:
Trying to maintain balance atop active heavy machinery

To prepare for driving the bus he is:
Developing caffeine-impregnated clothing

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?
The Toha Heavy Industries logomark

Tags: ,
November 16, 2014, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Heather


We are happy to welcome back Steve Dengler of Dracogen as a sponsor to Desert Bus!

Besides founding the currency conversion giant, Steve is a geek amongst geeks, philanthropist, investor, entrepreneur, and a comic strip character in the MegaCynics web comic.

Steve has been supporting and riding the bus with us for a few years now. The previous two years he was responsible for bringing all of Desert Bus to HD for all the internet to enjoy, along with giving items from his own personal collection to help make Desert Bus an even bigger success each year.

Again this year he has given us several items that will help to keep the bus running. Steve you are awesome and we are thankful for the support you’ve shown this year and years past.

November 16, 2014, 9:23 pm
Posted by: Mike

Are you feeling lucky? Think you’re a good judge of character? Well Ash has created an insidious challenge to test your powers of intuition!

A few minutes ago, Ash distributed six envelopes to six DB volunteers. TWO of those envelopes contain those incredible passes that will get you into a PAX event of your choice (Prime, East, Australia, or South)!

The volunteers made their case for why they thought they had the winning envelopes — but here’s the catch: they didn’t know either! At the end of Ash’s shift, we’re going to open up the envelopes and see who had the goods all along, but until then, you can get in on the action!

Ash’s shift ends at 10pm, so get your donations in before then to indicate who you think has got the prize!

To vote for… Donate…
Emily $5.01
Matthew $5.02
Tally $5.03
Ian $5.04
Kathleen $5.05
IQ 2000 / Mike $5.06
November 16, 2014, 8:36 pm
Posted by: Mike

Get ready viewers, it’s time for another art challenge!

For this one, Ash has asked that you take a photo of your favourite LRR Crew Member (or Desert Bus volunteer) and give them some makeup via the magic of Photoshop (or any image editor of your choice!)

Send your entries to [email protected] and use the subject line “Makeup“! If you need some source material/photos of the crew, feel free to browse! You have until 9pm Victoria time to get your entry in!

The winner will receive our Cosmetics of Ice and Fire Prize Pack!

Featuring 3 sets of nail wraps (Cunning, Tentacles, and Nebulae), and four pots of high quality Everything Shadow in shades inspired by George R.R. Martin’s epic series. The powders come in generous portions that may even last you until the next book comes out!

Generously donated by Espionage Cosmetics, a #ForNerdsByNerds company dedicated to making quality, fandom inspired products, because of course you are going to kick butt all day while wearing Venom Lip Serum!

November 16, 2014, 8:17 pm
Posted by: Mike

Certainly the biggest change to Desert Bus for Hope this year has been the move to the Lunar Module! More than just a change in scenery, our new venue is a giant leap in the way we broadcast — it’s bigger, it’s brighter, it’s better appointed, and best of all, as Victoria’s preeminent technology space, it’s got everything a live-streaming web charity-thon (like us!) could possibly want for pushing our signal out to all corners of the globe!

VIATeC, the Victoria Advanced Technology Council, has generously provided this broadcast space, so we want to extend a huge thanks to them!

VIATeC serves as the one-stop hub that connects people, knowledge and resources to grow and promote the Greater Victoria technology sector. Fort Tectoria is VIATeC’s latest initiative to support the growth of the tech sector. It provides affordable space to local tech companies that require flexible terms and recognize the value of being close to other entrepreneurs and innovators on a daily basis.

So, huge thanks to VIATec!


November 16, 2014, 7:00 pm
Posted by: Heather

ashAsh Vickers

Driving: Sunday, Nov 16 7pm – 10pm

Driving since: 2014
Points: 0
Crashes: 0

When not at Desert Bus, she can be found:
Lead Artist and Lead Writer for MegaCynics webcomic
Horror movie enthusiast
Crazy pug lady

Special Skills:
uuuhhhhh I can draw pretty pictures? Not sure I could do that while driving the bus though :/

She’s a total geek for:

  • Metalocalypse
  • Horror Movies
  • Pugs
  • Final Fantasy 10
  • The Riddler


Claim to Fame:
This one time, I drew a picture of the Ghostbusters…

Biggest fear about Driving for DB8:
That I’ll crash the bus more than Matt.

If she was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable she would want to be:
Grapes… Because that’s where wine comes from. Wine is fantastic.

Favourite Cheese:

Doesn’t want you to know she listens to:
Doomstar Requiem soundtrack

Her “moves like Jagger” are more like:
No rhythm wigglin’

To prepare for driving the bus she is:
Stocking up on shame tickets.

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?
a wine glass

Tags: ,
November 16, 2014, 6:27 pm
Posted by: Mike

Another Donation Drive is underway! Until the end of Liz’s driving shift — 7pm Victoria time — donate increments of $6.20 for a chance to win an incredible Rainbow Dash embroidered hooded towel!

AND we’ve sweetened the pig: our winner will also get a silica gel packet, a Desert Bus keychain, a Desert Bus d6, and a limited edition CAHzoo from Liz’s Cards Against Humanity event at PAX!