November 20, 2014, 1:18 am
Posted by: Mia

We’ve got  under an hour on some silent auctions, so get in on these wonderful items!

MTG Mana Rug

This latch hook rug shows all five of the main Mana colours in Magic: the Gathering. It’s a soft and beautifully made piece of functional art!

DB8 Quilted Playmats

Speaking of functional art and Magic, next time you play you can impress your opponents with these custom made quilted Magic play mats. They’re lined with Fleece so they’re soft and sturdy–perfect for your next Friday Night tournament!

Maintenance Painting

There’s not much to say other than that this is a really stunning, stark piece of art–worthy of a place on your wall.

Chainmail Tie of Jocularity

Made from thousands of tiny metal rings, this tie is 18″ in length and fits up to ~21″ neck /w added rings on the neck chain every 1/2″ for smaller necks. It’s got the LRR logo–what more could we say to make it sound awesome?

November 20, 2014, 12:33 am
Posted by: Mia

We’ve got a fabulous drive for you on this early Thursday. We’ve got a SLYR gaming headset that’s branded with Assassin’s Creed 4 goodness, and if you donate $7.44 before 2am you’ll have a chance to win it! Every multiple of $7.44 is a chance to win, so hit that donation

November 19, 2014, 11:34 pm
Posted by: Mike

The top brass of the BC provincial government came by for a visit! MLAs Andrew Wilkinson and Greg Kyllo didn’t think much of Going to the Store, but they did decide to donate and auction off a Shuswap Lake houseboat vacation package while they were here!

Modern-day renaissance man Mikey Neumann called in, had a bit of chat, and helped us auction off a Borderlands Prize Pack and some cool stuff related to his Chasm Skulker Magic Card!

Harrison Krix of Volpin Props called in to talk about his work and auction off this crimson-coloured riff on Brancusi’s “Bird in Space.” Actually, it’s a replicate of the Scissor Blade from anime Kill la Kill. We auctioned that off and apparently it was an inside job, as our own fugi came out the winner!

Last of all, Graham brought out his inner Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rollah and began his driving shift!

November 19, 2014, 11:00 pm
Posted by: Heather

mariancallMarian Call‘s short bio from her site:

“Singer-songwriter Marian Call is grounded in Alaska, though she spends a lot of the year on the road.  She has released five albums since 2007, and her shows have been well-received in all fifty United States and all across Canada and Europe.  Call’s sound is soulful, honest, and clever, by turns humorous and heartbreaking. She sounds a little like Joni Mitchell & Ani DiFranco raising the love child of Ingrid Michaelson & Regina Spektor.  She can often be found on the road singing and working hard, yet despite her frequent travels she stays rooted at home in Alaska for inspiration.”

Marian Call has given Desert Bus a couple copies of her album “Something Fierce” to giveaway over the course of the run. Theres always room on the bus for amazing music! Thank you Marian for your contributions and support of Desert Bus.

November 19, 2014, 11:00 pm
Posted by: Mike



Riddle #1: How far is Victoria, BC, from Reading, UK? Answer: 7,644 km, or 10 million Leonard tentacles placed end-to-end.

Riddle #2: How do you make Kathleen mark out like a 13-year-old at a One Direction concert? Answer: Put her on CBC radio! And what do you know, that’s just what we’re doing!

Tomorrow morning, at 9:00am Victoria time, Desert Bus will be taking a call from CBC Radio’s As It Happens! For those who don’t know, As It Happens is nothing less than an institution in Canadian radio. For nigh-on half a century, As It Happens has brought the weird and wonderful news of the world to listeners’ living rooms through their one-of-a-kind interviews and uniquely Canadian sense of humour. The tandem of Carol Off and Jeff Douglas have hosted the program since 2011.

UPDATE: The story is live! Read it here! (




November 19, 2014, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Heather


Graham Stark

Driving: Wednesday, Nov 19 10pm – Thursday, Nov 20 10am

Driving since: 2010
Points: 2
Crashes: 4

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:
My Twitter bio describes me as “video comedian by night, immobile sleep-beast by day”, and that about covers it. When I’m *not* sleeping, I’m making funny videos because I love to entertain people.

Special Skills:
I typically get challenges that relate to memorization. I’ve internalized Lehrer’s Table of the Element song, and the Animaniacs’ Countries of the Word… that kind of thing. Also, I end up dancing a lot. Look, I’m up for whatever.

He’s a total geek for:

  • The interests for which I consider myself a geek are diverse.
  • Star Trek
  • Ghost in the Shell
  • WWE Wrestling
  • the Myst series
  • Pratchett’s Discworld
  • Magic: The Gathering
  • sketch comedy…

Claim to Fame:
I was once on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Which is to say, one time, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno played a YouTube video of me hitting myself in the balls with a pair of nunchuks. They did not pay for the license.

Biggest fear about Driving for DB8:
I’m afraid of The Device™. Oh, have we not mentioned The Device™ yet? You too will learn to fear The Device™.
If he was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable he would want to be:
An apple, so I can go in all the best baked goods

Favourite Cheese:

Doesn’t want you to know he listens to:
Girls’ Generation

His “moves like Jagger” are more like:
I’m told my hips are trustworthy

To prepare for driving the bus he is:
Getting plenty of bed rest and carbo-loading. This differs from my usual sloth and gluttony because I’m using marathon terms to describe it.

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?
No capes! But my helm probably has a butt on it.

Tags: ,
November 19, 2014, 9:53 pm
Posted by: Mike

Kate’s driving shift is wrapping up, so we’re finishing it off with a Donation Drive! Donate $4.23 (or whole number multiples thereof) for a chance to win a cool set of cross stitched Tetris magnets — and we’ve sweetened this pig a little, with a cross-stitched Megaman, a Dalek figurine, and nine packs of Silica Gel!

November 19, 2014, 9:45 pm
Posted by: Mia

Logo1Harrison Krix, the man behind Volpin Props, has made your dreams come true, and you probably didn’t even realize it. Volpin Props is world famous for its nerdy Daft Punk Helmets, Skyrim Axes, Gravity Guns, and so much more—you name the nerdy activity, and there’s a chance Volpin Props has made something awesome from it! Harrison Krix has been prompting since 2007, and he made it into his full time job in 2013.

Harrison has donated some incredible props to us in the past for auction and this year is no different; there is a gorgeous scissor sword that we’ll be auctioning off later in the run, which he generously made just for us! Harrison can be found at . Thank you very much for all your support, Volvin Props!

November 19, 2014, 8:00 pm
Posted by: Heather

clevermachineClever Machine Studios is a small group of guys who spend their time making games. Last year they created a prototype copy of Desert Bus for the Atari 2600, that James played and then gave away. Since then the project was continued and completed! They’ve even donated a full box copy (also includes a Penn and Teller signature, and t-shirt!) that we’ll be giving away sometime on Nov 20th between 10am – 10pm PST.

Thank you for your contributions Clever Machine Studios! Truly between the Sega CD and the Atari 2600 there will be a fleet of busses in the desert like the world has never seen.

November 19, 2014, 7:59 pm
Posted by: Mike

We have a slightly unorthodox contest underway! We’d like you to tell us the weirdest place you’ve played Nintendo! Send your anecdotes — real or fiction — to [email protected] and use the subject line Nintendo Story.

The best entry wins this awesome Needlepoint NES Controller 3DS Case! It looks like a fuzzy classic Nintendo controller, but inside it’s carrying your 3DS! It even has a slot in the back so you can charge your 3DS while it’s in the case – just don’t mistake it for a real controller and try to plug it into the NES!

So what’s the catch? It’s like this: your story must have 50 words or fewer, OR exactly 64 words

If you find that confusing, we can do this algebraically: Let the number of words in your story equal x. Your story then has to conform to this formula:

x = {=<50; 64}

The contest is open until 8:30pm local time!

Good luck!

The weirdest place *I* played Nintendo? Renaissance England, I guess?