November 16, 2016, 4:53 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0078_001_LotofMemoriesTake a stroll down memory lane with our next Donation Drive! This Desert Bus Lot of Memories is full of great handmade items celebrating our history here at Desert Bus for Hope.

Whether it’s a hat dedicated to Desert Bus 9’s Zeta shift, or the original pit crew/driver badges from Desert Bus 7, this lot has it all.

Any donations of $10.10 or multiples thereof until 5:30 PM PST will enter you for a chance to win!

November 16, 2016, 4:40 pm
Posted by: Jordan

AUCTION TIME SOON FELLOW DOTA’s! Calling all fans of DOTA 2, it’s time to get your bidding hat on. This live auction starts at 5:00 PM PST and includes some amazing Steelseries and Siberia gear. Oh and a chair…from The International 6…signed by the winners, Wings Gaming.

Also a copy of every Valve game, ever, including future titles.

November 16, 2016, 4:11 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0226_001_LPSPlaymatMike and Tifa have kindly donated this Lady Planeswalkers Playmat and Patch for us to giveaway here at Desert Bus for Hope.

Both of these items are highly exclusive. The LPS playmat is used ONLY for teaching and has never been sold in stores. The patch was printed for the volunteers of LPS at PAX 2015 and has never had a second production run.

We are going to be running this as a Donation Drive! Any donations of $9.03 or multiples thereof until 4:30 PM PST will enter you for a chance to win.

November 16, 2016, 3:39 pm
Posted by: Jordan

For the next 5 minutes, if you donate $5.01 or multiples thereof, you will be entered for a chance to DRIVE THE DESERT BUS. We will put your name as the driver and you will get to drive it for 5 MINUTES.

There is no “Physical” prize, but you get a chance to CONTROL OUR BUS.


November 16, 2016, 2:25 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0155_001_PushFightGraham has laid down a fun little art challenge for all of you viewers out there. Loading Ready Run and Desert Bus have a LONG history of producing video content. Graham wants to see you smash that all together and show off some editing chops.

Graham is looking for video “remixes” of Loading Ready Run video content. This contest is running until 9:00 PM PST, and the winner will receive a copy of Pushfight and the elusive Desert Bus for Hope 10 Pinny Arcade Pin and Patch.

A couple of quick notes about the challenge:

  • Please send your submissions to [email protected] with the subject line “LRR Remix”
  • There is an upper limit of TWO MINUTES on all submissions
  • The ideal sharing method is to send us a link via YouTube. If you wish it to be private we recommend keeping it unlisted, if unavailable then:
  • PLEASE send your video files in .mp4 or .mov 
  • Here are some resources for your video clips: LRRTube, LRRLive, DBFHTube

Get Mixing!

November 16, 2016, 2:16 pm
Posted by: Jordan


Mike, Tifa, & Xander will be calling in at 4:00 PM PST on Wednesday, November 16th.

Tifa Robles: Tifa Robles is the founder & organizer of the Lady Planeswalkers Society (LPS), a welcoming, friendly environment to learn and play Magic: The Gathering regardless of gender, skill level, or anything else. The organization also teaches Magic and participates in panels at many conventions. Tifa has also worked in the gaming industry, fighting for diversity and inclusion, for 6 years.

Mike Robles: You might remember Mike from such companies as Wizards of the Coast, Microsoft, and Lone Shark Games. When he’s not managing communities he’s playing lots of video games, streaming, and trying to keep his YouTube pages relevant.

Xander Robles: Xander is a professional cuddle monster and a very expressive young man. He loves his parents, laughing during the most appropriate moments, being held upright, and high contrasting colors. He does not like falling asleep.

Have a question for Mike & Tifa (or Xander through them)? Leave it in the comments below.

November 16, 2016, 2:11 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0213_001_FangamerDB10Shirt9You know what a great feeling is? Brand new clothes! Here’s your opportunity to get a comfy Desert Bus 10 T-Shirt from Fangamer, AND donate to Desert Bus at the SAME TIME.

We are running a donation drive until 2:30 PM PST where any donations of $5.10 or multiples thereof will enter you for a chance to win this snazzy, soft, and ultimately incredibly stylish tee. 

November 16, 2016, 1:59 pm
Posted by: Mike

Thanks for joining me everyone! As I hand off the reins, let’s recap a few favourite moments from this morning and afternoon!

We recapped our NHL picks (killllllllllllled ittttttt ????)!

Graham made a GLOOOOOOORIUSSSSSS entrance to his driving shift!

Jerry Holkins (aka “Tycho Brahe”) of Penny Arcade, dropped by for a visit and showed us today’s comic — featuring a much-appreciated DBX shoutout!!

Things got very high-tech as we had our first ever on-set Drone visit! The lil fellah buzzed around the room, did a lap of the studio, and got a nice shot of a very stylish pair of hi-tops!

November 16, 2016, 1:48 pm
Posted by: Mike


Desert Bus for Hope
Pinny Arcade Pin!!

Made especially for the Desert Bus X volunteers, these are the first ever Desert Bus for Hope Pinny Arcade pins ever made! Very, very rare and definite collector’s item!

We’ve got 30 pins to give away, so we’re holding THREE Special Donation Drives!! Each drive will have TEN (10) winners! 

You’re three chances to own a highly collectible piece of Desert Bus for Hope history are:

  1. Thursday 17th @ 9am Pacific
  2. Friday 18th @ 12am (MIDNIGHT) Pacific
  3. Friday 18th @ 1pm Pacific


November 16, 2016, 1:02 pm
Posted by: Mike

What corruption lurks beneath the surface of everyday things? Things that appear to be ordinary may conceal some sinister truths!

For example, the Desert Bus site went down for a few minutes very early this morning. A routine web outage…. OR SOMETHING ELSE??!! We asked for your best illustrations!

Our winner was FickleMuse with this masterpiece, that might be too much for the sheeple to handle!


Our other finalists!

And all our entries below the cut!!
