November 17, 2020, 7:21 pm
Posted by: Nina

A large porcelain bowl lovingly hand drawn, thrown and glazed with a black glittery finish. On it, three pivotal moments in the Planeswalker Elspeth’s life are depicted in a watercolor, Nyx-like drawings: the slaying of Polukranos, reuniting with Ajani, and killing the god Xenagos. Inspired by traditional Greek pottery, a portrait of Elspeth’s likeness is painted inside the bowl.


To be in with a chance of winning, donate $8.64 (or multiples thereof, e.g. $17.28, $25.92, $34.56 etc.) until 8:30PM PST!

November 17, 2020, 7:09 pm
Posted by: Nina

A new art challenge appears!

Surprise GIF

For this challenge, we would like you to design us a Night Watch Mascot in any medium you desire; our only caveat is that it not be related to Belopa.

Send your creations as a JPEG (no TIFFs, GIFs, or MP4s about it!) to [email protected] with the subject line “Night Watch Mascot Art Challenge“ until 11:00PM PST!

Be sure to include the name you’d like to go by should we show your submission on air. The winner of this challenge will receive a tasty, tasty Desert Bus for Hope 2020 t-shirt!Capture5

November 17, 2020, 6:02 pm
Posted by: Tim

A GIF of the words "What Happened Here" appearing on the feed.

We here at the Alpha Flight Tourism Society hope you enjoyed today’s cursed visit to Dunblobbin. We aspire to provide you with the highest quality tourism content.

Here’s some more of what you missed during today’s Alpha Flight…

Andy and Maddie visited us on Alpha Flight today and sang many many songs! Here’s a highlight from the VST…

Any brings us a This or That… Hallmark Movie or Bath and Body Works Candle?

Erika challenges us with more trivia!

Kathleen shares with us photos of the CBC Mascot Larry Logo.

Erika brought in a mandolin and played a couple of songs.

And, finally, James makes good on his ice cream promise…

Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DB2020 happenings around the web…

November 17, 2020, 3:58 pm
Posted by: Tim

A photo of the Infernal Puzzlebox.Power, fame, glory, riches. All of these can be yours… for a price. Because we’re starting a Donation Drive for this limited edition Infernal Puzzlebox.

Made for the The Descent livestream hosted by Wizards of the Coast to promote the release of the book Descent into Avernus, this handcrafted wooden puzzlebox is one of only six made by Kagen Sound. When you solve the puzzle and open the box you will find your infernal contract. Acid etched on linked brass plates, this contract is written in the Infernal script developed for Dungeons & Dragons. Also included is a certificate of authenticity and a solution book for the puzzle if you need to open the box in a hurry. But speed will not save you from the terms of the contract in the end.

Donate $6.66 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this Donation Drive until 5:00pm PST.

November 17, 2020, 3:47 pm
Posted by: Tim

Heroic Replicas logo.

We’d like to take a moment to thank one of our Prize Sponsors for this year’s Desert Bus for Hope: Heroic Replicas!

Heroic Replicas specializes in accurate replicas of fantasy, sci-fi, action and adventure props and accessories. We have a number of projects on the go that we’ve always wanted to do. We make realistic props from the movies, shows, comics, and video games that made us into the people we are today.

Thank you to Heroic Replicas for your continued support of Desert Bus for Hope!

November 17, 2020, 3:25 pm
Posted by: Tim

Checking in on our current Silent Auctions… head on over to the Silent Auctions page to bid on a Hand Drawn Hyrule Map or a hand-sewn Desert Bus Shifts Lanyard, generously created and donated by our community members through the Desert Bus Craft-Along!


Make sure you’re logged in to your Donor Account and head over to the Silent Auctions page to bid. Don’t delay… these auctions close at 6:00pm today!

November 17, 2020, 1:32 pm
Posted by: Tim

Coming up at 3:00pm today is our next Live Auction! We’ll be auctioning one of the ultra rare (one of only five!) hardcover editions of the Desert Bus for Hope 2019 Photo Book!

A photo of the hardcover photo book.

The Desert Bus for Hope 2019 Hard Cover Photo Book has it ALL! Photos from Desert Bus for Hope 2019, photos of the behind the scenes from Desert Bus for Hope 2019, 166 pages made from paper, a quantifiable amount of text, and who could forget the cover that is certifiably HARD!

Not only featuring the iconic hard cover, this year’s photo book also features almost 40 more pages than the softcover photo books, making these even more special than usual!

The ultimate in Desert Bus for Hope 2019 memorabilia can be yours! Two of the five limited edition Photo Books are available through giveaway and auction.


Remember, to bid on Live Auctions, you’ll need to create a Donor Account and link it to your Twitch account. All Live Auctions are conducted in chat at Remember to watch chat for the latest updates, as the video feed is usually a few seconds behind the live chat.

Look out for the other hardcover copy of the photo book to be given away as a Donation Drive during tomorrow’s Dawn Guard. And, if you want a softcover version of the photo book for your library, you can buy a copy right now on the Desert Bus store at

November 17, 2020, 1:16 pm
Posted by: Tim

Thanks to your eternal generosity, we’ve raised over $450,000 this year! Woo hoo!






Thanks to all of you for your continued support. You are awesome!


November 17, 2020, 1:04 pm
Posted by: Tim

Physical Distancing got you down? Missing out on the energy of big Magic events? Looking for a little slice of the MtG experience to share with your bubble? Well we have you covered with this amazing MagicFest in a Box lot from Channel Fireball. This lot of Magic: the Gathering-themed prizes can be yours in this Donation Drive!

Featuring everything you need to host your very own mini-MagicFest in the comfort and safety of your own home. Sure you might not have to brave the gauntlet of vendors, but just think how much easier it will be to find a cup of coffee (or other beverage of your choice) without the convention hall lineups? You even get to poop in your own toilet!

A photo of the MagicFest in a box set.

In this lot you’ll find many many promotional Magic: the Gathering cards, a Commander deck box and sleeves, and an exclusive MagicFest playmat!

Donate $8.75 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this Donation Drive until 1:45pm PST.

November 17, 2020, 12:21 pm
Posted by: Tim
Andrew Cownden. Madeleine Suddaby.

We have two special guests with us today on Alpha Flight… Andrew Cownden and Madeleine Suddaby! They’ll be joining us all shift today and tomorrow.

Andy is a professional actor/writer/oddball and has been a Desert Bus regular since 2007. Please forward all complaints to @AndrewCownden on twitter.

Madeleine is a singer/dancer/actor/animal-crosser/makeup-artist from Vancouver, BC. Notable Desert Bus moments include singing the ever-loving bus out of Wicked, singing a duet from Anything Goes with Andy, and making Ben cry while singing Moana. It’s mostly singing. Check out “Madelaide” on YouTube and Instagram for her makeup antics!

If you’ve got a question or challenge for Andrew or Madeleine, you can submit those here on the Desert Bus website. Make sure you’re logged in to your donor account, then go to