November 26, 2009, 10:52 pm
Posted by: tally

With minds completely boggled by your generosity, we have all gone home to sleep and try to recover from the utter awesomeness of the past several days. We’re so very grateful to all our sponsors, donators, viewers and everyone who helped out by calling in, bringing food (and caffeine), stopping by to visit and generally making Desert Bus the huge success it has been.

This was a triumph.

We am very very appoint.

We love you all, and we look forward to continuing to hear from you via twitter, the and Escapist Magazine forums, and right here at Please check back over the next week or two as we continue to post all the amazing art, music and videos from the last week. And remember that you can send feedback about this year’s Desert Bus to [email protected].

Here are some links if you would like to go back and browse through the mountains of fan art and other submissions, milestone pictures, and various other things that were posted about on this blog over the course of the event. There’s more coming, too! We hope to do some organizing over the next few days, making it a bit easier to sort through all this great material.

Thank you, and good-night.


November 25, 2009, 9:27 pm
Posted by: kathleen
November 25, 2009, 5:17 pm
Posted by: kathleen

We’re auctioning off original, signed Star Wars art tonight at 8:00 pm PST – this is a bunch of what’s in there, but not EVERYTHING.

All of it is signed by artist Ken Steacy. It should also be mentioned that George Lucas liked this one so much, that he bought the original.

Holy crap.

November 25, 2009, 5:16 pm
Posted by: kathleen

We auctioned off two custom sketches by Ken Steacy – anything you want, fully inked, shaded and highlighted!

You can’t have these, but aren’t they awesome? Apologies for terrible iPhone pictures!


November 25, 2009, 4:15 pm
Posted by: kathleen
November 25, 2009, 3:00 pm
Posted by: tally

Robert Ashley is a freelance journalist who has written for Games For Windows Magazine and Gourmet. He is also an aspiring radio producer and the creator and editor of ‘A Life Well Wasted’, a groundbreaking internet radio show about video games and the people who love them. His band, I Come to Shanghai, released their first independent album earlier this year.

Robert Ashley will be calling in to chat with us at Desert Bus in just a few minutes. Tune in!

Also, you can check out the A Life Well Wasted and the brand new, just-posted episode 5: Help, featuring LoadingReadyRun’s Matt Wiggins and Jeremy Petter, who talk about gaming and Desert Bus.


November 25, 2009, 2:20 pm
Posted by: kathleen
November 25, 2009, 2:16 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Next time you see a dude named GoDesertBusGo on XBox live, know that he is an upstanding dude –


November 25, 2009, 2:14 pm
Posted by: kathleen

So Bill showed up late, spilled drinks and crashed the bus, all in under two hours. Wow.

November 25, 2009, 2:12 pm
Posted by: Jer

Special Alert! Anyone who donates at least $5 in the next hour will be entered to win one of three prize packages from our friends at Crispy Gamer :). Each prize pack contains some CG swag, and a game from their stash. If you’ve been waiting to make a small donation, now may be the time!

Also, check out Crispy Gamer’s great article on us!