October 20, 2010, 9:56 pm
Posted by: Hacked by IkhwanaGanz

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the official kickoff of Desert Bus 2010.

Over the past several months we have been hard at work to organize what we think will be the best Desert Bus yet, and we can’t wait for the event to get started! With only just over 4 weeks until we start up the bus for the 4th time we decided to start our countdown and open up donations. As is with tradition LoadingReadyRun has made the first contribution of $100.00 which takes us a healthy 30 hours into the event.

We have been receiving some great stuff for the craft-a-long this year and with only 10 days until our cutoff date, if you still have something you’ve made and have yet to send it out, now is the time. Along with the stuff you have been making we should be receiving some really cool stuff from various companies that wish to show their support, which means a lot of cool auctions and prizes for you guys!!

And there is one last thing. As many (if not all) of you know in the past we have had 4 drivers working 4 hour shifts, this is no longer the case. After some discussions we decided to change things up. So this year instead of 4 drivers there will be 5 (James, Jeremy, Morgan, Bill, Kathleen) and instead of 4 hour shifts there will be one 24 hour shift. Yup, you read that right, each of us will take one 24 hour shift, and if by some chance we get all the way to Thursday evening @ 6:00PM (we have never made it that far in the past) then James will jump back in the driver seat.

This year should be the best year yet and we can’t wait to get started. We hope you guys feel the same!

Make sure to check back here to see the latest news and information leading up to the event!

And make sure you follow us on TwitterFacebook

May 14, 2010, 9:27 am
Posted by: Matt

Calling all craftsy, artistic and creatively inclined people: the Desert Bus 2010 Craft-Along is here! Desert Bus 2010 starts November 19, 2010, and it’s time to start preparing.

That’s right, in this blog post you’ll find Craft-Along guidelines, contact information and even an instructional video from the Desert Bus cat-girls themselves. Can you handle it?

Here is how you can participate, in three easy steps!

1) Make your craft. Please email [email protected] to let us know what you’re making though. If you have any questions or concerns about what to make, the appropriateness of a particular craft or idea, or anything else you wish to discuss with us, we’d be happy to discuss it with you. We’ll also provide you the address you can send your craft to when it’s done!

2) Ship your craft in recursive packaging. We want to minimize the time we have to spend packaging and shipping prizes, in order to maximize the time we can spend on camera during Desert Bus, entertaining you with silly songs and crazy dances. To this end, we ask that you double wrap your stuff before shipping it to us. For example, put your craft in an unaddressed, unsealed envelope. Then put that envelope into a larger envelope on which you will write our address and your return address. Then ship it. Or, put your craft in a box that has plenty of blank space for us to write on, then wrap the box up in paper and write our address on that. This way, all we have to do is remove the outer layer of packaging, address the inner packaging to the auction winner and ship it. Then we can get right back to the business of making you laugh at our outrageous antics.

3) Once you have shipped your item, go home and send us another email. In this email please include:

  • Your full name (If you would like your craft to be credited to a nickname or forum name instead, please notify us of this in your email.)
  • Your full mailing address
  • What your item is
  • If you have one, the url for your website, Etsy store, Deviant Art page, or anywhere else you post photos and examples of your work. We will include this link on so that people can see more of your amazing work.

Send this email to [email protected]

DEADLINE: Your Craft-Along item must be received by us no later than NOVEMBER 1, 2010 in order to be included in the Craft-Along. We strongly recommend that you mail your item several weeks ahead of time, in case of delays or general post office screw-ups. Stuff happens.

Points of Interest:

The Craft-Along will function a little bit differently this year. All but a few Craft-Along items (selected by intensive review and several committees – which really means selected by the illustrious Rosco P. Jangles IV, possessor of Canard Knowledge) will be displayed in silent online auctions over the course of Desert Bus.

All Craft-Along items, along with all other Desert Bus prizes and auction items, will appear on a couple weeks before the start of Desert Bus, for your perusal and to build drooling anticipation.

With Gratitude:

We’d like to say a special thank you to all the wonderful LoadingReadyRun fans and forumites who, entirely of their own volition, began the wonderful Craft-Along tradition last year. You guys are awesome! We absolutely cannot wait to see what amazing arts and crafts you will come up with this year!

That’s everything – now go get crafting!

May 4, 2010, 11:11 am
Posted by: Paul


Friday, November 19, 2010. 6:00pm PST.


More details will be forthcoming, but for now just rest assured that it is happening and it will be bigger, better and more awesomer then ever before.

December 21, 2009, 11:55 am
Posted by: Graham

Oh yes. That’s right.

You heard us make reference to “we’re recording this” during the run, but you may have heard the ultimate plan. Our tech setup allowed to archive all the best parts of DB09 in full HD, for future generations to realize that it’s… actually not as fun to watch unless you were there…

But still! It’s lives, and we’ll be trickling out the videos as quickly as we’re able to conveniently upload them. There’s over 200 recordings in total, so that may take a while.



December 7, 2009, 6:47 pm
Posted by: tally

Hey everyone,

As many of you know, Desert Bus was just a little break from our everyday lives and jobs, which we’re all now trying to catch up with, even as Loading Ready Run continues to make multiple videos a week. In the midst of all this, yes, we are working on packaging, labeling and mailing the mountainous pile of awesome prizes and auction items from Desert Bus.

We totally understand that those of you who won cool stuff or donated hundreds of dollars for cool stuff want to know just where your cool stuff is and when you might be getting it. Here are a few answers (or the closest we can give to answers).

Did you get the email with my name/address/other random info? I didn’t hear back from you!
Yes. Unless we have emailed you specifically saying, send us your mailing address b/c we don’t have it, we got your email and have taken note of your mailing info. We greatly appreciate all your informative emails and the many accompanying messages of encouragement, but due to the high volume of emails we’ve gotten (and the fact that they mostly arrived during Desert Bus, when we were busy with other things like singing silly songs for you for the children in front of the camera), we have not been able to respond to all of them. So you should really only have heard from us if there’s a problem. In this instance, silence is a good thing.

How can I be sure that you got my information and that I will get my prize?
Trust us. We’re good people. Mostly. No really, we have your prizes, all of which have now been packaged and labeled, and we will send them to you as soon as we can. If you’re really really worried, shoot us an email at [email protected] and we can verify that we have your information and that it’s correct. Would a catgirl lie to you?

WHEN will I get my stuff?
Isn’t life more fun when it’s full of little surprises? Honestly, we can’t tell you exactly when things will arrive. We are currently in the process of physically putting items in the mail – this will be happening over the course of this week and next. Everything is being sent via Canada Post Expedited Mail (a fairly fast service), which gives us a tracking number for each item. We understand that there are many valuable prizes being sent out and we want to do everything we can to ensure that they get to you safely. Due to factors like the high volume of mail at this time of year, we aren’t able to provide estimates of arrival dates, but with the tracking numbers we can make sure that items are on their way to you.

We’d like to say thanks again to everyone who participated in Desert Bus this year and made it so totally bussing awesome. And when it comes to sending you your sweet winnings, be patient with us please – we are but mere mortals!

December 4, 2009, 12:12 pm
Posted by: Jer

Are you Colin Voyles or Geoff Bell? I’m happy to tell you you won a fantastic draw prize during Desert Bus!

I’m unhappy to tell you that because we haven’t been able to contact you, we might have to re-draw. If you are one of these folks (or you know one of them them) we need an email from the address connected with your paypal account (so we can verify your identity) by noon PST on Monday to [email protected].

Otherwise, we’ll re-draw from the same list of eligible donators we drew from initially.


December 3, 2009, 7:56 pm
Posted by: Hacked by IkhwanaGanz

Anyone who was around for last years Desert Bus hopefully saw our weekly LoadingReadyRun update get a bit of a Desert Bus jolt. Also known as “Desert Bus Killed the Internet Star”

Well it would appear we are setting our selfs up for a bit of a tradition around these parts, by producing yet another musical themed Desert Bus video to wrap everything up. We hope you guys enjoy… TUCSON OR BUST!

December 1, 2009, 11:41 am
Posted by: Jer

Even with our event over, and our ChipIn marked as closed, those of you still watching this site will notice that our donation total continues to rise. Is this a mistake? Absolutely not!

In fact, these are more amazing Desert Bus donations contributed via e-cheque, that are only now clearing through PayPal. As a result, our total has risen almost $5000 since Desert Bus came to a close last Thursday.

How high will it get? We honestly don’t know — we have no way of really tracking e-cheque donations. We’ll announce our final total at the end of the week, by which time we’re pretty sure everything will have gone through. Can we break $140 000 (double last year’s total)? The answer is mere days away.

November 30, 2009, 12:26 am
Posted by: kathleen

Did you donate money during Desert Bus? If you did, you can claim your donation to Child’s Play as a donation to a registered US charity –  it is therefore tax deductible. Child’s Play’s tax ID number is 20-3584556.

If you have any questions about donations and tax, or would like to get a receipt for your donation, please contact:

[email protected]

November 29, 2009, 5:57 pm
Posted by: Jer

I’ve been meaning for a few days now to put up a big thank-you to everyone who covered Desert Bus, and helped us get attention over the course of our run. It’s been a few days, and it’s taken some time for all of us to recover, so sorry that blog posts have been few and far-between. Its funny to come back to your real life after something like Desert Bus — as something that took up almost a week of our lives, it feels like it was over in an instant. Time rolled together, like giant one-day party, that mysteriously ate up much more than one day, and now feel like it happened a year ago; it’s crazy.

Anyway, back on topic, here’s a recap of more-or-less everyone who covered us over the course of the event. If you know of any articles I’ve missed, please let me know.

Press & Newsblog Coverage:

1Up: Huge thanks again for Frank Cifaldi of The Lost Levels for calling in to check up on us and give us some history on Desert Bus and Smoke and Mirrors, and, of course huge thanks for donating the Retronauts blog post on Smoke and Mirrors to us.

A Life Well Wasted: Big thanks to Robert Ashley for dedicating part of his fifth of his labour-of-love podcast to Desert Bus, and for pimping us out at the end of the article. Check out the best-put-together interview you will ever hear with Matt and myself in the latest episode of ALWW.

Columbia College Interactive Media Blog: Thanks to longtime supporter Brice Puls for this very nice writeup. Brice, I had no idea you were involved in such an interesting educational program; best of luck and thanks for the support!

Crispy Gamer: Huge thanks to Matt and James from Crispy Gamer, both for the lovely article, and for offering prize packs to several of our viewers farther on into the week. Just when I thought we might drop off in donations and press coverage, there was Crispy to prove me wrong on both counts. Thanks, guys!

Critical Gamer: Rikard across the pond at Critical Gamer wrote a quick recap of our progress midway through our run, that sent our chat into a linking frenzy. Cheers, sir!

Future Shop Tech Blog: Again, I didn’t even know Future Shop had a tech blog, but there it is. Paul Hunter wrote a nice article for us there, also mirrored on

Game Marathons: Game Marathons is a great community for all forms of video game marathon. This year, they posted both an introductory post for us, and an interview with Matt while we were still in-progress. Huge thanks for all the coverage, guys!

Game Politics: As someone who is interested in both games and politics, and someone who writes sketches about game culture for a living, I am an avid reader of Game Politics. I’m super happy that they covered us, so thanks to everyone there for the writeup.

GamePro: John Davison, the new EIC of GamePro, and a Desert Bus phone-in alumni from last year gave us a very nice writeup, and a followup article as well. Thanks a bundle, John, for all your support. I personally look forward to see the direction one of North America’s last surviving game print publications takes going forward.

Icrontic: Bobby Miller did a really good article for Icrontic, outlining the event for a really cool geek community. It’s definitely worth a look!

The Independent: Imagine my surprise at discovering we’d been covered by a larger British news outlet … classified as “Relax News”, no-less. I’m flattered, thanks to whoever wrote this piece–it’s very well done!

Joystiq: Not only did Justin from Joystiq call in to give us support and a prize pack during the event, he also wrote two articles for us, the first announcing the start of the event, and a second announcing its final total. These were both mirrored around the internet, but his voice is distinct enough that it’s pretty easy to tell its source. Thanks, man!

Kotaku: Kotaku followed up Owen Good’s very nice article on us last week, with an excellent one on game charities in general by Brian Crecente this week. Both are definitely worth a look, as is apparent from the number of times both have been mirrored around the internet.

News 1130: These guys mirrored a couple articles about us, but also Erin Loxam also penned this original report. Thanks, guys, for all the support!

New TV: I didn’t get a chance to read Liz Miller’s article on us until today, but it’s a very nice piece — which gives us a five-star rating for entertainment, no less. Thanks so much, Liz!

One Last Continue: I don’t know a lot about One Last Continue, although this was the blog that inspired my RoJo story for ENN. Huge Props to Lars for the shout-out and overview of the event. Rosco is appoint.

Rock-Paper-Shotgun: Huge props to Kieron at RPS for the quick shoutout, even though Desert Bus is clearly not a PC game ;). I guess it would be if we were emulating it, but no, real Sega CD for the win! Thanks so much!

The Serious Business: If there was any doubt before that Desert Bus was srs bsnss, I hope that this post on The Serious Business has squashed it. Thanks, guys, for the support!

The Times Colonist: It took until the event was over for our local paper to cover us, but when they did, it got mirrored all over the place, from Seattle, to Kelowna to the NY Times. Huge thanks to the TC for getting us out on the wire with this article!

The Tweet Gazette: No doubt inspired by our trending status on Friday, the Tweet Gazette did a quick article on us. Thanks for sending … tweeple? our way, Tweet Gazette!

Vibrant Victoria: I frankly had no idea that Victoria even had local news blogs, until my one-time schoolmate Tristan contacted me for an interview about Desert Bus. His article is a unique interview with the crew in mid-run, and definitely worth a read!

Virtual Underground: It’s good to see coverage from smaller, grassroots gaming communities, alongside the major blogs. Thanks to Virtual Underground for their shout-out and coverage.

Wired News: Gus Mastrapa at Wired News’s Game Life blog wrote a fantastic article as we were in the midst of our “gearing up” montage for this year’s bus ride. We really appreciated the coverage right out of the gate, so huge props for this!

Lifestyle and Personal Blog Coverage

After spending several hours putting together the above, I am running out of words to describe the amount of awesome that folks around the net have contributed to Desert Bus. Thanks so much to everyone who committed space on his or her personal blog to us — your comments were among the most impassioned, and your stories the most poignant.

Blue Ink Alchemy by Josh -Thank you sir for all the support on the blog, in chat, over email, etc. We really really appreciate it!

Bloginhood by Robin Shanz – thanks for the vote of confidence, Robin, and for letting your folks know about us!

Digital Seahorse by Danielle – Your excitement is palpable – we really appreciate your kind words!

Effing the Dog by Mike Vardy – Mike’s exceptionally funny productivity blog is well worth reading, and his article on Desert Bus is very, very good. This is one you should definitely look at. Did you know Mike’s appeared in ENN? He’s our own personal Sony Representative!

Empties Crushed by Dan Yost goes into some details about the history of Desert Bus, and recaps the beginnings of our fundraiser. Again, thanks, Dan, for sending so much love our way!

Goodnight, Neverland by Clinton Hallahan presents a nice overview of the event and some much-needed words of encouragement – thanks, man!

Inane Rantings of Meby Alex – Thanks Alex for the exposure. We appreciate it, and thanks for the props regarding our sketch comedy as well. We’re proud of it!

Jason Montgomery – Proposes DB as a downloadable XBLA/PSN game – an idea we’ve though of before, though getting the writes sorted is maybe a bit beyond a group of comedians.

Twenty-Sided by Shamus Young – if you read one blog about Desert Bus, read this one. Our fellow Escapist contributor Shamus has a lot to say about Child’s play that is well worth a look. Also, thanks, Shamus, for the shout-out earlier in the week!

The RaT Project podcast chatted about us extensively during their Nov 23 episode, as we were in the midst of an epic run. Thanks, guys!

Snurfs by Nick S. – Thanks so much for the writeup!