November 22, 2011, 12:49 pm
Posted by: KingKool

We got Chapter 6 of the amazing Dengler & Butts series! This chapter was written by Mitten:

There were four terrorist teams, fifteen minutes


and only two Steves.


They ran.

”We are not enough.” Dengler analyzed and crunched his brow, ” we need backup”

”We’re off the case. There is no backup”, grumbled Butts.

”We are still on a case. The upper case.”, aswered Dangler and pulled out his iphone, ”by the power of Steve, there is always backup”.


Butts peered at the screen and beheld an IRC client.

”Fear! Fire! Foes! Awake!”, Dengler typed aloud, ”terrorists approach the moonbase!”



A sniper shot shattered the phone.

The Steves jumped behind a lamp post.

”Did it get through?”, butts inquired amid a shower of bullets.

”As long as there is the bus, there is hope”, replied Dangler.

Also, here’s Kroze in leather pants.

November 22, 2011, 12:00 pm
Posted by: Matt

Host of NPR’s Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! Peter Sagal is a playwright, screenwriter, actor, and regular columnist for the New York Times Magazine, and Runner’s World. He’s written for the Chicago Tribune, andHouston Chronicle.  His book, titled ‘The Book of Vice: Very NaughtyThings (and How to Do Them)’ was published in2007.

If you have anyquestions for Peter, leave them in the comments section below, and we’ll pass them along when he calls at 1:00PM.

November 22, 2011, 10:00 am
Posted by: Matt

Ernie Cline is a novellist and screenwriter who you may know best as the writer of the film ‘Fanboys’, released in 2009. In addition to his scriptwriting, Ernie has been named chamion of the Austin Poetry Slam on two seperate occasions and has recently published  a novel by the name of ‘Ready Player One’.

Ernie will be calling in at 11:00AM, so tune in and see what he has to say!

November 22, 2011, 9:00 am
Posted by: Matt

Monte Cook is most famous as co-designer of Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition, and writer of the third edition Dungeon Master’s Guide. He has worked on countless RPG products for Iron Crown Enterprises and TSR/Wizards of the Coast, including lines such as Champions, Planescape and Dark*Matter. In 2001, he became an independent publisher, and was one of the first to produce material online under the Open Gaming License. Under his Malhavoc Press imprint, he self-published many products, including Arcana Unearthed/Evolved, and cumulating in Ptolus, a book that is regarded by many as the ultimate fantasy RPG setting. He has since worked on an experimental subscription-based adventure project called Dungeon-a-Day and consulted on the design of the Pathfinder RPG. He now writes the “Legends and Lore” column for the Dungeons and Dragons website.

He’ll be calling in to Desert Bus at 10AM , so please leave him your questions below.

November 22, 2011, 9:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

One of the great things about Desert Bus is the SHEER variety of stuff we give away and auction off. We’re not just into video games and general geeky items though, we also like rad books!

Author Omi Inouye is back again, donating copies of A Girl’s Guide to Dating a Geek, Andre Curse: A Storybook about Recursion, and the Infant’s Guide to Calculus. You can find more about her at We also have a 50 Word Stories Prize pack donated by our own Tim Sevenhuysen, an awesome package of delights from Sam and Fuzzy author Sam Logan and a signed copy of Kate Beaton’s new book Hark! A Vagrant, donated by Matthew Murray!

The sharp eyed among you will note all these great authors are Canadian… Somewhere a beaver is wiping away a tear of pride.

November 22, 2011, 2:31 am
Posted by: KingKool

In the endless fight between Team Kroze and Team Ashton, Morgan solicited posters to support Team Kroze. Kroze himself was on hand to judge which one was the best. At the end of the day, they had to pik the one from Derek H, with this majestically simple poster.

Here are the hopefully still effective runners-up.

November 22, 2011, 2:17 am
Posted by: KingKool

For the $180,000 milestone challenge, I arbitrarily declared that these pics should be related to the Flinstones.










That’s pretty cool, but then I got this from Stephen K.:

NICE. This is just what I was hoping for.

Here’s one that’s not Flinstones related. We don’t discriminate here.

November 22, 2011, 12:32 am
Posted by: tally

If you were around last year, you may recall that we had a contest to come up with the official cocktail of Desert Bus. The winner was Mark’s Deceptive Sunrise, wonderfully named and magically delicious.

On Tuesday night (Nov. 22), with cocktails in hand, we’ll be enjoying an evening of toasts, starting at 10ish pm PST. Thanks to the thoughtful generosity of viewer Travis, who thought (rightly) that we might need some stiff drinks over the course of this largely sleepless week, we’ll be sipping our Sunrises and toasting this, that and the other thing until our cups run dry. Tune in to enjoy increasingly amusing toasts and tales. If you’d like to take part in the toasting from the comfort of your viewing screen, you can find the recipe for the Deceptive Sunrise below.

Deceptive Sunrise

  • 1 part Drambuie
  • 2 parts ginger ale
  • splash of cherry juice (can substitute cranberry)
For a list of the runner-up drinks, and the winning and runner-up non-alcoholic beverages, go here.
November 21, 2011, 9:00 pm
Posted by: kathleen

There are many purveyors of gaming-themed T-shirts but only SplitReason has hoodies shaped like Zero Punctuation’s world-famous imp! You too can pretend to be causing trouble for everyone’s favorite Trilby-wearing acerbic circle-headed game critic. We’ve got some to give away, but there’s plenty more where they came from at their website:

November 21, 2011, 8:22 pm
Posted by: KingKool

We hit $160,000! Why are you reading this?! Tune in now!! Ken Steacy!!