November 20, 2012, 2:00 am
Posted by: Kelly

More silent auctions going live in 3… 2… 1…

Happy bidding!


November 20, 2012, 2:00 am
Posted by: Kelly

Welcome to Tuesday morning, Bus-fans! Scope out these awesome gets!






November 20, 2012, 1:27 am
Posted by: Kara

Scott Kurtz is on the phone right now and is auctioning off a guest appearance in Player vs. Player!!!!?!?!

Join in the chat and bid now!

Come now!

UPDATE: Scott will be auctioning off ANOTHER guest appearance at 9pm on Tuesday, November 20th (tonight!)

November 20, 2012, 1:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

One of the biggest pen and paper RPG companies in the world Paizo started developing content for the Dungeons and Dragons system a decade ago. Since then they’ve launched their popular Pathfinder tabletop adventure game, supporting it with rule books, maps, miniatures, and even comics. If you’re interested in fantasy gaming Pathfinder will have something to satisfy you, while if you prefer to enjoy your fantasy adventures in a solitary manner you can enjoy the works published by Paizo’s Planet Stories fiction imprint.

November 19, 2012, 11:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Prepare yourselves: Bill Corbett is calling in this morning at 9AM!

This is an amazing surprise for Desert Bus as Bill is a legend in the geek comedy world! He used to write for Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and also provided the voice of Crow 2.0 as well as various other characters! He’s also a performer and writer for Rifftrax, a hilarious mock-fest where Bill and his peers rip apart bad movies in the style of an in-movie commentary. Scientists have recently proven that Rifftracks are the only force on Earth strong enough to counter the so-called “Twilight Suck-Wave” enough to low the sparkly vampires movies’ leathality to “watchable”.

Bill will be calling in on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 9:00 AM PST, so post any questions in the Comments section of this post and tune in for the impending doom!

November 19, 2012, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

It’s 10:00 PM, time for some new auctions to hit the block!

November 19, 2012, 9:21 pm
Posted by: Kelly

The CERN Awesome Pack goes up for auction on Thursday at 4:00 PM PST!

Also known as the European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN has donated some amazing items that are an absolute must for any nuclearphile or aspiring mad scientist!

This pack includes the following items:

  • 1 CERN baseball cap
  • 1 bracelet inspired by the geometry of the magnetic field surrounding the Large Hadron Collider beam pipes
  • 1 keychain containing an ACTUAL piece of LHC superconducting cable
  • 2 CERN pens
  • 1 CERN lanyard
  • 1 CERN compass
  • 1 CERN tote bag
  • 3 unused CERN punch cards (not available ANYWHERE)
  • A Science t-shirt
  • A Prestigious Discoveries at CERN book
  • A copy of the Flight of the AMS’ Photo book about the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
  • A copy of “Voyage to the Heart of Matter” pop-up book of the ATLAS experiement
  • “The Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at the LHC” book
  • An adorable plush Higgs Boson particle!


November 19, 2012, 8:47 pm
Posted by: Kelly

One of the legends of geek comedy, is now calling into Desert Bus tomorrow morning at 9am!

Bill Corbett was a writer and voice on Mystery Science Theater 3000 and is a writer and performer for the Rifftrax!

Check out the Rifftrax website here and tune in tomorrow morning!




November 19, 2012, 8:14 pm
Posted by: Kelly


Chip Nixon is the winner of the Skeletor and his Bony Pony contest:


Thanks for all of your entries! This was a really tough one to judge and all of you who managed to get art in within the twenty minute timeline deserve high fives all around! May all your ponies be bony, skele-bronies!





November 19, 2012, 7:28 pm
Posted by: Kelly