November 20, 2014, 10:00 am
Posted by: Heather

paul_lgPaul Saunders

Driving: Thursday, Nov 20 10am – THE END

Driving since: 2007
Points: 7
Crashes: 1

When not at Desert Bus, he can be found:
Playing, streaming and making fun of video games, producing silly videos for LoadingReadyRun, “improving” the LRR website and playing D&D.

Special Skills:
Singing, staring into the camera with objects on my head, growing facial hair.

He’s a total geek for:

  • Video Games
  • D&D
  • far too many TV shows
  • web development
  • convoluted comic book backstories

Claim to Fame:
I have 3 PS3s and 4 PS4s but only one tonsil.

Biggest fear about Driving for DB8:
Fatal butt cramp.

If he was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable he would want to be:
Pomegranate – Delicious but overly complicated to eat.

Favourite Cheese:

Doesn’t want you to know he listens to:

His “moves like Jagger” are more like:

To prepare for driving the bus he is:
Studying Desert Bus Speedruns for tips.

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?
The word FOOLED YOU written very small so that enemies have to get within punching range to read it.

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