November 18, 2014, 10:00 am
Posted by: Heather

tally_lgTally Heilke Petter

Driving: Tuesday, Nov 18 10am – 10pm

Driving since: 2012
Points: 1
Crashes: 3

When not at Desert Bus, she can be found:
Crafting, crafting, and wishing I was crafting! By day I work at a non-profit and a retail consulting company, and by night I make my own clothing, write craft tutorials, take on crafting commissions, make hordes of plushies and also organize events, from Desert Bus to convention craft panels. I post my craft stuff on I own 20-some pairs of scissors, 2 cat dresses and a LOT of fabric.
I also play D&D, board games and – when I can squeeze in the time – video/computer games. Sometimes I stream Minecraft, where I delight in creating totally impractical glass structures and ferrying rabbits to my island.
Rules I live by: Scissors are the best tool ever. Glitter is evil. Sunshine makes everything better (wine helps too). Puns. Are. Fabulous.

Special Skills:
I sing (I love singing, I will sing or try to sing just about anything), I dance very awkwardly, I bounce a lot, once up on a time I played the recorder (sopranino, soprano & alto – I still own all 3) quite well but I haven’t practiced in aaaages, I occasionally craft things on screen (cat ears, piggy ears, Bidbot) & I’m always up for talking about crafting (giving advice, brainstorming projects, mocking Pinterest & Craftgawker, ranting against the use of glitter), I make terrible puns, I squee, I try to convince other DB members that we should do dramatic readings of embarrassing excerpts from our high school journals, and I do enjoy being asked to try doing something new and unexpected, or that isn’t an obvious fit my past profile of challenge performances.

She’s a total geek for:

  • Star Wars
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Asterix & Obelix
  • Calvin & Hobbes
  • Firefly
  • Journey
  • John Scalzi novels
  • fabric stores
  • animal costumes in the guise of everyday clothing

Claim to Fame:
I craft things. So many things. Including a ton of little Creepy Dolls (who consumed me that one time – I guess I’m actually just a ghost now) and Harry the Giant Creepy Doll, who you’ll be seeing on Desert Bus.
And I dated a piece of toast once.
Editor’s Note: I’m sorry… what?!?!

Biggest fear about Driving for DB8:
I fear I will not get a bug splat. I won’t feel fulfilled without that bug splat. And yet, if I /do/ achieve this, I worry that the bug will come to haunt me. Poor bug! His name was Arnold, and he just wanted to travel a bit, see the desert sunset from the road, find out where the bus would take him…

If she was reincarnated as a fruit or vegetable she would want to be:
A kumquat, because it is SO delightfully ridiculous to say.

Favourite Cheese:
Goat Gouda. But actually just all of them.

Doesn’t want you to know she listens to:
Raise Your Glass, Starships, a cappella pop covers

Her “moves like Jagger” are more like:
An intoxicated toddler.

To prepare for driving the bus she is:
Wouldn’t you like to know? *Rubs hands together* Sewing a secret something, obviously. And losing my mind – it’s an annual tradition.

What symbol does your superhero cape have on it?
Scissors, well sharpened and gleaming in the moonlight!

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