Posts Tagged ‘Sweetening’
November 15, 2015 6:45 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0258_01_CookieofMonthSo if you’ve taken a look at the Silent Auctions page recently you might have noticed the Cookie Brigade lot has already crested over $1000.00. That is a lot of demand for these delicious little treats.

Well we’re gonna make it a little sweeter for everyone.

We are Sweetening this Pig of a Silent Auction at a couple of specific totals. If this auction reaches $1200, the Cookie Brigade will send a DOUBLE batch of cookies one month. If this auction reaches $1500, the Cookie Brigade will also add BACON to one batch of cookies! That’s right, we’re gonna glaze this pig with….MORE PIG! 

A quick reminder, this lot is available to U.S. Bidders only. Unfortunately the logistics of shipping cookies every month from different bakers is too much for international shipping.