November 15, 2011, 8:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

Everyone here at Desert Bus HQ is pleased to unveil the official t-shirt of Desert Bus for Hope 5.

It was way back in the summer when the very fine and generous folks at Fangamer expressed an interest in being more involved in Desert Bus this year, and offered to create a very special, limited edition Desert Bus 5 t-shirt. Several months later and Fangamer have really knocked the design out of the park.

100% of the profits from each shirt go to Child’s Play, and if you buy during the marathon Fangamer is offering to donate an additional 10% of the profits from  whatever else is in your cart.

The shirts are printed with waterbase inks on American Apparel’s BB401 shirt (BB301 for the ladies), so they both look great and feel incredibly soft.
You can order your shirts here, but please note, this is a special, limited edition shirt and after the Desert Bus has rolled on by after another year, it’ll be taking this shirt with it.
November 13, 2011, 3:32 pm
Posted by: Paul

The counterpart to Tally’s craft-along prep, is Kathleen’s corporate prizes. She walks us through a couple in a new DBD:

November 12, 2011, 6:08 pm
Posted by: Matt

Auctions, challenges, and giveaways are a long-honoured tradition of Desert Bus for Hope, and a great way to raise money for the kids. Last year we implemented a back-end system for Desert Bus in order to track these events, and to introduce our silent auction system. On the whole, we felt that it worked out very well, but there’s always room for improvement!

This year, we’ve updated this system with some new features both on our end, and on yours. These changes should make our lives easier as we progress through the run, and they’ll allow you to do all kinds of cool new things!

The first thing you need to do is head on over to and register an account. You will be required to register if you want to issue a challenge, or bid on a live or silent auction item. All you need to give us in order to register is an email address, so that we can contact in the event that you win yourself a prize.  Then, using this personal account you can:

  • check the status of your challenges,
  • track the silent auctions you are bidding on,
  • view your donation history,
  • pay for accepted challenges and won auction items,
  • add shipping information, and
  • manage your donor profile.

On your homepage you’ll also receive messages if you have any outstanding items, like an auction item that needs a shipping address.

The account registration process is already live and running, so if you plan to make us act out a scene from the musical Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark with every role played by a person doing a lousy impression of Sean Connery, or throw down with Octopimp in order to win a lot of autographed widgets, you may want to get this taken care of right away.  You wouldn’t want to miss out on an auction because you weren’t signed up!

See you Friday!

Update: Please note: you should use the same e-mail address to register a Donor account as you use for your IRC login. Bidbot will only recognize emails it knows! If you used a different address for your IRC login, you can add that address as an “Additional E-mail” in the “Edit Profile” section of the Donor site.

November 12, 2011, 11:20 am
Posted by: Graham

Bradley Rains has been composing music for us at LoadingReadyRun for a couple years now, and when he asked if he could perform some of those songs for Desert Bus, I figured that an opening act would be the best way to do it!

Starting at 5:00 PST on the 18th, an hour before the marathon starts, Bradley (joined by his brother and dad) will be performing a set of music he’s composed for LRR, and a couple other things as well.

Check out this promo he put together, and watch the pre-show here, at 5:00PM PST, on November 18th.


November 8, 2011, 10:15 pm
Posted by: Graham

Well, it took nearly a whole year, but they’re finally online. Videos from the LAST Desert Bus.
There’s a myriad of technical reasons why this took so long, that I shan’t bore you with, but they’re online now.

Enjoy them in the embedded playlist below (mouse over for the selection controls), or at the following link: Desert Bus Video Archive.
Hope you enjoy them! (There’s a few more coming!)

November 7, 2011, 6:02 pm
Posted by: Graham

On Saturday, Tally took some time out of processing all the crafts to give me a little rundown of what her days are like right now.

November 4, 2011, 9:39 pm
Posted by: Graham

Hey all! I had some spare time at the Moonbase this afternoon, so I thought I’d give you an update on our preparations.

November 1, 2011, 10:59 pm
Posted by: Graham

Wow, it’s really crept up on us, hasn’t it?

Not that we haven’t known it was coming. I mean, my goodness, we’ve got the biggest team ever working on this year’s event. It’s going to be amazing!

Now that we’re so close to this year’s event, I thought I should take this opportunity to tell you what we’ve actually been doing since our first DB5 meeting, way back in March. I’ll start!



Well, most of what I do for Desert Bus happens once we start. “Hosting duties”, we call them. This year however I’ve also become the volunteer coordinator, arranging with the wonderful people who are donating their time to make everything run smoothly once we start. Blog writers, auction runners, site managers… we’re organized this year! You’ll meet them closer to the date.



As well as sharing those “hosting duties” (Paul and I usually split the day cycle, mornings to evenings), you see this fancy new DB website? That was Paul. We figured it needed a refresh after 4 years, and it looks damn fine. For the bits of the website you can’t see, he collaborated a lot with…



Returning after his breakout performance last year, Ashton is some kind of human astronaut. He’s rebuilt our custom Desert Bus database from the ground up, with built-in interfaces and tracking for donations, donors, auctions, prizes, challenges, shipping and I’m pretty sure it will make toast for you. Assisted by LRR fan (and admin of our Minecraft server!) Fugiman.



Tally oversees and coordinates the Desert Bus craft-a-long, so her job is far reaching, time-wise. People need advance warning to make amazing things by hand, which is why the post below is from May. In the past month we’ve received probably over 100 amazing crafts that you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Look for the live and silent auction listings when they go live!



We don’t just auction off and give away amazing crafts, but amazing commercial products too! And Kathleen works with companies to arrange those things. From the high-speed internet we’ll be using to ThinkGeek’s Tauntaun sleeping bag (oh yes, we’ve got one!), there’s going to be some awesome stuff heading your way!



Ever since Penn & Teller scared the crap out of us by calling in during our first event, guest call-ins have been a part of Desert Bus. They’re not just fun to listen to, they’re also a great morale boost for a weary driver. Matt’s job is harassing these cool people until their will breaks and they agree to call us. But seriously, we’ve got some great guests lined up this year (many of whom you’ll remember from previous events!).



New to the organizing committee this year, our good friend Johnny (working with another good friend Ian) has been toiling away to make our tech setup the best we’ve ever had. Multiple cameras, Facetime call-ins, backup feeds… guys, seriously, we’re ready for this. As with last year, our erstwhile Derplord Alex has built us a driver-cam overlay to be proud of.


James, Jer, Bill and Morgan are returning as drivers (with Kathleen of course), and there’s a whole heap of other volunteers we’ll introduce you too when we get closer to kickoff, but I wanted to tell everyone just what we’ve been doing this whole time.

Let’s just say we’ve been busy. It’s a far cry from DB1’s “show up, plug in, drive” operation.


More updates to come, watch this space for the madness!

May 2, 2011, 2:13 pm
Posted by: tally

Last week we announced that Desert Bus 5 will begin on November 18, 2011, and we know that many of you are already on the edge of your seats, wondering how you can get involved in the madness, like, right now. You’re in luck! For the creative, the artsy and craftsy, the make-nerdy-stuff-at-home inclined, we have a way for you to get involved right away, a full six months before the busing begins. You can participate in the Desert Bus 5 Craft-Along!

How? Allow us to demonstrate.

1) Read this ENTIRE post. Then email Tally at [email protected] to explain your craft idea and get her official approval.This is important so that we know what kind of items we’re expecting and can avoid too many of the same kinds of things. We also need to make sure that the idea fits within the guidelines of the Craft-Along which are (see below):

  • Items should be somehow centered around the themes of Desert Bus, video games, general geekery or Loading Ready Run, so they’ll be of interest to our viewers. That’s a huge pool to draw ideas from.
  • Items should be generally family friendly. They don’t all have to be appropriate for kids or anything, but no homemade Mario dildos, please.
  • Items should be of the best quality you can make them. We want your work, but we want your best work, in order to bring in the best donations for the children.
  • We will not be accepting portraits of the LRR crew this year. We’ve had a few of these (some very good ones, we must say) over the past years, and while we do love staring at ourselves for long hours in the mirror, we’re a little dubious that there are a ton of people out there who really really want our faces staring down at them from their living room walls. And if there are a ton of people out there who want this… we don’t really want to know about it.

2) Once you have received approval, make your item.

Probably best not to let your friends play with it, though.

3) Package your item carefully in an envelope or box, and then put it in a second envelope or box, to which you will affix the appropriate mailing information and postage. Please DO NOT SEAL the first (inner) box or envelope.
We’ll do that later, after we take pictures and coo over your awesome item, and before we mail it to its new owner.

This step is so that when we get your item we don’t have to hunt around for packaging materials. We pull it out of the first box, and use the second box to mail your item to its lucky auction winner. Efficiency!

4) Email Tally again ([email protected]) to inform her that your item is finished and to get the appropriate mailing address. Be sure to fill out the very important Crafter’s Form that Tally will also send you at this point. Then send it back to her.

We actually prefer that you email your answers back, even though paper airplanes are wicked awesome.

An important note: Please email Tally when your item is completed even if you already have the Moonbase’s mailing address. We’d like to be able to keep track of what mail we’re expecting and what items have, in fact, been completed. Also, we’ll need to send you that form.

5) Mail your item.

6) When November 2011 rolls around, tune in to the madness of Desert Bus 5…

7) … and die of shock* when your Craft-Along item auctions for more money than you paid for your car.**

*This is the one and only step we’d actually rather you didn’t follow.
**This is actually possible. Not necessarily likely, but possible.

8 ) The deadline for us to receive Craft-Along items is OCTOBER 15, 2011.
That’s the date by which they must have ARRIVED at Desert Bus headquarters. If your item isn’t here by that date, it risks being excluded from the Craft-Along. Late items are also guaranteed to cause Tally and Kathleen extra stress and possibly anger, and nobody wants that. (No, nobody does. Trust us.)

A quick recap of very important points:

  • Please do not begin crafting your item until you have communicated with Tally about it and gained her approval.
  • Remember to double package your item. This helps us out immeasurably.
  • When mailing your item, DO NOT list its value on the customs form as any higher than $60 CDN.
  • Remember to fill out the Crafter’s Form that Tally will email to you and email it back asap.
  • Mail your item early enough that it will arrive by October 15, 2011.

9) Have fun and get crafting!


April 27, 2011, 11:09 am
Posted by: Hacked by IkhwanaGanz

It’s only late April and here we are, officially announcing the 5th Desert Bus for Hope.

Obviously it’s still very early in the planning stages, so we don’t have a whole lot to share.
I can tell you we will be starting this year on November  18th, 2011 @ 6:00PM PST
I can tell you we have a bunch of great stuff in the works.
I can tell you to look forward to a bit of a website refresh.
And finally, I can tell you this year is going to be the best yet!

Look back here soon for detailed information on this years Craft-a-long.

And to keep up to date as best you can make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.