November 23, 2011, 10:00 am
Posted by: Matt
Susan Arendt is the Managing Editor at When she’s not keeping all The Escapist’s writers in line, she engages with fans on the Escapist forums, reviews games, and is one of the three pole on earth that knows of the Gamecube PN.03. (And She’s probably the only one of those three that enjoys it).
Susan will be calling in at 11:00AM to chat with us, and share in our unending pain, as the marathon continues. Make sure to tune in!
November 23, 2011, 9:12 am
Posted by: KingKool

The latest chapter of the thrilling Dengler & Butts comes to us from Johannes K:

“Bus it” Butts was refilling his trusty 9mm Dr. Doctorate, bullets still flying past their cover “We don’t have time to wait for them. You ready for this?”

“Yes. And stop asking old man” Butts nodded, and the two mean leapt out, firing like madmen. The terrorists returned fire, ineffectually spraying bullets.

“The right” Dengler noted “They veer to the right” They took down three, four, when suddenly the masked men turned around and fled down the street.

Wheels screeching. Butts and Dengler turned around, immediately covering their eyes caught in the headlights. Even blinded, the sound was unmistakable. The bus was finally here.

The silver missile sped down the street, slowing down just in time to stop right in front of the dynamic duo. “Well I’ll be bussed” Butts sighed. “I told you, long as there’s a bus there’s hope”

The doors opened, hissing loudly, and out stepped the gruff Korean, shotgun on his shoulders.

Butts looked startled “What the bus? Where are the other guys?”

“Don’t worry” Dong said “The others have moved out as well. What has taken you so long anyway?”

“Well Dong, we’ve had a little trouble with the uninvited guests”

“Alright now” Dengler threw in “Let’s move on. Still got a few thugs to bring to justice”

Butt’s nodded, readying his gun once more “Let’s do this”

BANG! The street exploded in noise. Dengler fell over, screaming in pain, hands on his bleeding leg.

Butts whirled around, but he was to slow. The shotgun caught him on his chin, and Butts was sent flying on his backside.

“Bussing Bus” He coughed, wiping blood from his face “What you do that for”

Dong smiled, cocking the shotgun once more. “You don’t know a bit, do you? This is bigger than the bus, bigger than the moonbase. Unfortunately, you won’t be around to see the end of it.”


November 23, 2011, 7:07 am
Posted by: KingKool

QWOP has taken the Desert Bus by storm with its well-meaning but incredibly clumsy athlete. We solicited many fanarts from QWOP, but this one from Victoria (not the city, that’s her name) was declared the winner. She wins an Escapist prize pack and buttons.

Here are the runner-ups.

November 23, 2011, 7:00 am
Posted by: Matt

Board member of the Ümloud! charity gaming event held each year in San Francisco, Seg is also a content programmer for Telltale games. Seg will be calling in at 8:00AM to talk to us for a little bit about the Ümloud! RockBand night, some of the things they plan to do this year, and why you might like to attend yourself, to keep helping the kids even after the bus has stopped rolling!

Tune in when Seg calls at 8:00AM.


November 23, 2011, 7:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

If you’ve never played a Capcom game, it’s quite likely you’ve never played any games at all. This beloved company has one of the largest collection of franchises in the gaming pantheon, including Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Breath of Fire, Super Ghouls and Ghosts, Dead Rising, Viewtiful Joe, Resident Evil, Marvel vs. Capcom, Megaman and MOST IMPORTANTLY Resident Evil and Dead Rising, which they’ve sent us two really awesome prize packs for! If there isn’t one series list here you love, then you have a heart of stone. That’s right. We said it.

Check out Capcom at

November 23, 2011, 5:41 am
Posted by: KingKool

We just hit $240,000! I don’t know how many different ways else I can say, “Thanks for the help, you’re all awesome, etc. etc.” so here’s some milestone pics!


Now let’s DANCE!

November 23, 2011, 1:13 am
Posted by: KingKool

We got this sweet Dengler and Butts fancomic from Al C. Check it out!

Don’t forget that we’re still looking for Megacynics fanart for the Eddie Riggs statue. You can find more info about this here.

November 23, 2011, 12:47 am
Posted by: KingKool

We’ve gone well past out highest total yet as we’ve reached $230,000 in donations! Here’s some random donation milestones that we got while I was asleep.

November 23, 2011, 12:09 am
Posted by: Kara

Thanks to GPX Gaming for posting about us on their site. We really appreciate the support we continue to receive from the online gaming community. Check out their post at and take a moment to visit their site at

November 22, 2011, 10:00 pm
Posted by: Matt

There’s probably not a lot I can write here about Notch that you don’t already know. He made Minecraft. He’s making Scrolls. He founded the Mojang AB game studio. He called into Desert Bus last year. He’s an awesome dude.

If you care to laud his work on Minecraft, or find out what it’s like to have made one of the most successful indie games of recent memory, if not all time, your chance is now!

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