November 17, 2012, 10:49 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

With the recent news of Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm we challenged you, the viewers, to combine two properties, one from Disney and one from Star Wars, to create one fantastic image!

The winner was Nickel with Darth Rafiki.

Runner up was Michael Behnke with Boba Mouse.



And here are all the entries! Thanks to everyone who submitted, and we hope you keep creating stuff for our future contests!

November 17, 2012, 10:01 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

You have four hours left to bid on these fabulous items!

  • Glass Octopus forged in temperatures over 500 Celsius.
  • This Zombie Toque (winter hat) that is guaranteed* provide some degree of protection from rampaging zombies.
  • This dainty Steampunk Necklace that combines science fiction with Victorian opulence.


Plus we’ve just opened bidding for the Chic Lady Geek Pack, a plush Worms Armageddon Worm, a Creepy Doll Scarf, a Rebel Alliance Hat, and a complete set of Star Wars “Widevision” Trading Cards.
Don’t miss out!

* Still not a guarantee.

November 17, 2012, 9:56 am
Posted by: Kelly

Earlier this morning we challenged the chat to come up with an ode to the Unskippable running gag Russell the crow (ha, get it?).

Even though we only gave you guys 15 minutes, we had an astounding 110 entries! Unfortunately, that’s too many post on the blog, but here are some of our favourites:

From Joseph:

He is the bravest of birds,

Named russell by two nerds,

Checking out animated boobies,

throughout odd short movies,

scenes flavored like turds.

From Dromos_GHG:

Russell was a crow from the Darkness
His days spent pecking dead carcass
He flies through the skies
And picks out corpse eyes
The blood adds delicious taste sharpness

From Xtine:

There was a crow that interupted

whenever a cutscenece erupted

But Russell squawks on

with every game won

Again is the 4th wall disrupted.

From eSeamus:

The signs of aggression were growin’

And soon cascades of blood were flowin’

Then out from the tussle

Came a crow (His name’s Russell)

Who said, “Hey, guys. How’s it goin’?”

From Adam:

There once was a crow named Russell

Who appeared in games (pre-tussell)

He glanced at the camera

Said, “hi folks.” (right ‘atcha)

Then flew away to eat some muscle.

But these ones really made us giggle:

From Eric:

The one with the big shiny wings,
he appears in many of their things.
When it comes to unskippable,
he sure is unmissable,
he’s probably in lord of the rings.

From Jimmy:

There once was a Russel-named crow,

Whose ominous presence did show,
That these video games,
All look the same,
When you play forty-three in a row.

From Chton:

There once was a crow named russell
who got into a little tussle
He defeated his foe
and said, that clever crow,
next time it’s your jimmies I rustle.

From Matthew:

There once was a crow named Russell
who served one with lots of dark muscle
With Angelus they fought,
but no matter how hard they tried,
He still went to hell.
And that was the first time he died.

Congrats to our winners Matthew, Chton, Jimmy and Eric – You’ve all won a copy of The Darkness 2 on PC, donated by 2K Games!
November 17, 2012, 9:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

Wizards of the Coast has been one of the biggest names in modern games since they revolutionized the gaming world with Magic: The Gathering in 1993.

Of course as we all know, Wizards isn’t just famous for MtG — the company purchased Dungeons and Dragons in the late 90’s and has continued to build on and improve the classic game with every new edition. The upcoming Fifth Edition is also revolutionizing the way role playing games are designed, with Wizards crowdsourcing the game through an open beta. This strategy will allow players to test, break, and reconstruct fifth edition through many trials and tribulations. Also, since Jer is involved, it’s all being throughly tested against the Temple of Elemental Evil.

We are honored to have Wizards of the Coast as a sponsor this year. They have gone above and beyond, donating some incredibly rare stuff, including complete sets of magic cards, foil uncut sheets from Return to Ravinca and other ultra-rare goods. We can’t wait!

November 17, 2012, 7:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

We are immensely excited to have PopCap Games on our list of sponsors this year.

Founded in 2000, PopCap Games essentially founded the “casual gaming” movement with their flagship hit Bejeweled. Over the past twelve years they’ve continued to dominate the market with hits such as Bookworm, Peggle, and the phenomenal Plants vs. Zombies.

The brilliance of PopCap Games is that they create products that are easy to learn, addictive to play, and available over just about every kind of system you can think of from XBOX to iPhone to Facebook. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, PopCap is right beside you waiting to start the fun.

This year PopCap is helping Desert Bus this year by supplying a ton of games and swag.

November 17, 2012, 7:00 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy


Gavin Dunne is the musician behind “Miracle of Sound”, the Escapist music video show that features songs based upon video games and movies. Dunne has created songs based on Halo, Borderlands, Assassin’s Creed, and many more!
Leave your questions about music, video games, and anything else in the comment section, and then tune in Saturday, 10:00 AM PST, 1:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM GMT to see what he has to say!



November 17, 2012, 6:05 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

Our first set of silent auctions has finished, but there’s still lots of amazing stuff that you can bid on!

There are still four hours left to bid on this amazing Mass Effect painting by Eric Johnson, this glorious set of hand-made LRR Logo rugs by Jamas Enright,  and this fantastic Planescape Prize Pack (possibly the greatest game ever) donated by Dracogen.

Plus our third set of silent auctions have just gone live, and you have eight hours in which to bid for this Glass Octopus forged in temperatures over 1000 Fahrenheit, this Zombie Toque (winter hat) that is guaranteed* provide some degree of protection from rampaging zombies, and this dainty Steampunk Necklace that combines science fiction with Victorian opulence.

Bid early and bid often!

*Not a guarantee.

November 17, 2012, 5:32 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

Yes indeed! That most magical of moments has happened here at Desert Bus for Hope: we have managed not to crash for eight hours and have succeeded in getting our first point of (hopefully) many! Betting starts now for when the bus will crash and who will be driving when that happens*.

We’ve also soared past $12,000, $15,000, $18,000, $20,000, and even one Desert Buck(tm). What`s a Desert Buck you ask? Why it’s $22,805, the total amount of money we raised in our entire first year! This time it took us less than eight hours. You guys are amazing!

If you want to contribute a milestone picture (say $50,000 raised, or 10 points) you can send it to: milestones (at)

Please make your pictures no larger than 1000 x 1000 pixels wide, and use the following file formats: JPG, PNG, GIF.

*Don’t actually bet on this.


November 17, 2012, 4:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

Minority Games are the creators of Papo & Yo, a PSN game that oddly doesn’t seem to feature anyone with those names, instead focussing on the young boy Quico, and his poisonous frog addicted friend Monster. Players guide them through surreal and magical land, solving puzzles and having adventures. They’ve donated 9 copies of the game for us to give away for your playing pleasure.

November 17, 2012, 3:00 am
Posted by: Kelly

Hey everyone!

Only a few hours left for our first round of silent auctions! If you haven’t seen them yet we have some great hand crafted donations from Kate SzkotnickiSharon Bruhn, and Misty!

How can you go wrong with some plush Mario Mushroom Pillows (Super AND 1-Up!), a cuddly brigade of Plants VS Zombies amigurumi, or the world’s cuddliest Dalek?

It’s a trick question–you can’t.  Send in your bids and win one of these awesome auctions (or all three–this is for the Children, after all)!