November 6, 2021, 10:38 am
Posted by: Tim

Today you can check out the live auctions, silent auctions and giveaways that have been donated by our super sponsors and creative crafters!

And of course donations are live! So if you want to get a head start on this journey feel free to donate! And remember to make sure to update your donor account while you are there! Or just update your donor account anyway!

Also Fangamer shirts are available for order, so go and get your #DB2021 shirt today!

The 2021 Desert Bus for Hope t-shirt design. A muted green background showing a cactus, a bus, and a starry sky.

September 29, 2021, 1:04 pm
Posted by: Tim

James wearing a shirt labelled "Patience."

Can you believe Desert Bus 2021 is just a little more than 40 days away? We can’t! But nonetheless we’re getting everything ready for this, our FIFTEENTH Desert Bus for Hope marathon, giving the bus a tune-up, checking the tires, swapping the air freshener, all that good stuff. As a reminder, we’ve already announced the start date & will be looking forward to seeing you on Friday November 12th!

With #DB2021 fast approaching, we wanted to provide an update on this year’s event structure. As with last year, our first and foremost priority is the safety of all of our team members, and while the trend is  positive in British Columbia, things are still too risky to return fully to normal yet. For this year, we’ll be adopting a hybrid model with part of the event in-person with a limited Skeletor skeleton crew and part of the event going remote similar to last year. 

Two of our four daily shifts, with a very limited set of staff, will be broadcasting in person! The other two shifts will continue to broadcast fully remote in a format similar to last year. As part of this change, some of our entertainers you’ve known from years past will be moving to different shifts. We’re also asking our volunteers for all four shifts to participate remotely where possible in order to minimize risk. We know you’re excited to learn more and we’ll have more to share during the lead-up to the event.

We’ve gotten our vaccinations, but Desert Bus is still an event with a lot of international travel. We’re working hard to ensure that we’re putting on the best event possible while continuing to ensure the comfort and safety of our volunteers. We’re following the latest provincial health guidance available and will adjust our plans as needed.

We know things aren’t quite normal yet, but with this hybrid approach we’re excited to take a step towards resuming a full in-person Desert Bus for Hope. As always, we are endlessly grateful for your patience and understanding. If last year was any indication, whatever happens we’ll create something special as a community, together.

May 3, 2021, 12:43 pm
Posted by: Andrew

Desert Bus for Hope 2021 Craft-Along Submissions are now Live!

Do you paint? Sew? Crochet? Use found objects to create adorable sculptures of creatures and characters from your favourite games? Any number of other things that one can consider crafty? Are you interested in being a part of this year’s Desert Bus? Well I have good news for you, because it’s that time again!

As of today, May 3rd, submissions for the Desert Bus 2021 Craft-Along are now officially open. We’re inviting crafters of all backgrounds to consider crafting & donating a wonderful prize to help Desert Bus For Hope raise money for Child’s Play this year. Crafters will have until May 24th to get their proposals in, so that we can review what folks are interested in doing & get back to you soon with enough time to complete your crafts. We’re excited to see what our community comes up with, but because we get so many incredible applications, submissions will be limited to one item per crafter. We appreciate the enthusiasm, but we’d like everyone to have a chance.

We’re hoping to have all submissions reviewed & provide our wonderful crafters with a response by May 31st. Once that’s sorted, our accepted crafters can start crafting those masterpieces! The deadline for receipt of finished crafts this year will be September 30th. The earlier you can get your item in, the easier you make things for our prize team!

If you’re new to the Craft-Along, and have a great idea for a craft, the process is simple: just click here to get to the Craft-Along submissions page and fill out the form!  We’ll need your contact information, a description of your proposed craft, and a few other pieces of info.

The Desert Bus For Hope Craft-Along community is full of incredibly kind and gifted people who give so much of themselves, and for that we continue to be eternally grateful. It’s folks like you who make Desert Bus what it is, a positive gathering of people from across the world to help kids be kids.

The entire Desert Bus team thanks you, and we can’t wait to see all the incredible work you put together this year!


January 16, 2021, 1:15 pm
Posted by: Matthews

We thought we were done. We thought we had parked the bus for the year. But then. Oh, but then. After all of the numbers were crunched for this year, with all of your generous donations, all of your merch purchases, and one last Fangamer drop for t-shirt sales, we realized something. We figured out that we raised a total of…


That’s right, 2020 is the year that we broke one million dollars raised for Child’s Play. There were tears, y’all. Thank you all so, so much. 2020 was a rough year, and for you all to show this much amazing generosity floors us. You all did so much to help an amazing cause. We go live and act ridiculous, but you all make the donations for The Children. Each year, we are staggered by what you do. Thank you. You even got us to bus one more hour, bringing us up to a record breaking 165 hours!

As a reminder, if you want to re-watch your favorite moments, check out our youtube, and keep an eye on our social media for news on next year’s run. We’ll be posting there before you know it.


We’ll see you next year. For real, this time.
Thank you, we love you all.

January 16, 2021, 12:30 pm
Posted by: Tim


Throughout Desert Bus for Hope 2020, we asked you to share what Desert Bus and Child’s Play means to them, and what impact these have had on your life. We’ve been honored by the numerous voices that shared their feelings and experiences using the hashtag #DBToMe on Twitter.

Today, as we celebrate the historic milestone of raising $1,000,000 in one year for Child’s Play, we wanted to take one more opportunity to highlight you, our community, and your experiences. In case you missed a previous post, here’s a link to some of the other highlights we shared throughout this year’s run…

Nov. 15th | Nov. 16th | Nov. 18th | Nov. 19th

As always, thanks to you for being a part of our community and your support of Child’s Play! Let’s wrap things up with a few additional highlights from the year (posted in November 2020)…

December 29, 2020, 12:09 pm
Posted by: Andrew

DB2020 apple goof square

You thought it was over?

Folks, we have never done this before but we’ve also never hit this milestone before. We’ve tallied our final numbers for the year to include donations from merch sales & Fangamer shirt pre-orders, and…

We are proud to announce that Desert Bus For Hope 2020 has officially raised over ONE MILLION DOLLARS for Child’s Play.

We can’t quite believe this is real either, so let’s reveal the numbers and celebrate this incredible milestone together. Please join us for a very special Desert Bus For Hope million-dollar bonus stream right here at on Saturday January 16th, 1pm Pacific.

November 20, 2020, 6:28 am
Posted by: Matthews



This year has been tough for a lot of folks, and we weren’t sure how we were going to bus this year. But we knew that we were going to bus. That was certain. Even though we couldn’t be together in person, we still came together. And we bussed. We bussed so, so much.

This year, we broke so many records. We raised over $7,000,000 lifetime. We bussed for an amazing 164 hours, and thanks to you, this year we raised…


That is amazing. We cannot thank you all enough for all of your generosity, your humor, and your constant support as we drive from Tucson to Las Vegas, and back again. We are so blown away by the giving nature of our community, and how much you donated to Child’s Play Charity.

While we may have parked the bus for another year, don’t worry! If you want to re-watch your favorite moments, check out our youtube, and keep an eye on our social media for news on next year’s run. But for now, we’re all going to bed.


Thank you. You made it a great one. We’ll see you next year.

November 20, 2020, 12:38 am
Posted by: Matthews

Mysteryy Box

This is it, y’all. The very final giveaway of Desert Bus For Hope. This is the annual Mystery Box! What is in the Mystery Box? We don’t know! No, actually, we don’t know. The Mystery Box gains prizes as it gets packed, so we can’t really tell you what’s in there, but we can say that it’s awesome!

Everyone that has donated $5.00 or more has been entered to win already, but if you haven’t donated yet, now is the time! We are running this donation drive until 6am PST, so get your donations in! We would really like for No Donor Account to not win our final giveaway, so please make sure your donor account is up to date!

November 19, 2020, 11:29 pm
Posted by: Matthews


Y’all, I can’t. I can’t even.

Thank you all. We are humbled, and amazed.

Thank you.

November 19, 2020, 10:44 pm
Posted by: Matthews


Y’all. Thank you so, so much. We have hit a new all-time record of $900,000 in a single year.

We are, as ever, so amazed, thankful, and humble at your donations. Thank you all so much.

We are still rolling on through Omega shift, so keep ’em coming! Let’s see what we can hit before the end of the run!!