November 17, 2013, 1:59 pm
Posted by: Mia

Cam’s Dapper Shift ended with an AMAZING donation total of $65,000; after 24 hours of Desert Bus 7, we have surpassed where we were at this time last year. Needless to say we are VERY pleased.

It’s been an awesome shift of art contests, auctions, and challenges. We had the live auctions for the Warhammer 40k custom painted fantasy army and a signed Normandy model from Mass Effect. We still have some great silent auctions running, so make sure you get a donor account to bid while you still can!

Andrew has been hard at work taking amazing photos, which you can go see at our Flickr photo stream. And viewer CantWearHats made us some awesome James Bond posters!

  DB007 Qwoptum of Solace

We ALMOST triggered an achievement for “Bid for Power” for the signed Normandy model, but alas we needed just one more cent to push us over $5000. But in consolation, we did put a whole lot of hats on Paul, we got a visit from Dale and his deep, deep voice, Takahata is visiting (ask him about his DragonBall Z thingy!) and we had the resurgence of the mysterious 4:3 aspect ratio.

So we continue to go, round and round, heading into the prime time hours of Day 2 of DB007. I’ve been awake since 4:30 and unexpected sounds are starting to make me twitch, so I am handing things over to Mike and going home to SLEEP. Ta!

November 17, 2013, 1:57 pm
Posted by: Mia

It was a tight competition, but the winner of Jer’s maniacal competition is Artsygrrl!


We also have two awesome runners-up under the cut!


November 17, 2013, 11:21 am
Posted by: Mia

Another driver, another few hours, and another rad set of silent auctions counting down!

The following auctions are ending in about 3 hours, at 1pm:

These amazing Assassin’s Creed mugs!

 Hipster Boyfriend Super Mario Vine Scarf!

The Defense Grid Pack!

And these auctions will be ending at 7pm:

Magic Moxen pins!

An uncut sheet of Joe Vollan Card Kingdom playing cards!

Mother 2 Starman Jr Figurine!


So exciting!


November 17, 2013, 9:28 am
Posted by: Mia

At the start of his shift, Cam challenged viewers to submit art of someone who inspires them, for the sweet sweet prize of a signed Oatmeal poster. We had lots of great entries–enough that the shortlist was actually pretty long–but the winner is Jesse Juniper for their drawing of Immanuel Kant! Congratulations!

Jesse Juniper -Immanuel Kant

It was a reeeaaalllly tough decision, and honourable mentions go to Aurelia Keating for her drawing of her dad (left) and Featherweight for the drawing of Jim Henson (right)

Aurelia Keating - Aurelia's Dad  featherweight - Jim Henson

The rest of the shortlist entries are below the cut!


November 17, 2013, 7:16 am
Posted by: Mia

First of all, we’re running a giveaway for the next hour, until 8am: donate increments of $20 for a chance to win this sweet Exiled foil cards.

But also: Desert Bus viewer Will was kind enough to make these absolutely AMAZING DB007 James Bond posters. My favourite is Graham’s Qwoptum of Solace; what do you guys think? Thank you so much, Will!

DB007 Qwoptum of Solace


Crashino Royale

DB007 The Bid Is Not Enough

Our viewers are rad.

November 17, 2013, 6:54 am
Posted by: Mia

Mia here, fresh off 4 hours of sleep for my shift. Your humble redheaded blogger snapped awake to find her cat sitting right beside her face and purring like a huge ball of pudgy kitty fluff. It was tough to get out of bed, but here I am. It is EARLY.

I searched the gif database for “early” and this happened.


Anyway!! The amazing Warhammer 40k custom-painted fantasy army live auction will begin at 7am.



Cam’s Inspiration Challenge runs until the end of his shift at 10; send us original art of someone who inspires you to [email protected], for a chance to win a signed Oatmeal Edison’s Nightmare poster.

Silent Auctions Galore!

We have an outrageous amount of silent auctions going for the next few hours. The following three are running until 10 am:

World 1-1 Mario Mugs

Needle Felted Journey Characters

Litany Against Fear Calligraphy

And these auctions will end at 2pm (so keep an eye out and make sure you aren’t outbid!):

Assassin’s Creed Mug Set

Super Mario Vine Scarf

Defense Grid Pack

So now I’m off downstairs to hang out for a while. Cheerio!

November 17, 2013, 6:00 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy


Cam’s ongoing inspiration art challenge ends at 10am (the end of his shift!). For a chance to win this super sweet signed “Edison’s Nightmare” poster from the Oatmeal send a picture of your inspiration to [email protected].

Jack Daly

To celebrate Cam’s Dapper outfit we had a best dressed contest! Above you can see the winner Jack Daly, or you can click here and see all the entries!


Andy! Everybody loves Andy!


Oh gods, what did we do to Pika?


Lots more photos on the Flickr stream!

November 17, 2013, 4:32 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

Cam is known for his dapper driving clothing, and so we challenged the viewers to show off their best duds!

The winner is Jack Daly, and he will get a Desert Bus 6 poster!

Jack Daly

Runner up was Geoff Goehle!


And here are the rest of the entries! (more…)

November 17, 2013, 3:35 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy


Check out these super rad images from SchmoopyTheSpy! If you have any fan art, music, or anything else you want to send out please email  it to [email protected].

November 17, 2013, 2:27 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

You might not be aware but our awesome photographer Andrew Ferguson has been documenting Desert Bus and uploading the photos to our Flickr stream! Relive the magic! Or see it again for the first time. Here are some of our favourites so far.

Plus there are lots more! Check them out!