November 21, 2013, 3:56 am
Posted by: Mia

Two nights ago we gathered  some amazing stories and feels. I compiled them into a text document and now they’re finally here.

Click to go download it.

All the hugs, guys.

giphy (1)


November 21, 2013, 2:28 am
Posted by: Mia

The following auctions will expire at 6 am:

Ravnica Guilds Bar Set

You Cannot Pass Calligraphy 

MtG Mana Buttons and Bracelets

And these have just begun!

Hand drawn Eevee button set

0002_02_Eeveebuttons (1)


Hyrule Artifacts



Signed Ultima Collector’s Guide


November 21, 2013, 2:07 am
Posted by: Mia

And the winner is…. cyono!!!

Christopher Yono


Amazing. The rest of the entries are below the cut!


November 21, 2013, 12:16 am
Posted by: Mia

Get this photo, and put Sad Cowboy Paul into whatever situation you see fit. Whatever you feel like , wherever he fits, Ashton wants to see; be creative! The challenge will run until 1:30.

Click on the picture to get the full image for download! Send your submissions in to [email protected]


November 20, 2013, 11:29 pm
Posted by: Mia

Every night I come on shift and am just blown away by how awesome the silent auctions are. Seriously, guys, go bid on these, they’re amazing.

The following auctions will end at 2am PST:

Bronze Mario Mushrooms



Desert Bus 7 Hand Towels



Firefly Coffee Cup Sleeves




And the following will be expiring at 6am PST:

These frankly astonishing Ravnica bar glasses, in a handsome set:



You Cannot Pass calligraphy



MtG Mana Buttons and Bracelets


November 20, 2013, 11:00 pm
Posted by: Mike



(OK, I’m mixing franchises here…)

Graham challenged all you closet LARPers to put together a D&D costume out of stuff around the house. The winner was Jovesh! Congratulations!

Jovesh the looter is shown stealing the Jade Dragon Statue from the High Emperor. He protects himself with his Scale Armor of Invisibility, which he thought would make him invisible, but just made the armor invisible. Wielding his Longsword of Bluntness, which does Bludgeoning damage. The Hat of Detection, which displays an eye when he is detected. As well as his Ring of Luck (only bad luck) and Goggles of Farseeing (he is a little nearsighted) he has a menagerie of items which he has collected over the his adventuring career.

The rest of the entries are below the cut.


November 20, 2013, 9:15 pm
Posted by: Mike

We had a terrific response to our looping Vine contest, and we wanted to share the results with you.

Our winner was @HexTechTRex, with this clever loop of a reluctant partier.

As winner, @HexTechTRex will receive the LRR logo chainmail dice bag with chainmail dice


Our other finalists included:











The rest of the entries can be seen after the cut.


Tags: ,
November 20, 2013, 8:39 pm
Posted by: Mike



Hey everybody, we are having some slight technical issues that we wanted to make you aware of.

The problem is that we are no longer receiving notifications from PayPal about any donations that have come in through Desert Bus.
We want to be perfectly clear: All donations are still being received by Child’s Play.  You can still donate even while this issue is going on.
However, until this gets solved, the two major consequences will be:
  1. Our live donation total is not updating
  2. Donations you make will not show up in your account

Furthermore, because we are unable to log incoming donations, we will be holding off on all donation drives for the time being.

November 20, 2013, 7:59 pm
Posted by: Mike

The Desert Bus

Anthology of Poetry


To Winston, the camera spider

by Cam

When you were first given this form, oh weaver
by the jealous god standing sentinel
at the intersection of craft and war;
your skill too precious, too beautiful
to be taken out of our firmament,
cleansed of the holy pride you could once feel
weaving filament over filament
your strong nerves over nerve on naked steel,
To arrive across our lens, our focus,
trying to catch something you intuit,
something precious, clutched at, that passes
you once recognized, silent and patient
We overcome our pride and revulsion
to feed your fragile, hungry compulsion

Cam's original manuscript


November 20, 2013, 7:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Moviebob will be joining us for a call-in interview on Wednesday, November 20th at 9pm PST.

Bob “MovieBob” Chipman is a film reviewer and the host of The Escapist features Escape to the Movies and the Big Picture. Bob has an unapologetic love of ‘80s and ‘early ‘90s video games and a hatred for bad movies with large fan-bases.  MovieBob uses a review style that has been called “college-lit class style close reading”, which also incorporates overlaid imagery to support his points. He also has an admitted love of and weakness for TV Tropes.

In addition to his features for The Escapist, Bob also hosts The Adventures of Game OverThinker, a series that combines video game news and commentary with a comedic narrative. OverThinker follows a more story-driven analysis of gaming culture that blurs the lines between reality and video games, and led to the creation of a forth series, Overbytes, which focuses on culture and tropes.

Bob has also written a book titled “Super Mario Bros. 3: Brick-by-Brick”, in which he deconstructs the game in the form of a “novelized Let’s Play” while analyzing the cultural significance and history of the Mario Bros. franchise. Bob is also very active on his blog and on Twitter.

Have questions for MovieBob? Ask them in the comments below.