November 20, 2014, 7:55 am
Posted by: Jordan

MTG beginner

Do you all enjoy Magic The Gathering? Do you want SOOOOOOO much value like all good Magic players do? Will this is the donation drive for you! Any donations of $7.20 or multiples thereof until 9:00 AM will enter you to win!

November 20, 2014, 7:02 am
Posted by: Mia

Such a fabulously busy Zeta shift! Let’s see. Jer and Kathleen were tasked with taking the chat on a date, which went…well, Kathleen got super up close and personal with all of us.



We made Creepydoll an OkCupid account! You can find it at Go send him a message to let him know you’re interested! Jer and Jeff sang “Confrontation” from Les Mis, and we all sang “Shia LaBoeuf”.

Then Andrew got dickbutted via face paint:




And Graham declared a hilarious pet selfie contest, the entrants of which can be found HERE. The winner was Synchroma!


We did a bunch of dancing with, uh, varying levels of sanity:




And then Thomas brought us cinnamon rolls. Mistakes were made.

So many sugary, butter-drenched mistakes.


November 20, 2014, 6:27 am
Posted by: Mia

We’re having another donation drive! Donate $6.66 for a chance to win a poster from the video game Brütal Legend, signed by game creator Tim Schafer. The donation drive will last until 7:15am, so donate as many multiples of $6.66 as you want—every one is a chance to win!

November 20, 2014, 6:00 am
Posted by: Jordan


Doctor Geof is the UK’s foremost alternative history artist, known for his very unique style in his series of portraits, badges and comics. Over a decade Doctor. Geoff has created an extensive portfolio of Steampunk works. Much of his work is based on military history and the Victorian style can be easily seen throughout his various pieces. His work has recently been featured in multiple exhibitions throughout the UK and we are very proud to have him as a sponsor.

Doctor Geof contributed many items for our charity run this year, chief among them his solo “Steampunk Delights Prize Pack

November 20, 2014, 4:30 am
Posted by: Mia

We’re doing a dual donation drive! We’ll draw two dinners: Winner #1 will get our Xbox360  games prize pack, containing 14 great 360 games, and the other will get our Dead Rising 3 prize pack! Donate $5 multiples for your chance to win, for the next hour (until 5:30).




November 20, 2014, 4:22 am
Posted by: Mia

There was fierce competition, but we’ve selected a winner of the Pet Selfie contest:  Synchroma! Congratulations!



The rest of the entries are under the cut!


November 20, 2014, 4:00 am
Posted by: Jordan


The Lady Planeswalkers Society (LPS)  is a group of Magic The Gathering players focused on creating friendly and welcoming environments for women and players of all skill levels to learn and play! Founded in 2011 by Tifa Robles and Mike Robles, the Seattle based group holds regular weekly Magic events with a focus on fun and teaching before intensity!

A regular feature of conventions around the United States and a staple of the PAX Diversity Lounge, Lady Planeswalkers routinely have tables set up dedicated to teaching as many people that want to learn MTG as they can.

We thank Lady Planeswalkers for their continued support of Desert Bus with their multiple MTG-related prizes!

November 20, 2014, 3:00 am
Posted by: Mia

Come one, come all! Until 4am, donate $8.14 or multiples thereof to be entered for a chance to win this incredible life-sized Desert Bus-themed Claptrap plushie! It’s incredibly well-made and highly detailed. Check it out and then go donate for the next hour!

November 20, 2014, 2:00 am
Posted by: Heather

samuraipunkSamurai Punk is a small Melbourne-based independent game developer that creates games with love and care for people who want to play them. Their newest game, Screencheat, is a split-screen shooter where everyone is invisible and you have to “screencheat” to win. You can play a mix of local and online with a ton of cool maps, weapons and game modes. Screencheat also features guest announcers Alex Steacy and Graham Stark from Loading Ready Run.

Samurai Punk has given us a bunch of download codes for Screencheat that we’ll be giving away throughout the run. Thank you Samurai Punk for your support and contributions to Desert Bus!

November 20, 2014, 1:26 am
Posted by: Mia

Graham has a unique art challenge for you guys. He wants you to take a pet selfie. Not a selfie with your pet, but a photo that looks like the pet has taken it themselves. The contest will run until 3:30am.

What do you win if you impress Graham the most? Why, this super cuddly and well-made Half-Life Pillow! You and your pet will be able to cuddle together and play video games for the rest of time.

Send your photos to [email protected], and please title your file with your public/chat/DB account nickname. Go and have some fun!