November 19, 2015, 5:07 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0028_01_CardsAgainstDesertBus_001Hold onto your belts folks, we’re doubling up on Donation Drives. That’s right, we’re running concurrent drives, this is the best time to make the most of your donations.

This innocuous-looking wooden box doesn’t seem like all that much, but what comes inside is packed with Desert Bus fun. The Cards Against Desert Bus Box contains a set of 562 unique cards were hand selected from over 1600 submissions, and while chock full of Desert Bus in-jokes, the cards scan remarkably well with your standard Cards Against Humanity sets.

We will be running this drive until the end of Kara’s shift 6:00 PM PST and any donations of $11.24 or multiples thereof will gain you an entry for this box of fun.

November 19, 2015, 4:30 pm
Posted by: Kara

bd346_forsytheAaron Forsythe will be calling into Desert Bus at 6:30pm PST on Thursday, November 19th.

Aaron Forsythe is the Director of R&D for Magic: The Gathering and a former pro-tour player. As a member of R&D over the past 10 years, Forsythe has been both a designer and developer for Magic: The Gathering and his design credits include Magic 2010 through Magic 2013 and Planechase. As a developer, his work can be seen on many Magic releases including the original Ravnica block, Zendikar, and the Modern Masters set.

Have a question for Aaron? Leave it in the comments below!

November 19, 2015, 4:22 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0267_01_GuidetoBeingaDogHave you ever wanted to learn exactly how to doge? With this helpful guide by Seamus Wheaton (thoughtfully translated by Anne and Wil Wheaton for our human words) you can do exactly that!

A Guide to Being a Dog, illustrated by Lar deSouza, can be yours as we are running this as a Donation Drive. Any donations of $7.55 or multiples thereof until 5:30 PM PST will get you an entry for this copy.

In addition to the standard helpful knowledge and wonderful illustrations this book provides, it has been signed by the author Seamus Wheaton, and both the human translators Anne and Wil Wheaton.

November 19, 2015, 2:43 pm
Posted by: Jordan

0176_01_GentlemanClaptrapWe all know CL4P-TP, the lovable and extremely annoying robot companion throughout the Borderlands series.

This particular CL4P-TP model however is dressed to impress. In addition to having the most dapper of Claptrap’s, the box is signed by David Eddings who voices Claptrap and Chris Rager who voices Mr. Torgue.

We are running this as a Donation Drive. Any donations of $6.04 or multiples thereof until 3:45 PM will net you an entry to win this tiny dapper friend.

November 19, 2015, 2:30 pm
Posted by: Jordan

Tinman Games

Tin Man Games is a Melbourne, Australia based game designer. Specializing in digital gamebooks – interactive fiction/RPG style games where you control the story! Formed in 2009 by Neil Rennison and Ben Britten Smith, their first title, An Assassin in Orlandes, was released in March 2010 and they haven’t slowed down a bit since! Notable titles from the team include Tin Man’s own Gamebook Adventures series, 2000 AD’s Judge Dredd, and the immensely popular Fighting Fantasy series by Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson. Their latest work, a collaboration with Ryan North; To Be or Not to Be is their own lovingly crafted Gamebook version of Hamlet featuring art from Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade and many others!

We welcome Tin Man as sponsors of the run and thank them from the bottom of our hearts for their support!

November 19, 2015, 2:25 pm
Posted by: Jordan

We have another Art Challenge headed your way and I am excited to see where this one leads. We’ve had a running theme of asking our call-in guests who their “Nemesis” would be if they were a super-villain.

In the vein of that question, Kara would like you to draw (in whatever medium/style/means)Super-Villain being at Desert Bus.  You have until the end of Kara’s shift at 6:00 PM PST. The winner will receive a set of Funko Pop Guardians of the Galaxy dolls.

Please send your entries to [email protected] with the subject line containing “Villain”. Please include the public name you’d like us to use if you are selected.

November 19, 2015, 2:15 pm
Posted by: Jordan

May I present, our Limerick Winner

You want in the charity biz,
But aren’t a bus driving wiz?
Just call on your luck,
And grab a loud duck;
Can’t possibly crash more than Liz.

Our winner is Semysane!

We had a lot of wonderful entries into the limerick challenge, thanks to everyone who submitted!

November 19, 2015, 12:05 pm
Posted by: Mike


$8.24 (or multiples) until 12:25pm


If you enjoy the colourful ink-splattering game of Splatoon, then you will love this colourful Splatoon Lot! Full of cuteness and tentacles, it is sure to please, AND it has a copy of the game itself that you can enjoy, or give to a friend who as not yet had the pleasure of embracing their inner squid! This lot contains:

Adorable 14″ Splatoon Squid Doll!

Hangmade, 30″ Splatoon Bobble Hat!

Splatoon the Game for WiiU!

Enter a donation of $8.24 (or multiples) until 12:25pm Pacific Time to enter!

November 19, 2015, 11:30 am
Posted by: Kara

ci_doubleclicksThe Doubleclicks will be calling into Desert Bus at 1:30pm PST on Thursday, November 19th.

The Doubleclicks are a nationally-touring, Billboard charting nerd band with a cello, a meowing cat keyboard, and songs about dinosaurs, Cats & Netflix, space and Dungeons and Dragons. Their YouTube videos boast over 2 million views and have been featured on BoingBoing, Kotaku, the Huffington Post, and on NPR shows “Live Wire” “All Things Acoustic” and “State of Wonder.”

Have a question for The Doubleclicks? Leave it in the comments below!

November 19, 2015, 11:10 am
Posted by: Mike

Limerick Challenge

Attention, bards, poets laureate, skalds, and English majors! Kara has a challenge for you! Dust off your moleskin and get ready to hack out some verse, because we’re kicking off a limerick contest!

We’d like you to write us a limerick about (what else?) Desert Bus! Extra points, per Kara’s request, for poems that include encouragement for new Desert Bus drivers!

To enter, submit your best work (ONE ENTRY PER PERSON!) to [email protected]! Make sure to include your screen name in case you win! Our winner will receive a stylish Desert Bus 9 T-shirt, currently modelled by at least three quarters of the current behind-the-camera crew! You have until 1:08pm Pacific time to get your entry in!