November 16, 2016, 6:51 am
Posted by: Mike



Our early bird Donation Drive is underway!

Before 7am Pacific, donate $8.33 or whole number multiples and be eligible to win this exquisite Magic: the Gathering Kaladesh playmat!


This instant conversation-starter features Planeswalker Saheeli Rai amid the beautiful buildings of Kaladesh! We’re not kidding about giant, by the way: If you didn’t see it on the stream, this thing is about 12 feet long which also makes it suitable as a tablecloth for a large medieval banquet or a yoga mat for Slender Man.*



*Do not use it for either of these things.


November 16, 2016, 6:04 am
Posted by: Tim


OH GAWD THE PROPS AND COSTUMES ARE POSSESSED! PICNIC! PICNIC! Meanwhile, here’s what else you missed overnight….

903fb90642187eae1129b0fd121ab5b8We’re looking for your Desert Bus conspiracy theories! This is a creative challenge that’s running up until towards the end of Alex & Ian’s shift, so you’ve still got a bit of time to join in. Check the blog for details on this challenge.



For tonight’s shift, Alex and Ian’s rule is simple: You laugh, you drive. Videos ensued.

James Portnow called in to the Lunar Module Mk. 3, and we talked about video games!

Late. Night. Dub. Fights.

Pillow Fort Ian is formed! And promptly destroyed.

Heyyyyy heyyyyyyy heeyy heeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy~~~

Remember, for the latest updates, stay tuned to You can also catch up on the latest #DesertBusX happenings around the web…

November 16, 2016, 5:16 am
Posted by: Tim

0199_001_ArmadeaddonPinsPinny Arcade collectors, here’s your chance to win a full set of Armadeaddon pins! This complete set of pins should see you through the end of the world; it’s perfect for collectors and Desert Bus fans alike.

Donate $6.12 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this donation drive until 6am PST.

November 16, 2016, 4:31 am
Posted by: Tim

0105_001_DBRewind1Relive all the memories and moments of last year’s Desert Bus for Hope with this special Desert Bus 9 Rewind giveaway. This app, loaded on to a flash drive, contains all 159 hours of Desert Bus 9 in beautiful 1080p and the chat logs from the entire run, put together into a Twitch-like UI. Now you’ll never forget about the War Bus, Duck Army, Bob Ross, or JOHN CENA. (Bah bah-da-bah…)

Donate $9.99 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this donation drive until 5:15am PST.

November 16, 2016, 3:38 am
Posted by: Tim

0221_001_JudgeFoilEternalSpecially picked by Serge, this collection of four Magic: the Gathering cards are the perfect addition to your deck! We’ve included two Shardless Agents, a Ravages of War, and a Rishadan Port. And these can be yours through this donation drive.

Donate $8.66 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this donation drive until 4:36am.

November 16, 2016, 2:52 am
Posted by: Tim

product_desertbus10_photo4_1024x1024Hey, some of these T-Shirts have arrived at the Lunar Module, so now we can say call this is the “As Featured On Stream” Desert Bus 10 T-Shirt! And, through this donation drive, you can pick up your very own.

(Or, you can head over to the Fangamer store and pick up a t-shirt, while supplies last, your choice! All proceeds from t-shirt sales goes to Child’s Play.)

Donate $5.12 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize! We’ll run this donation drive until 3:30am PST.

November 16, 2016, 2:30 am
Posted by: Tim


Well, we ran into some technical difficulties earlier. We think we know what was going on, but… do we really know what was going on, or is it a cover up? (Dum dum DUUUMMMMMM)

Inspired by the giveaway prize for this task, Alex & Ian have challenged the community to come up with their best illustration of a Desert Bus Conspiracy Theory. To be clear, it can be any sort of conspiracy theory around Desert Bus and the Lunar Module you’d like, so let your imagination run wild!

Submit your entries to [email protected] with the subject line “Conspiracy Theory.” Please send your entries in .png or .jpg format and be sure to include the screen name you’d like us to use on air should your submission win. Up for grabs is this Conspiracy: Take the Crown M:tG Box! We’ll run this creative challenge until 9:30am PST.

November 16, 2016, 1:37 am
Posted by: Tim

We’ve got less than a half-hour on some beautiful craft-along items in our Silent Auctions! Up for bid, we have a super sweet Clone the Pig Dice Bag and Dice Tray, a Needle-Felted Koro-Sensei, and Star Power Shadowbox!

These silent auctions end at 2:00am PST. Check out these, and others starting every four hours, on the Silent Auctions page. Don’t forget… you’ll need a donor account to bid in Silent Auctions and Live Auctions.

November 16, 2016, 1:29 am
Posted by: Tim

0165_001_IBMKeyboardWe’re running a donation drive for this, the classic, the original IBM Model-M Keyboard! Not just a keyboard, this peripheral is known for its durability and usability, with many still in use even to today. And, in this donation drive, you could win one in pristine condition!

Donate $8.96 (or multiples thereof) for a chance to win this prize. We’ll run this donation drive until 2:24am PST.

November 16, 2016, 12:00 am
Posted by: Jordan

Do BetterWe welcome Do Better Games as a sponsor for Desert Bus for Hope this year!

Do Better Games is the team behind the game Bring Your Own Book. Bring Your Own Book is the game of borrowed phrases, where players search through books for text to take way out of context.

Thank you for sponsoring Desert Bus for Hope.