November 18, 2020, 12:12 pm
Posted by: Tim
Andrew Cownden. Madeleine Suddaby.

We have two special guests with us today on Alpha Flight… Andrew Cownden and Madeleine Suddaby! For the second day in a row, they’ll be joining us all shift.

Andy is a professional actor/writer/oddball and has been a Desert Bus regular since 2007. Please forward all complaints to @AndrewCownden on twitter.

Madeleine is a singer/dancer/actor/animal-crosser/makeup-artist from Vancouver, BC. Notable Desert Bus moments include singing the ever-loving bus out of Wicked, singing a duet from Anything Goes with Andy, and making Ben cry while singing Moana. It’s mostly singing. Check out “Madelaide” on YouTube and Instagram for her makeup antics!

If you’ve got a question or challenge for Andrew or Madeleine, you can submit those here on the Desert Bus website. Make sure you’re logged in to your donor account, then go to

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