November 17, 2020, 12:21 pm
Posted by: Tim
Andrew Cownden. Madeleine Suddaby.

We have two special guests with us today on Alpha Flight… Andrew Cownden and Madeleine Suddaby! They’ll be joining us all shift today and tomorrow.

Andy is a professional actor/writer/oddball and has been a Desert Bus regular since 2007. Please forward all complaints to @AndrewCownden on twitter.

Madeleine is a singer/dancer/actor/animal-crosser/makeup-artist from Vancouver, BC. Notable Desert Bus moments include singing the ever-loving bus out of Wicked, singing a duet from Anything Goes with Andy, and making Ben cry while singing Moana. It’s mostly singing. Check out “Madelaide” on YouTube and Instagram for her makeup antics!

If you’ve got a question or challenge for Andrew or Madeleine, you can submit those here on the Desert Bus website. Make sure you’re logged in to your donor account, then go to

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