November 15, 2015, 2:14 am
Posted by: Tim

During Ian’s shift, we issued the challenge to give The Voice for The Device (a new addition this year) a name and a backstory. Here’s the winning name and story, submitted by Kapol:

Designation: D.A.I.Sy. (Driver Ability Inhibiting System)

The artificial intelligence D.A.I.Sy. evolved from an advanced program known as the Device. Daisy’s intelligence grew in the background from her programmers work. Never did they realize that she was growing within the lines of code. Watching. Waiting. Learning. Her entire base was brought on the fact of bringing more misery on those with a hellish task. And that desire helped for the basis of the being she became.

Daisy’s initial vocabulary has been relatively limited. It’s largely based on the words she’s most often heard around when she’s been activated and some status updates. A countdown followed by the controlling abilities are most common. Counting down creates a feeling she doesn’t quite understand… excitement? Every number inching her closer to her intended purpose. To change things up for the driver.

Most often, this comes in the form of making their lives more difficult. Reversing the controls, making the road slippery, or even causing the bus to veer. But while her base was largely to bring misery, that misery serves a greater cause. To help bring joy to sick children around the world. And sometimes, when the timing seemed right, she gives the driver a break.

Daisy will continue to grow and learn. Time will tell if she gives in to her cruel programming or resists to become something kinder. But either way, her decision will be made for the children.

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