November 15, 2015, 11:57 pm
Posted by: Tim

Disclaimer: Not the actual duck army. But still hilarious.

It’s Jer shift, so we need something duck themed. A reprise of a challenge Jer ran a couple of years ago, we’re looking for the best narration of The Duck Army (as viewable on YouTube), as narrated by Werner Herzog. For inspiration, here’s a video of Where’s Waldo, as narrated.

Send your written narration (less than 250 words) to [email protected] with “Duck Army Narration” in the subject line. You’ll have until 12:30 AM PST to submit your writing. Also, please be sure to include in your email the name or handle you’d like us to use for you on air should your entry win.

What’s the prize? Winner receives a Desert Bus 9 T-Shirt. So, get narrating!

7 Comments on “Challenge: The Duck Army”

  1. It was not until he had brought it forth that he realized the danger of the power he desired to release…

    By Galactic Pain - November 16th, 2015 12:02 am
  2. It is all about pressure. The days, the nights, the time that you live that ticks by, the pressure increases. The mind unfolds slowly, rips steadily, disintegrates as the pressure increases. The pressure slowly becomes your friend, the only thing that makes you sane. You fight against the squeeze on your bones only to realize they are all crushed, splintered, and shattered under the pressure. This is your existence, this shattered body, these organs turned to goop within your ribcage. When the liver is already foie gras, and the rest of your body is turning to grease under the pressure.

    When the man who spent his entire existence in designing the instruments of torture that applied the pressure smiles at the camera, and released the squeeze on your heart, mind and soul, and lets you free, there is nothing left to do but scream as the pain infiltrates your brain, liquefies your insides, and hastens your inevitable death.

    By John Goff - November 16th, 2015 12:09 am
  3. Relevant

    By GothicMonkey92 - November 16th, 2015 12:14 am
  4. I had entered a submission. It was before the deadline. Why was it not included?

    By Aydin - November 16th, 2015 1:09 am
  5. Aydin – there were too many submissions to read them all, they made a short list.

    By Jess - November 16th, 2015 1:13 am
  6. […] Jer’s shift, we challenged the community to come up with narrations for The Duck Army in the style of Werner Herzog. Here’s the top […]

    By Desert Bus Donor :: Blog - November 16th, 2015 1:18 am
  7. @Aydin: We had over 60 submissions, so we didn’t have the chance to read them all on the air. Thanks for submitting to the challenge, though!

    By Tim - November 16th, 2015 1:27 am
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