November 14, 2014, 10:05 am
Posted by: Jordan

It’s that time of year again everyone! Desert Bus for Hope 8 has officially started its journey to Las Vegas from Tucson! Come with us as we raise money for Child’s Play Charity and we hope to have you as passengers the whole way!

As you probably noticed we are now broadcasting to you from the wonderful Fort Techtoria building in downtown Victoria, lovingly given to us by Viatec! It’s a great new space that we hope to do some truly awesome things in! The first of those things that you’re going to notice is the BRAND NEW OVERLAY!!! It’s so pretty! Such information, much statistics, wow.

At the time of this writing we have broken $6000.00 before we’ve even done anything! The generosity everyone puts forward continues to blow me away year after year! Our community is consistently awesome!

Now that we’ve started let’s have everyone check out all of the amazing things your donations can get you!!!!!

Our Silent Auctions!!!!

Our Live Auctions!!!!

Our Giveaways!!!!

Let’s get the madness underway!

3 Comments on “Let’s close the doors and roll out!”

  1. Arg! I can’t see the video! It’s only showing a black rectangle.

    By Alexander - November 14th, 2014 10:08 am
  2. Is there going to be dapper shift this year and when is it happening?

    By Zardoz - November 14th, 2014 10:23 am
  3. Can you guys add a link to where to order stuff like the shirt for example. I can’t find a link on the site anywhere.

    By chaosof99 - November 14th, 2014 10:31 am
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