November 17, 2012, 6:05 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

Our first set of silent auctions has finished, but there’s still lots of amazing stuff that you can bid on!

There are still four hours left to bid on this amazing Mass Effect painting by Eric Johnson, this glorious set of hand-made LRR Logo rugs by Jamas Enright,  and this fantastic Planescape Prize Pack (possibly the greatest game ever) donated by Dracogen.

Plus our third set of silent auctions have just gone live, and you have eight hours in which to bid for this Glass Octopus forged in temperatures over 1000 Fahrenheit, this Zombie Toque (winter hat) that is guaranteed* provide some degree of protection from rampaging zombies, and this dainty Steampunk Necklace that combines science fiction with Victorian opulence.

Bid early and bid often!

*Not a guarantee.

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