Posts Tagged ‘Summary’
November 19, 2014 11:34 pm
Posted by: Mike

The top brass of the BC provincial government came by for a visit! MLAs Andrew Wilkinson and Greg Kyllo didn’t think much of Going to the Store, but they did decide to donate and auction off a Shuswap Lake houseboat vacation package while they were here!

Modern-day renaissance man Mikey Neumann called in, had a bit of chat, and helped us auction off a Borderlands Prize Pack and some cool stuff related to his Chasm Skulker Magic Card!

Harrison Krix of Volpin Props called in to talk about his work and auction off this crimson-coloured riff on Brancusi’s “Bird in Space.” Actually, it’s a replicate of the Scissor Blade from anime Kill la Kill. We auctioned that off and apparently it was an inside job, as our own fugi came out the winner!

Last of all, Graham brought out his inner Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rollah and began his driving shift!