Posts Tagged ‘stats’
November 16, 2013 8:40 pm
Posted by: Mike

Desert Bus conquers the world... for the children, of course

We’re conquering the world here at Desert Bus — conquering it with charity and kindness that is. The territory in blue in the image above — a sprawling empire to put the Achaemenids, the Romans, the Ottomans, and even the Mongols to shame — represents all the countries that have tuned in so far, which comes in at 98 out of some 200 or so nations on Earth. Ninety-eight!

The US, UK, Canada, and Australia round out the top four countries by total visitors. UK, good morning! Australia, good afternoon! Germany, in fifth place, is the most visiting non-English speaking country. Guten Morgen, Freunden!

We’ve had visitors from every continent, including nearly every country in Europe and South America.

The whole Scandinavian bloc — Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland — has dropped by. So have the three Benelux powers (Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg) and the three Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania). China and India, our planet’s two billion-sized nations have each contributed viewers. And the entire Mediterranean coastline of Africa is painted blue as well — so to Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco: hail and well met!

Twenty countries have sent just one visitor, including, but not limited to: the Åland Islands, chilling in the Baltic Sea; the Faroe Islands, presumably on their break between toiling away on a pyramid, unless I’m thinking of a different kind of pharaoh; Gibraltar, harried at their keyboard by angry macaques; and Macau, possibly from within a casino. Now I’m not sure all of these meet the Westphalia definition of statehood, but we’re happy to have them nevertheless!

So wherever you are on the globe, welcome, and thanks for visiting!