Posts Tagged ‘Short Film’
November 20, 2015 5:01 am
Posted by: Tim
You are here. Witness Zeta!

You are here. Witness Zeta!

Johnny is pulling from his experience viewing many great short film submissions to develop the first art challenge of his shift. We’d like to see your best rendition of a poster for a Zeta Shift short film. What (theoretical) movie would capture the spirit and insanity of Zeta Shift in 15 minutes?

As for the winner? They’ll receive this 4th Doctor Scarf, which was crafted here at Desert Bus 9 and also includes other Desert Bus goodies.

Send your submissions to [email protected] with “Zeta shift short film” in the subject line. You’ve got until 9:00 AM PST to send in your submissions. Also, be sure to include the name or handle we should use for you on air should your submission win.