Posts Tagged ‘Screencheat’
November 16, 2015 4:30 am
Posted by: Jordan


Samurai PunkSamurai Punk is a small Melbourne, Australia based independent game developer focused on making games with love and care for the people that want to play them. Formed in 2013 they are most known from their extremely popular PC title Screencheat.

Screencheat is a split-screen first person shooter where everyone is invisible and you have to “Screencheat” in order to combat your opponents. With a mixture of local and online play and voice work from Desert Bus’ very own Graham Stark and Alex Steacy, Screencheat and Samurai Punk have become fixtures of the Penny Arcade Expo indie scene.

We’re extremely pleased and grateful to once again have Samurai Punk return as a sponsor for Desert Bus this year! Thank you for your support!