Posts Tagged ‘helicopter’
October 15, 2015 5:25 pm
Posted by: Kara

We are pleased to announce that this year we will be streaming from the beautiful, new Alacrity Foundation space in downtown Victoria!


Due to the extreme success of Desert Bus 8 (or so we tell ourselves), the popularity of the Lunar Module sky-rocketed (hehe) and we were unable to secure the space for a second year. We were thrilled when the Alacrity Foundation stepped up and offered us their newly renovated space.

It boasts plenty of space for our on camera shenanigans, kitchen facilities, and can host the prize mines on the same floor as our on-camera space. No longer will “thighs of steel” be a requirement for our prize miners.

Check out the Lunar Module Mk.2!


Lunar Module MK2

It may look like a boardroom now, but we promise it will styled in true Desert Bus fashion in time for November 14th. College dorm chic is our specialty.

In case you are not yet convinced of the awesomeness of this space, please see this photo of the HELICOPTER IN THEIR LOBBY.

“Get to the chopper!” ~Every person who comes to Desert Bus this year

The building is called the Summit and to round out the mountain chalet theme there are gondolas and trees in the lobby. The Summit is tenanted by local tech companies and has a cafe out front for when we need a power up.


Alacrity Foundation Logo

The Alacrity Foundation has two mandates: teaching entrepreneurship, and recruiting investment. They have two programs – Entrepreneurship@Alacrity, which prepares graduates for entrepreneurship in the tech sector, and their Investor Readiness Program, which finds venture capital funding to support Western Canadian start-ups. We think they’re pretty cool.

We are so very grateful for the Alacrity Foundation’s generosity in opening up their new space to us.